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Koons traduction Turc

32 traduction parallèle
Well, this here is Captain Koons.
Bu Bay, Yüzbaşi Koons.
- I'm looking for Dolores Koons.
- Dolores Koons'u arıyorum.
- Miss Koons?
- Bayan Koons?
Hey. OK, I need a sentence on Jeff Koons.
- Hey, Jeff Koons'la ilgili bir cümle istiyorum.
Jeff Koons?
Jeff Koons?
You'd like me less if I said I didn't understand Jeff Koons?
Jeff Koons'u anlamasam benden daha mı az hoşlanırdın?
That was my Coomb's kitty!
O benim Koons Kitty'mdi.
- Felicia Koons.
Felicia Koons.
- Koons, right?
Koons, değil mi?
- Which would make you Dean Koons?
Ve bu seni... Dekan Koons mu yapıyor?
Dean Koons?
Dekan Koons?
- dean koons wants to see you.
Dekan Koons seni görmek istiyor.
Dean Koons keeps the good stuff locked in his office.
Dekan Koons iyi malları ofisinde kilitli tutar.
That's not cool, Dean Koons.
Bu hiç hoş değil, Dekan Koons.
But don't worry, Dean Koons, really.
Merak etmeyin, Dekan Koons, gerçekten.
Charlie Runkle, Felicia Koons.
Charlie Runkle, Felicia Koons.
- Hank Moody. - Stacy Koons.
- Hank Moody.
- Slow down there, Dean Koons.
- Sakin ol, Dekan Koons.
but at the same time I'm thinking of Jeff Koons.
Ve aynı zamanda Jeff Koons'u düşünüyorum.
It's like Koons meets Basquiat meets.... Serra meets Corky from Life Goes On.
Sanki Kuntz'la Basquiat bir araya gelmiş ve Serra ve bir de Hayat Devam Ediyor'daki Corky.
Crazy Craig Koons.
Deli Craig Koons.
Crazy Craig Koons.
Crazy Craig Koons.
It's Balloon Cat, Mr Branson, yes, and Jeff Koons is hotter than ever right now.
Elbette, Balloon Cat Bay Branson, evet, ve Jeff Koons şu an her zamankinden daha sıcak.
The Koons that was stolen from Madrid last month?
Geçen ay Madrid'den çalınan Koons.
- The Koons, from L'Escuela.
- Koons, L'Escuela'dan.
Uh, look at Warhol. Look at Koons.
Warhol'a, Koons'a bakın mesela.
That's supposed to bring us closer together, Frances. ( stammering ) I wish I could explain it. I- - it- - it was like time stood still and I was outside my body and I am watching myself,
Sizinle tanışma şansı bulacağım hiç aklıma gelmezdi ama... acaba orada, Koons'un muhtemel ticari anlayışı ile ilgili... küçük bir eleştiri mi sezmiş olabilir miyim?
Jeff Koons.
Jeff Koons.
♪ Anything by Jeff Koons ♪
Jeff Koons'un yaptığı her şey
So ping pong : Adam Born versus Jeff Koons, 1 : 1.
Adam Born, Jeff Koons'a karşı, 1,1... sadece kan olarak değil, kök hücre konusunda da
Maybe you were in shock.
Koons'un hain bir parodisini yaptığımı düşünmüştüm,

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