Adina traduction Turc
237 traduction parallèle
I am prepared to pay, on behalf of the figure's rightful owner, the sum of $ 5,000 for its recovery.
Bu heykelcigin asiI sahibi adina... heykeli geri almaniz karsiliginda size 5.000 dolar ödemeye hazirim.
But you said you wouldn't allow any brawIs around here... unless they were over you. Remember?
Ama sen, senin adina yapilmadikça burada kavga dövüs istemedigini söylemistin.
I must apologize for my men, neighbour.
Adamim adina özür dilerim komºu.
Shame on every Greek nation.
Yunanlilar adina utanc.
Achilles, Agamemnon does not speak for all our people.
Achilles, Agamemnon tüm halkimiz adina konusamaz.
The marshal's only trying to save the good name of Dodge City.
Serif, Dodge City'nin adina leke sürdürmemeye çalisiyor.
The same historical moment, when bolshevism triumphed for itself in Russia, and... when social democracy fought victoriously for the old world, marks the outright birth... an order of things... at the heart of the domination of the modern spectacle,
Bolsevizm'in Rusya'da kendi adina zafer kazandigi ve sosyal demokrasinin eski dünya için basarili bir sekilde savastigi o tarihi an, modern gösterinin egemenliginin esasini olusturan durumun kesin baslangicidir belirler :
On how many worlds have such complex molecules assembled themselves into patterns we would call alive?
Acaba adina "yasam" diyebilecegimiz sekilde bir bu moleküllerin bir araya geldigi kaç dünya mevcut?
We're on a mission from God.
Biz Tanri adina görevdeyiz.
We're on a mission from God.
Bi tanri adina görevdeyiz.
- We're on a mission from God.
- Tanri adina görevdeyiz.
You see, we're on a mission from God.
Gördügünüz gibi, biz tanri adina görevlendirildik.
We're on a mission from God.
Biz tanri adina görevdeyiz.
- I know. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost I commit your soul to God.
Baba, ogul ve kutsal ruh adina ruhunu Tanri'ya havale ediyorum.
At the same time, all they had won in their understanding of the world could have been won only through the struggle.
Ama, dünyayi kavrayislari adina kazandiklari ne varsa sirf mücadeleden kazanilmis olabilirdi.
As for the students, some massacred each other in the mountains in the name of revolutionary purity, while others had studied capitalism so thoroughly to fight it that they now provide it with its best executives.
Ögrenciler içinse ; bir kismi, devrimci saflik adina daglarda birbirlerini katletti digerleri ise kapitalizmle savasmak için onu öylesine hatmettiler ki, simdi en iyi sirket yöneticileri içlerinden temin ediliyor.
By the power of Grayskull
By the power of Grayskull
my brother... for the honor of Grayskull!
... of Grayskull
... ADINA.
I gotcha by the power of Grayskull
for the honor of Grayskull
I swear by all these Gods and Goddesses that I love you very much.
Ben ve tüm bu tanrilar adina yemin ederim Seni çok seviyorum.
ln the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, amen.
Baba, ogul ve Kutsal Ruh adina, amen.
I wanna give you everything you gave up to marry me.
Benimle evlenmek adina vazgectigin her seyini verecegim sana.
And the lease would be under...?
Kimin adina kiralaniyor...?
In the name of whisky
Viski adina
In the name of song
Sarki adina
In the name of reason
Sagduyu adina
In the name of hope
Umut adina
In the name of religion
Din adina
In the name of dope
Esrar adina
In the name of freedom
Ozgürlük adina
In the name of United
United adina
And the BBC
Ve BBC adina
In the name of Georgie Best
Georgie Best adina
Ve LSD adina
In the name of the Father
Babamiz adina
In the name ofjustice
Adalet adina
In the name of fun
Eglence adina
In the name of the Son
Oglu adina
I sent a Mass card from the family.
Aile adina Bir taziye karti gÖnderdim,
Sir Michael Hagerty will present the case on behalf of the Crown.
Kamu adina iddianameyi Sir Miçhael Hagerty sunaçak,
We've got two Conlon boxes.
Conlon adina iki kutu var,
In the matter of Her Majesty... versus Gerard Patrick Conlon... the case is hereby dismissed.
Majesteleri adina Gerard Patrick Conlon aleyhine... açilan kamu davasi, reddedilmistir,
In the matter of Her Majesty versus Paul Hill... the case is hereby dismissed.
Majesteleri adina Paul Hill aleyhine açilan kamu davasi, reddedilmistir,
In the matter of Her Majesty versus Patrick Armstrong... the case is hereby dismissed.
Majesteleri adina Patriçk Armstrong aleyhine açilan kamu davasi, reddedilmistir,
In the matter of Her Majesty versus Carole Richardson... the case is hereby dismissed.
Majesteleri adina Carole Riçhardson aleyhine açilan kamu davasi, reddedilmistir,
I accept this, sir, on behalf of my friend and coworker Lieutenant Commander Blake.
Dostum ve is arkadasïm Yüzbasï Komutan Blake adïna kabul ediyorum.
Holy Shanghai!
Yüce Sangay adïna!