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When i was in high school traduction Turc

297 traduction parallèle
You know, when I was in high school, there was this boy.
Biliyor musun, ben lisedeyken bir çocuk vardı.
When I was in high school.
Ben lisede iken.
I mean, it started back when I was in high school.
Yani, lisede başladı.
I used to work there when I was in high school.
Lisedeyken orada çalışırdım.
Oh, I wish I'd known you when I was in high school.
Seni lisedeyken tanımış olmayı çok isterdim.
Once when I was in high school I got drunk one night, and I...
Bir keresinde ben lisedeyken bir gece çok sarhoş oldum ve...
You know, when I was in high school... I ran for president of the student council.
Biliyor musun, lisedeyken öğrenci konseyinin başkanlığına aday olmuştum.
I'll have you know that when I was in high school, I was voted the girl most likely to marry into old money.
Söylemek isterim ki, lisedeyken beni "Zengin bir bunakla evlenme ihtimali en yüksek olan kız" seçtiler.
When i was in high school, i went to a movie theater with a girl.
Ben lisedeyken tiyatroya bir kızla gitmiştim.
Yeah, well, when I was in high school, I was thinking mostly of the aerospace field.
Evet, ben lisedeyken, uzay alanını düşünüyordum.
When I was in high school, there was a piano teacher, Ms. Lehmann, who used to invite us to go to her house listening to records.
Biliyor musun, lisedeyken bir piyano öğretmenimiz vardı. Ve albümlerini dinletmek için bizleri evine götürürdü.
I used to live in Radio Shack when I was in high school.
Ben lisede iken Radio Shack'da çalışırdım.
When I was in high school, I made nothing but A's.
Ben lisedeyken, yalnızca bir kez A alabildim.
I used to listen to your show when I was in high school.
Lisedeyken sürekli senin programını dinlerdim.
When I was in high school, I so wanted to live in Tokyo.
Lisedeyken, Tokyo'da yaşamayı çok istiyordum.
I used to play in here years ago... back when I was in high school.
Seneler önce lisedeyken burada çalardım.
And never came back. I know it's probably hard to believe given my current lifestyle, but... I hardly dated when I was in high school.
Şimdiki hayatıma bakınca inanması zor gelebilir... lisedeyken kızlarla çok az çıkardım.
When I was in high school, I had a few dates with girls.
Lisedeyken birkaç kızla çıkmıştım.
You know, the championship that I missed when I was in high school -
Biliyorsunuz, ben lisedeyken şampiyonluğu kaçırmıştım -
My math teacher, when I was in high school.
Benim lisedeki matematik öğretmenim.
My dad is... but Mom died when I was in high school.
Babamla evet... Ama annem ben lisedeyken öldü.
When I was in high school, I was curious.
Ben lisedeyken her şeyi merak ederdim.
You know, when I was in high school, I wanted to be someplace else, you know.
Lisedeyken, hep başka bir yerde olmak isterdim.
When I was in high school, my teachers were all priests and nuns.
Lisedeyken bütün öğretmenlerim rahip ve rahibeydi.
She stole my boyfriend when I was in high school.
Lisedeyken erkek arkadaşımı çaldı.
When I was in high school, I snuck out of the house a couple of times late at night.
Ben lisedeyken, gece geç vakitte evden gizlice kaçardım.
When I was in high school I had an Afro this big.
Lisedeyken saç larım afroydu, tam bu kadar.
When I was in high school I read The Eighty Yard Run, and I wept, I just cried in class.
Lisede "The Eighty Yard Run" ı okuduğumda sınıfta ağlamaya başladım.
I suffered a major head injury when I was in high school.
Lisedeyken, başımdan kötü yaralanmıştım.
When I was in high school, all the tough guys used to come down in here and smoke their cigarettes.
Sigaralarını mı? Bu hiç de sert görünmüyor.
When I was in high school, we used to come up here and make out.
Lisedeyken bazen buraya oynaşmaya ve güneşin batışını izlemeye gelirdik.
Ben lisedeyken başıma benzer bir şey gelmişti.
When I was in high school... there was a girl named Loralee Sherman... that claimed she was raped by... 4 drunken seniors.
Lisede okuduğumuz yıllarda Loralee Sherman adında bir kız vardı... İddiasına göre 4 sarhoş son sınıf öğrencisi ona tecavüz etmişti.
- I had one when I was in high school.
- Lisedeyken bir tane vardı.
When i was in high school, I got-i got beat up more than neal, you know.
Lisedeyken Neal'dan daha çok sopa yerdim.
You know, when i was in high school, I was working in a department store, And learning all about retail,
Ben lisedeyken büyük bir mağazada çalışıp satıcılık hakkında her şeyi öğreniyor ve yine de "A" ları almaya devam ediyordum.
When we met, I was the water boy for my high school basketball team, and I got stuffed in a locker after practice.
Tanıştığımızda lise basketbol takımında sucu çocuktum. Antrenmandan sonra dolaba kilitlemişlerdi.
When I was in high school,
Lisedeyken bir erkek arkadaşım vardı.
That was taken when I was in our high-school play.
O lise tiyatromuzda çekilmişti.
And this is a picture of me when I was in The Mikado in high school.
Bu Mikado lisesindeyken çekilen bir fotoğrafım.
When I was a kid, in high school, I used to dread gym class.
Çocukken orta okuldaydım. O zaman jimnastik dersinden çok korkardım. Kesin olarak korkardım.
There was a picture of her I know that she must've had taken when she was in high school on account of the hairdo.
Sanırım, saç modeli olarak daha lisede okurken çektirmiş olmalı.
I wish you could have seen your father when he was in high school before all this happened.
Keşke babanızın lisedeki halini görebilseydiniz, Bütün bunlar olmadan önce.
I'll bet Watts was the guy who took names in high school... when the teacher was absent.
Eminim ki Watts lisedeyken öğretmeni gelmediğine... yoklamayı yapandı.
May-Alice's father was already in high school when I was born.
Ben doğduğumda May-Alice'in babası lisedeydi.
When I first heard of entropy in high school science, I was attracted to it immediately.
Lisede ilk defa entropi kelimesini duyunca, hemen dikkatimi çekti.
Last year, when I was here,... Last year, when I was here,..... Hanna was a senior in high school in Boston. .. Hanna was a senior in high school in Boston.
Geçen sene, ben buradayken Hannah, Boston'da lise sonu okuyordu.
When I got a scholarship to go to college, I was the first in my family to go beyond high school.
Üniversite için burs kazandığımda, ailede liseden sonra eğitime devam edebilen tek kişi olmuştum.
When I was a junior in high school, I went on my very first date.
Bir karnavala gitmiştik. Tıpkı dün gibi hatırlıyorum.
I was number four in high school when I played ball.
Lisede top oynarken dört numaraydım.
When I was a sophomore in high school... like most high school kids... you get all the energy and all the motivation and excitement... of making your varsity team, which is a big thing.
Lisede ikinci senemdeyken... çoğu lise öğrencisi gibi... okul takımına girebilmek için - ki bu büyük bir şeydir -... gereken enerji, motivasyon ve heyecanı taşıyordum.

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