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Kirkham traduction Turc

14 traduction parallèle
This is mr. kirkham, one of my parishioners. This is mr. husband Of the british sherry corporation.
Bu Bay Kirkham, cemaatimden biri bu da Bay Husband İngiliz, İspanyol şarabı Şirketi'nden.
Now, how about you, mr. kirkham?
Siz Bay Kirkham?
Now, then, mr. kirkham, I am so sorry, do go on.
Pekala Bay Kirkham, Özür dilerim, anlatın.
- Dennis Kirkham?
- Dennis Kirkham.
That would be the owner of the factory, a James Kirkham.
Fabrikanın sahibi olan James Kirkham inşa etmiş.
Information on James Kirkham, the factory owner who built the shed over the burial site.
Cesetlerin gömüldüğü yerin üzerine baraka yapan fabrika sahibi o.
You think the bodies may have been factory workers? Apparently Kirkham was very hard on his employees.
- Kirkham işçilerine sert davranırmış.
Kirkham was arrested twice for harassment and three times for assault.
Kirkham iki kez tacizden üç kez saldırı suçundan tutuklanmış.
Yes, but I didn't feed it to anybody.
- Olabilir ama ben kimseye siyanür yedirmedim. - Cinayete kurban gitmişler Bay Kirkham.
These people were murdered, Mr Kirkham, and then buried beneath a shed you built.
Ardından da sizin barakanızın altına gömülmüşler.
This map, dated 1888, clearly shows the Kirkham factory.
1888 tarihli bu haritada Kirkham fabrikası var.
What's this?
- James Kirkham'le ilgili bilgi geldi.
My lawyer has forbidden me to discuss any details regarding my debt obligations. Are you deliberately evading my inquiries, Mr Kirkham?
- Sorularıma cevap vermekten kaçınıyor musunuz Bay Kirkham?
Which would exonerate Mr Kirkham.
- Bay Kirkham temize çıkar.

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