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Translate.vc / Anglais → Russe / [ W ] / Wadlow

Wadlow traduction Russe

21 traduction parallèle
Do something about those Wadlow boys.
Сделай что-нибудь с этими переростками.
Jimmy took him for a ride with the car's Wadlow boys.
Джимми взял его прокатиться с парнями Вадлоу.
The Wadlow boys?
С парнями Вадлоу?
No, and after that, he had a string of bad investments until he married Cynthia wadlow.
Нет, а после этого у него была пора неудачных вложений, до тех пор, пока не женился на Синтии Уодлоу.
His name's Wadlow...
Его имя Водлоу...
Cliff Wadlow.
Клиф Водлоу.
Wadlow started leaving me inappropriate messages, and he wasn't respecting boundaries during our sessions, so I made him take a break and restricted him to once a week, during daytime hours.
Вадлоу начал присылать мне неуместные сообщения, и стал нарушать дистанцию во время наших сеансов, поэтому я заставила его сделать перерыв и сократила сеансы до одного в неделю в дневные часы.
Jeffrey Wadlow.
Джеффри Вадлоу.
Until the other day, because after receiving an anonymous tip to the police that Wadlow was selling drugs, they pulled him over and found half a kilo of cocaine separated out into eight-balls stashed inside the car.
До сегодняшнего дня, после анонимного звонка в полицию, Вадлоу взяли на торговле наркотой, и обнаружили полкило кокаина, спрятанный в его машине и расфасованный по дозам.
Is there a connection between Henry and Wadlow?
Есть связь между Генри и Вадлоу?
Where's Wadlow now?
Где сейчас Вадлоу?
Come on, Mr. Wadlow.
Хватит, мистер Вадлоу.
Who stands to gain by you going to prison, Mr. Wadlow?
Who stands to gain by you going to prison, Mr. Wadlow?
Wadlow's in the clear for the murder.
Wadlow's in the clear for the murder.
Wadlow's business dealings, and we came across something that might be connected to our case.
Wadlow's business dealings, and we came across something that might be connected to our case.
Wadlow's been buying up real estate for his next new development in Chinatown, and each time he did, he outbid the same rival company.
Wadlow's been buying up real estate for his next new development in Chinatown, and each time he did, he outbid the same rival company.
to plant those drugs on Wadlow to eliminate the competition.
to plant those drugs on Wadlow to eliminate the competition.
Jeffrey Wadlow...
Jeffrey Wadlow...
Wadlow goes to prison, all his recent real-estate deals fall apart.
Wadlow goes to prison, all his recent real-estate deals fall apart.
You enlisted Henry to plant those drugs in Wadlow's car to get rid of your competition.
You enlisted Henry to plant those drugs in Wadlow's car to get rid of your competition.
You had Henry frame Wadlow for her freedom.
You had Henry frame Wadlow for her freedom.

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