They didn't traduction Russe
12,019 traduction parallèle
All the stuff they didn't want us to find out about before.
Всё, что они не хотели нам показывать.
So why didn't they hurt her?
Почему ЕЁ не тронули?
They didn't hurt you?
Они тебя не тронули?
If I didn't know better, I'd say they were from a whip.
Я не могу утверждать точно, но я бы сказал, что они от плетки.
The doctors did everything they could, but she didn't make it.
The doctors did everything they could, but she didn't make it.
They didn't listen to anything I told them!
Они не слушали ничего из того, что я говорил им!
Last I heard, they didn't find the person responsible, right?
Ж : Насколько я знаю, виновного не нашли, да?
They didn't have the right tools.
У них не было нужных инструментов.
Cisco, your goggles, your camera, they didn't work on Earth-2, right?
Циско, твои очки, твоя камера, они не работали на Земле-2, верно?
- No, they didn't.
- Вовсе нет.
I mean, can I really blame another country for something they didn't do?
Слушай, разве я могу обвинять другую страну в том, чего они не совершали?
They did hack us, but they didn't exactly hack my Twitter account.
Нас и правда хакнули, но вот мой твиттер-аккаунт они вроде не взламывали.
I gave up a lot and they didn't need as much watching over as I thought.
Я от многого отказалась, а им совсем не нужен был такой присмотр, как я думала.
You promised us safe passage, they didn't follow through on that.
Ты обещал нам безопасный проезд, они не последовали этому приказу.
- No, they didn't.
- Нет, ни за что.
No, because they didn't know each other's ip addresses.
Нет. Они не знают айпишники друг друга.
They say he didn't suffer.
Они говорят, что он не страдал.
When I put videos into my main folder, it says it uploaded them, but then I didn't see where they went.
Я положил видео в основную папку, было сообщение о загрузке, но я не понял, где ролики.
You admitted you didn't know how to run a country. You agreed people were supporting you just because they liked the new "Star Wars," and you begged me to help you lose!
Ты признал, что не умеешь управлять страной, согласился, что народ поддержал тебя из-за "Звездных войн", и упросил меня помочь тебе проиграть!
Why didn't they ever mention that?
Почему они не сказали об этом?
No, before our daughter went to college, I'd overhear her friends talking, saying that they would accuse a boy of rape if he didn't call them back.
Нет, до отъезда дочери в колледж я слышала разговоры ее подруг, что они обвинили бы парня в изнасиловании, потому что он не перезвонил.
Seems when they lobotomized Clementine, they didn't bother to reset her prime directives.
Кажется, когда они лоботомию Клементина, они не потрудились, чтобы сбросить ее простые директивы.
Ooh, I give up. Because they didn't exist.
Твоя извинительная речь работает на ура, пап.
Well, let's just say they didn't approve, because he was older and they found out he sold drugs.
В общем, они были против, потому что Гейб был старше. А еще они узнали, что он продавал наркотики.
They sure didn't help.
Конечно, это им не поможет.
At least they didn't get the uranium.
По крайней мере, уран им не достался.
They didn't care.
Но им было плевать.
They certainly didn't.
Они точно не поверят.
That's because they really didn't speak Spanish either.
Потому что они сами его не знают.
I feel so bad because I promised all these people that I'd help them, and I-I didn't know they'd bring in, like, the big guns.
Мне так плохо, потому что я обещала всем этим людям, что помогу, но я же не знала, что они подключат артиллерию.
- Charlie, they took a carriage back to town. They didn't wanna spend the night here.
Не хотели здесь ночевать.
A lot of folk didn't come to blows, did they?
Но дрался-то он не со всеми, верно?
They didn't modify a shotgun, they modified a cannon.
Они не изменили ружье, а скорее создали пушку.
But they didn't, so I don't.
Но они не приняли, так что нет.
They'd rather we didn't keep the name.
Они не хотят, чтобы я брала твою фамилию.
I didn't anticipate what they were planning.
Я и не предполагала, что они планировали.
But they didn't.
Но они не сделали этого.
Or ran from one they didn't believe in.
Или убежали от тех, в кого они не верили.
Did you shoot them because you were certain that they'd kill you if they didn't?
Ты выстрелил, потому что был уверен, что они тебя убьют, если ты этого не сделаешь?
The hematoma crushed the nerves on your lower spine, but it didn't sever them, which means they're still prone to further damage.
Гематома передавила нервы в поясничном отделе, но не разорвала их, что значит они всё ещё могут быть травмированы.
They didn't fit over there, so they moved the kitchen over here.
Там она не помещалась, так что они передвинули кухню сюда.
Whoever it was wanted information from him, but he didn't know what they were talking about.
Кто бы это ни был, он хотел информацию от него, но он не знал, о чем они говорили.
But they didn't affect you.
Но на тебя они не подействовали.
Voices say you blew poor old Jonesy away, and then they say you didn't.
Голоса сказали, ты пристрелила бедняжку Джонс, а потом сказали наоборот.
They didn't deserve to die.
Они не заслужили смерти.
They really didn't hold back at all!
Здесь буквально всё покрыто золотом!
So, you just came up here to tell me that they called, but you didn't, like, listen to the words?
Значит, ты пришла сюда только, чтобы сказать мне, что они звонили, но ты не слушала, что они говорили?
Anyway, they told her that her brother killed himself on one of their boats, but she's convinced he didn't.
Короче, ей сообщили, что ее брат покончил с собой на одном из их суден. Но она уверена, что это не так.
You know, you started a big firm, and they didn't take your name off of it, so you must have snowed a lot of people into thinking that you were good at stuff.
Ты создал большую фирму, и они так и не убрали твое имя из своего названия. Так что ты должно быть утвердил много народу в мысли, что ты был очень хорош во всяких делах.
They figured it came from that, but they didn't ask about it, no.
Они подумали, что это из-за него. Но нас они не спрашивали.
So why didn't they call you "The Bible"?
Тогда почему они не назвали тебя "Библия"?
they didn't find anything 25
they didn't say anything 21
they didn't believe me 20
they didn't say 45
they didn't tell me 30
they didn't do it 18
they didn't make it 32
they didn't tell you 30
they didn't know 28
they didn't care 21
they didn't say anything 21
they didn't believe me 20
they didn't say 45
they didn't tell me 30
they didn't do it 18
they didn't make it 32
they didn't tell you 30
they didn't know 28
they didn't care 21
they didn't do anything 22
didn't 148
didn't you get the memo 17
didn't you understand 22
didn't see that coming 50
didn't you know 173
didn't see you 18
didn't happen 30
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didn't you like it 19
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didn't you get the memo 17
didn't you understand 22
didn't see that coming 50
didn't you know 173
didn't see you 18
didn't happen 30
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didn't you like it 19
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didn't you 4544
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didn't he 1321
didn't she 619
didn't see it 17
didn't see you there 38
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didn't i tell you 227
didn't you 4544
didn't you see 28
didn't he 1321
didn't she 619
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didn't see you there 38
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didn't i tell you 227