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When i was in school traduction Turc

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Just like I used to when I was in school with the holidays coming.
Tıpkı okuldayken tatilin gelişini beklediğim gibi.
When I was in school, we didn't have no picnics.
Ben öğrenciyken pikniğe gitmezdik.
You know, I was considered artistic when I was in school.
Bilirsin, okuldayken dikkate değer sanatsal işler yapardım.
When I was in school, I dreamed about going into one of those French caves.
Okuldayken, hep şu Fransız mağaralarından birine gitmek istemişimdir.
It was way back when I was in school.
O zamanlar okula gidiyordum.
Three happened when I was in school. - I don't want to hear anything
Üçü okuldayken oldu.
Good thing they didn't have it when I was in school.
İyi ki bizim zamanımızda böyle değildi.
When we met, I was the water boy for my high school basketball team, and I got stuffed in a locker after practice.
Tanıştığımızda lise basketbol takımında sucu çocuktum. Antrenmandan sonra dolaba kilitlemişlerdi.
When I was in high school,
Lisedeyken bir erkek arkadaşım vardı.
That was taken when I was in our high-school play.
O lise tiyatromuzda çekilmişti.
When I was still at school in Naples, it began.
Her şey ben Napoli'de okurken başladı.
When I was just a child in school
# Henüz okulda bir çocukken
I was in reform school when I was a kid, but that's all.
Küçükken ıslahhaneye girdim, ama hepsi bu kadar.
It was when I was a third grade student in the middle school.
Ortaokul üçüncü sınıftaydım.
They taught us that corny hula stuff in school when I was three.
Üç yaşımdayken okulda bize bu hula dansını öğrettiler.
You know, when I was in high school, there was this boy.
Biliyor musun, ben lisedeyken bir çocuk vardı.
When I was in high school.
Ben lisede iken.
When he was going to school, he was classified as a genius, and so I followed him in school.
Okula devam ederken dahi olarak sınıflandırıldı ben de okulda onu takip ettim.
The first time was when I was at boarding school, in the chemistry lab.
Yatılı okulda olduğum sırada ilk kez kimya laboratuvarına girdiğim gündü.
When I was in primary school we'd go see them on school field trips.
Ben anaokulundayken okul öğretim gezisinde onları görmüştüm.
When I was in middle school my mom died of cancer.
Ortaokuldayken annem kanserden öldü.
And this is a picture of me when I was in The Mikado in high school.
Bu Mikado lisesindeyken çekilen bir fotoğrafım.
I was taught in school where slavery went out when Lincoln was shot.
Bana okulda Lincoln öldürüldüğünde köleliğin de kalktığı öğretildi.
I was taught in school where slavery went out when Lincoln was shot!
Bana okulda şunu öğrettiler : Lincoln öldürüldüğünde kölelik de kalktı.
When I was a kid in Sunday school, this nun... she used to say, "Stick your hand out."
Ben çocukken kilise okulunda bir rahibe vardı. Bana "Elini uzat." derdi.
When I was a kid, in high school, I used to dread gym class.
Çocukken orta okuldaydım. O zaman jimnastik dersinden çok korkardım. Kesin olarak korkardım.
I mean, it started back when I was in high school.
Yani, lisede başladı.
E in the little time where I was educated in accordance with that ideal of a germanic empire, it did not have reason to think about Holland when it was in the school.
Kısa bir süre içinde, SS'in kafa yapısında büyük Alman imparatorluğu idealiyle yetiştirildim. Hollanda artık beni ırgalayan bir konu değildi.
There was a picture of her I know that she must've had taken when she was in high school on account of the hairdo.
Sanırım, saç modeli olarak daha lisede okurken çektirmiş olmalı.
I used to work there when I was in high school.
Lisedeyken orada çalışırdım.
I understand every child was in the city in school when the end came.
Sonu geldiğinde bütün çocukların şehirdeki okulda olduğunu biliyorum.
Oh, I wish I'd known you when I was in high school.
