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What's this supposed to mean traduction Turc

24 traduction parallèle
What's this supposed to mean?
Ne demek oluyor bu? Hazır ol!
"This is this." What the hell's that supposed to mean? "This is this."
"İşte bu." Bu da ne demek? "İşte bu."
What's this supposed to mean?
Bu da ne demek?
What's this supposed to mean?
Bu ne demek oluyor?
- What if I could, if I wanted to? - What's this supposed to mean to me?
- Bu Beni niye ilgilendirsinki?
What's that supposed to mean? It means you should'a stayed out of this!
- Sen bunun dışında kalmalıydın demek oluyor!
What? What's this supposed to mean?
Bu ne demek oluyor?
I said every plaintiff has a duty, I mean, just like, you know, this... to do what he's supposed to do.
Yapması gereken şeyi yapmasını söyledim.
- What's this supposed to mean?
- Bu da ne demek oluyor?
What's that supposed to mean? Are you saying I'm gonna deliver this baby?
Bu bebeği doğurmam gerekeceğini mi söylüyorsun?
- What's this supposed to mean?
- Bu da ne demek şimdi?
- What's this supposed to mean?
- Burayı ne sanıyorlar?
I mean, this is what a vacation's supposed to be.
Tatil dediğin böyle olmalı.
What's this supposed to mean?
Bunun anlamı ne?
And what's that supposed to mean? What I mean, tommy, is do you really think this business with holly can go on if mom finds out about rebecca?
- Annem Rebecca'yı öğrenirse sen hala Holly ile çalışabileceğini sanıyor musun Tommy?
What's this supposed to mean?
Bu ne anlama geliyor?
- What's this supposed to mean?
- Bilinmezliği simgeliyor.
What's this snotty remark supposed to mean?
Ne bu küçümser tavırlar falan?
- What's this supposed to mean?
- Ne demek oluyor bu?
I mean, what the hell is this escape hatch supposed to look like?
Bu kaçış tüneli neye benziyor?
I mean, how's this supposed to end? What's the plan?
Yani bu iş nasıl son bulacak?
That's what this mark is supposed to mean.
Bu işaret o anlama geliyor.
I can't do this. What's that supposed to mean?
- Bu da ne demek şimdi?

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