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Translate.vc / Anglais → Turc / [ W ] / What were we supposed to do

What were we supposed to do traduction Turc

83 traduction parallèle
Yeah. What were we supposed to do?
Ne yapmalıydık?
What were we supposed to do?
Ne yapsaydık?
So what were we supposed to do, Tom?
Başka ne yapabilirdik, Tom?
The jerks kept taunting us, what were we supposed to do?
Geri zekâlılar bizimle dalga geçerken, ne yapmamız gerekiyordu?
What were we supposed to do, throw you a party?
Ne yapmamız gerekiyordu, parti mi yapsaydık?
So what were we supposed to do tonight?
- Peki ne yapmamız gerekiyordu?
What were we supposed to do?
Ne yapmamızı bekliyordun?
I didn't want to leave them either, but what were we supposed to do?
Ben de onlari birakmak istemezdim Fry, ama elimizden baska ne gelirdi ki?
What were we supposed to do?
Ne yapmamız gerekiyordu?
So, what were we supposed to do?
Öyleyse ne yapmalıydık?
- What were we supposed to do?
- Ne yapacaktık?
What were we supposed to do?
Ne yapacaktık?
What were we supposed to do?
O zaman ne yapacaktık?
What were we supposed to do, sit around and drink coffee and pretend we're in love?
Ne yapmamız gerekiyordu? Oturup kahve içecek ve birbirimize aşık gibi mi yapacaktık?
What were we supposed to do?
Ne yapabilirdik ki?
What were we supposed to do?
Peki ne yapmalıydık?
what were we supposed to do, hmm, carry him down the mountain?
Onu dağda bırakırken, ne düşünüyorduk ki?
What were we supposed to do? Let him kill us?
Bizi öldürmesine izin mi verseydik?
- What were we supposed to do?
- Ne yapabilirdik?
What were we supposed to do?
Ne yapmalıydık?
- What were we supposed to do?
- Ne yapmamız gerekiyordu?
What were we supposed to do?
Ne yapacaktık başka?
What were we supposed to do?
Başka ne yapacaktık?
What were we supposed to do, leave'em here so... Gates could find'em?
Burada bıraksaydık da Gates mi bulsaydı?
What were we supposed to do?
Ne yapmamız gerekiyordu
We were supposed to be on our honeymoon. What I don't do for my country.
Ülkem için düştüğüm hallere bak.
Were supposed to do that when we find what weve been tracking.
İzini sürdüğümüz şeyi bulduğumuz zaman böyle yapmamız gerekiyor.
We did what we were supposed to do!
Bizler yapmamız gerekeni yaptık!
So once we went to bed, we didn't know what we were supposed to do.
O nedenle yatağa girince, ne yapacağımızı bilemedik.
What were we supposed to do?
Hadi, Howard.
Of course, we were both doing what we were supposed to do...
Tabii ikimiz de yapmamız gerekenleri yapıyorduk.
We didn't know what were supposed to do or what would happen next.
Hiçbirimiz ne yapmamız gerektiğini ya da sonra ne olacağını bilmiyorduk.
Is that what we were supposed to do?
Karar mı vermemiz gerekiyordu?
Jay, what the fuck were we supposed to do?
Jay, ne b.k yememizi bekliyordun peki?
- What do you want me to do? We were supposed to go out with Erika and David tonight.
Bu akşam Erica ve David'le çıkacaktık.
"we're at The Voyager Motel, let's go back and shoot what we were supposed to do here in the pool."
"Voyager Motel'deyiz, hadi geri dönelim ve burada, havuzda ne yapmayı düşündüysek gidip yapalım."
We should've done what we were supposed to do.
Ne yapmamız gerekiyorsa, onu yapmalıydık.
And to us, putting it into a car was not the most gigantic thing what we were supposed to do.
Ve bize göre pili bir arabaya kullanmak yapılabilecek en müthiş şey değildi.
If everything was mechanistic and God was the Holy Creator... - [Jabbering] - then what were we humans supposed to do?
Eğer her şey mekanik olsaydı ve Tanrı ulu yaratıcı olsaydı... o zaman biz insanların ne yapması gerekiyordu?
What else were we supposed to do?
Başka ne yapabilirdik?
What were we supposed to do!
Ne yapacaktık başka?
You forgot what we were supposed to do, didn't you?
Ne yapmamız gerektiğini unuttun, değil mi?
What the hell were we supposed to do?
- Bitkilerle ne yapacaktık?
Hmm. Did miss colletto happen to mention What we were supposed to do with the spectacular spider remains?
Bayan Colletto muhteşem örümceğin cesediyle ne yapmamız gerektiğinden bahsetti mi?
You'll forgive my skepticism, but the last thing Richard said before he went stomping off into the jungle, was that we were all in hell, and he had no idea what we were supposed to do next.
Şüpheciliğimi bağışla ama ormana dalmadan önce... Richard'ın söylediği son şey hepimizin cehennemde olduğu ve şimdi ne yapmamız gerektiği konusunda bir fikrinin olmadığıydı.
Where would we be if we only did what we were supposed to do?
Yapmakla yükümlü olduklarımızı yapsaydık, nerede olurduk acaba?
No, you were supposed to be a parent and do what we agreed to do, which was nothing.
Hayır, bir ebeveyn gibi davranıp anlaştığımız şeyi yapmalıydın. Yani hiçbir şey.
Look, I just don't want that light to come on in 30 minutes because we didn't do what we were supposed to do.
Sadece yapmamız gerekeni yapmadığımız için 30 dakika sonra kırmızı ışığın yanmasını istemiyorum.
Probably within about 15 seconds, he'd be strapped down that quick,'cause we all knew exactly where our straps were and what we were supposed to do.
15 saniye gibi kısa bir sürede kemerleri bağlanmış olur. Çünkü hepimiz kemerlerin yerini ve ne yapmamız gerektiğini biliriz.
At Richard's house... We were, um- - we were supposed to be talking about what to do about us, and it turned into something else.
Richard'ın evinde ilişkimiz konusunda ne yapacağımızı konuşacaktık.
And when we got sober, we swore we'd finally do what we were supposed to do.
Alkolden kurtulduğumuzda yapmamız gereken şeyi yapacağımıza yemin ettik.

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