Seni lisedeyken tanımış olmayı çok isterdim.
Once when I was in high school I got drunk one night, and I...
Bir keresinde ben lisedeyken bir gece çok sarhoş oldum ve...
I was in the sixth form when I left school.
Okuldan ayrıldığımda altıncı sınıftaydım.
It was when I was still in school.
Demek bir kız arkadaşın var.
And when I was talking to, uh, Gustav Björnstrand... he was saying that actually these centers are growing up everywhere now... and that what they're trying to do, which is what Findhorn was trying to do... and, in a way, what I was trying to do... I mean, these things can't be given names... but in a way, these are all attempts at creating a new kind of school... or a new kind of monastery.
Gustav Björnstrand'la konuştuğum zaman bu merkezlerin dünyanın her yerinde yapılmaya başladığını kendilerinin de, aslında Findhorn'un da yapmaya çabaladığı, bir nevi benim de yapmaya çalıştığımın bu olduğu yani bunlara isim verilemiyor ama bir bakıma, tüm bunlar yeni bir tür okul yahut yeni bir tür manastır yaratma uğraşları.
You know, when I was in high school... I ran for president of the student council.
Biliyor musun, lisedeyken öğrenci konseyinin başkanlığına aday olmuştum.
I'll have you know that when I was in high school, I was voted the girl most likely to marry into old money.
Söylemek isterim ki, lisedeyken beni "Zengin bir bunakla evlenme ihtimali en yüksek olan kız" seçtiler.
Some of you may feel that the cormorant does not play an important part in the life of the school, but I would remind you that it was presented to us by the corporation of the town of Sudbury to commemorate Empire Day, when we try to remember the names of all those from the Sudbury area who so gallantly gave their lives to keep China British.
Bir kısmınız karabatağın okulumuzda... önemli bir rol oynamadığını düşünebilir, ama şunu hatırlatayım ki... bu karabatak bize, Sudbury Belediye Meclisi tarafından... İmparatorluk Günü anısına hediye edilmiştir. Unutmayın ki o gün, Sudbury yöresinden olup...
When i was in high school, i went to a movie theater with a girl.
Ben lisedeyken tiyatroya bir kızla gitmiştim.
Yeah, well, when I was in high school, I was thinking mostly of the aerospace field.
Evet, ben lisedeyken, uzay alanını düşünüyordum.
When I was in high school, there was a piano teacher, Ms. Lehmann, who used to invite us to go to her house listening to records.
Biliyor musun, lisedeyken bir piyano öğretmenimiz vardı. Ve albümlerini dinletmek için bizleri evine götürürdü.
You know, Mr. Bancroft, when I was just a kid, one of the sisters in the orphan... In the school that I attended, she taught me this poem.
Biliyor musunuz Bay Bancroft ben küçük bir çocukken yetimha... yani okulda benimle ilgilenen rahibelerden biri bana bu şiiri öğretti.
I started fencing when I was in prep school.
Ta hazırlık okulundan beri yaparım.
I used to live in Radio Shack when I was in high school.
Ben lisede iken Radio Shack'da çalışırdım.
When I was in high school, I made nothing but A's.
Ben lisedeyken, yalnızca bir kez A alabildim.
When summer came with the ecitement of graduation day, I knew... that I was staying here in school, while my friends were going home for the summer vacation.
Yaz, mezuniyet gününün heyecanıyla gelirken, biliyordum arkadaşlarım yaz tatili için evlerine giderken ben burada, okulda kalacaktım.
I used to listen to your show when I was in high school.
Lisedeyken sürekli senin programını dinlerdim.
# When I was just a child in school
# Çocukken okulda #
My name is Sam Malone. See, I'm calling to find out what Rebecca's favorite song was when she was in school.
Sizi Rebecca'nın okul yıllarında en sevdiği şarkıyı öğrenmek için aradım.
I wish you could have seen your father when he was in high school before all this happened.
Keşke babanızın lisedeki halini görebilseydiniz, Bütün bunlar olmadan önce.

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