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Kacey traduction Turc

90 traduction parallèle
This... is Kacey.
Bu küçük kız... Kacey.
Kacey, this is Kara.
Kacey, Kara.
Although her mother died during childbirth, Kacey's heart never failed.
Her ne kadar annesi doğum sırasında öldüyse de, Kacey'nin kalbi dayandı.
Kacey, oh, my gods.
Kacey, Tanrım.
- Kacey
- Kacey.
I'm Kacey's mom
Kacey'in annesiyim.
Well, Kacey's been asking to see you for days
Şey, Kacey günlerdir sizi görmek isteyip durdu.
And Kacey sure as hell does not need me in her life, so do us both a favor, and do not bring her around here again, okay?
Ve Kacey'in hayatında bana kesinlikle ihtiyacı yok bu yüzden ikimize de bir iyilik yapıp onu bir daha buralara getirmeyin olur mu?
Go to your mom, Kacey
Annene git, Kase.
This is Kacey.
Tanıştırayım, Kacey.
- Where's Kacey?
- Kacey nerede?
- Who's Kacey?
- Kacey kim?
- Kara, who's Kacey?
- Kara, Kacey kim?
Kacey, honey, where are you?
Kacey, hayatım, neredesin?
Come here, Kacey.
Buraya gel, Kacey.
- Kacey?
- Kacey?
Here is the Kacey Tucson and I... I am from where the devil lost his boots.
Kacey Tuscon'dan... ben ise her pisliğin özgeçmişinde özel stüdyo vesikalığı olan o sahil şehirinden geliyorum.
Good morning, Kacey.
Günaydın Kacey.
You can call me Kacey.
Bana Kacey diyebilirsin.
This is Kacey...
Bu Kacey...
I've got to take Kacey to that meeting, so I was going to close up, but if you're staying, you can watch the place for me.
Kacey'i toplantiya goturmeliyim, bu yuzden kapatiyordum, ama eger kalacaksaniz, mekana benim icin bakabilirsiniz.
Kacey right away.
Kaceyi hemen ararim.
Hello? Hello, is that Kacey Bond?
Merhaba, Kacey Bond'mu?
Kacey Bond is here to see you.
Kacey Bond sizi gormek icin burda.
SHE GIGGLES Kacey, darling!
Kacey, tatlim!
Sorry we couldn't get here any sooner, like, it's Kacey's nan...
Ugunum buraya daha cabuk gelemedik, yani, Kacey'in buyukannesi...
Well, her name is Kacey Bond, she's from Liverpool.
Pekala, adi Kacey Bond, Liverpool'dan.
Kacey is the jewel in my crown, which is why I said she, er, she won't come cheap.
Kacey tacimi susleyen bir mucvher, iste bu yuzden, eee, ucuza gelmeyecek.
As Kacey's manager, I need to keep her interests close to my heart.
Kacey'nin menajeri olarak, isteklerini goz onunde bulundurmam gerekiyor.
We'll get Kacey over for fittings next week and then, Milan, here we come!
Haftaya Kacey'yi ayarlamalar icin getiririz ve sonra, Milan, biz geliyoruz!
Helping our Kacey and that.
Bizim Kacey'e yardim etmek falan.
Er, it's Kacey Bond.
Eee, Kacey Bond.
Her name is Kacey Bond, she's from Liverpool...'
Adi Kacey Bond, Liverpool'dan...'
See you later. Bye, Kacey.
Hoscakal, Kacey.
Eddie's happy, Kacey's dreams are intact, and we've made a profit in the process.
Eddie mutlu, Kacey'nin hayalleri yikilmadi, ve biz bu surecten kar yaptik.
- I'm Kacey.
- Adım Kacey.
I feel like I've known Kacey my entire life.
Kacey'i tüm hayatım boyunca tanımışım gibi hissediyorum.
Hey, Kacey, how are you?
Selam Kacey, nasılsın?
Um, what's your favorite beer, Kacey?
En sevdiğin bira hangisi, Kacey? Ben biradan nefret ederim.
Thank you, Kacey.
Sağol Kacey.
Kacey was born in the small town right next to Cal's.
Kacey, Cal'unkinin yakınında küçük bir kasabada doğdu.
Just like Cal, Kacey was an only child whose parents adored her.
Cal'unkiler gibi, Kacey'nin ailesi de ona tapardı.
As did Jenny... and Casey... Tracy... Gina...
Aynen Jenny, Kacey, Traci, Gina, Terra, Ginger, Heidi, Jill, Ivory, Ebony ve Tiffany gibi!
- Kacey.
- Kacey.
- Kacey?
Sunu soyleyebilirim ki, yilda Kacey gibi 100 kizi dolandiriyor. Aynen.
Now, I'd say she scams about 100 girls like Kacey every year. At a grand each? !
Hepsi icin 1000 papel?

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