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Constantly traduction Anglais

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Como si todas las carreteras son una curva constante.
Like every road is constantly curvy.
Cuando juegas tienes que pensar siempre qué movimiento le molestará más.
You have to constantly think what move would annoy your opponent the most when you're playing.
Estás constantemente en peligro.
You are constantly in danger.
Pueden jugar de manera constante y simplemente mear en una botella.
They can play constantly and just pee in a bottle.
- Mamá es como una tumba, una que está constantemente abierta y constantemente hablando.
Mom's like a vault that's constantly open and constantly talking.
Dejó aquí este grandioso templo, para que él pudiera comunicarse constantemente entre el otro mundo cósmico y sus dominios terrenales.
He leaves this great temple here, so that he could constantly communicate with his cosmic afterworld and his earthly domain.
Es difícil aprobar su clase cuando sales con los chicos equivocados y estás constantemente peleada con tus amigos y rompiéndote el corazón.
It's hard to pass his class when you're dating all the wrong guys and constantly fighting with your friends and getting your heart ripped out.
Estás bajo mi vigilancia continua.
You're constantly under my surveillance.
Y después de todo el todavía se las arregla para tener siempre razón, siempre tiene la razón, siempre.
And yet after all this he is still manages to be constantly right! He's just always right, always —
La cosa es que el tesoro nunca tiene dinero, y aparece una nueva tradición para comprometer a la corona.
The fact is that the Treasury is constantly short of money, and so a new tradition has arisen : to pawn the Imperial State Crown as security.
Bueno, en Doctor Who están casi siempre invadiendo la Tierra, y él siempre está ahí para salvarnos.
Well, the Earth is invaded almost constantly on Doctor Who, and he's always there to save us.
Constantemente entrabas y salías de la estación de policía.
Constantly going in and out of the police station.
Desde Surco y Adam es Constantemente gastando una broma con Sobre mi deporte favorito Como ser fácil,
Since Rut and Adam are constantly ragging on my favorite sport as being easy,
Lo que constantemente investigaba la reportera Choi Gyeong Hee... no era a Ji Dong Cheol sino al Director Kim.
Things constantly investigated by Choi Kyung Hee not Ji Dong Cheol, but director Kim.
Para conseguirlo, constantemente urgió al Presidente Park.
= = In order to get it, he constantly urged Chairman Park.
Tiene diabetes, así que se inyecta insulina en el estómago constantemente.
It's very simple to find him. He has diabetes so he has to constantly inject insulin into his stomach.
No eres más que consciente, constantemente, que es manifestación de raza.
You're just aware, constantly, that this is rally-bred.
Se hará justicia y te amamos y rezamos por ti y pensamos en ti constantemente.
Justice is gonna be sewed, and we love you, and we are just thinking of you and just praying for you constantly, okay?
Puedo de y t ver la vida a veces causa de la niebla de la muerte constantemente se cierne sobre.
I can't see life sometimes because of the fog of death constantly hanging over.
Y hasta logramos el auto-mantenimiento, y nos reproducimos constantemente.
And until we self-maintenance, and we reproduce constantly.
No, tú eras el escandaloso, siempre criticándome, desgastándome, diciendo que harías que recibiera una paliza si decía la verdad.
No, you were outrageous, constantly criticizing me, wearing me down, saying that you would have me knocked off if I told the truth.
Al menos no era proceso constante de acumulación y prometió cosas...
At least she wasn't constantly built up and promised things...
Tuvimos éxito total en nuestros saltos porque creo que constantemente nos guiaba la idea de que estábamos glorificando el bello espíritu humano aventurero y de que estábamos en nuestro derecho de libertad y dominio sobre la Tierra.
We were entirely successful in all our cliff jumps because I feel that we were constantly led by the idea that we were glorifying mankind's beautiful spirit of seeking adventure and that we were within our rights of freedom and dominium over all the Earth.
John me dibujaba constantemente, debió gastar una fortuna en lápiz y papel.
John drew me constantly, had to spend a fortune on pencil and paper.
Casi constantemente, una sucesión interminable de pequeños malestares.
Almost constantly, one intermiable succession of minor ailments.
En vez de pedir constantemente compañía y atención.
Instead of constantly ask companionship and attention.
Así que lucho constantemente.
So I fight, constantly.
Lo reviso constantemente porque estoy en un estado de incredulidad.
I'm checking it constantly because I'm in a state of disbelief.
¿ El que te llama contantemente? ¿ Es un rabino?
The man who calls you constantly...
Las bacterias con sumamente sociales. Viven en ejércitos. Viven en ejércitos de siete billones y se comunican constantemente entre ellas, intercambian información contantemente.
Bacteria are incredibly social - they live in armies - they live in armies of seven trillion and they are constantly communicating with each other, they are constantly exchanging data ;
Cada estado está constantemente peleando por el hecho de que no tienen suficiente dinero para la educación pública, pero al mismo tiempo, usan fondos estaduales, o en muchos casos, fondos federales, para el sistema carcelario.
Each state is constantly arguing about the fact that they don't have enough money for for their public education, but then at the same time, they'll take state funds-or in a lot of cases, federal money - and put it into the prison system.
Sin embargo, la nueva investigación constantemente expande la gama de posibles opciones de tratamiento.
However, new research is constantly expanding the range of possible treatment options.
Finalmente me encuentro con alguien que realmente me importa, y creo que yo debería forzar una ruptura, sentarse alrededor de relleno mi cara y se quejan constantemente.
I finally meet someone that I really care about, and you think that I should force a breakup, sit around stuffing my face and complain constantly.
Si la tienes, me la debes, porque no se me ocurre nada... con tu voz crítica constantemente en mi cabeza.
If you do, you owe it to me, because I don't think you have any ideas with your critical voice constantly inside my head.
No, tengo más suerte que la mayoría de las otras chicas que envían al extranjero o quedan atrapadas en un calabozo, donde las violan constantemente.
I am luckier than most girls that get sent overseas or stuck in a dungeon where they are raped constantly.
Él es el tipo de hombre que acaba constantemente dice que todas las cosas malas, un elefante en una cacharrería, totalmente vergonzoso a su lado.
He's the kinda guy that just constantly says all the wrong things, a bull in a China shop, totally embarrassing to be around.
Constantemente nos hacemos sentir mal... esperando que eso nos haga sentir mejor.
No, we're constantly trying to make each other feel bad, hoping that it will make us feel better.
- Y estoy constantemente pesando en algo en particular
- And I'm constantly thinking on one particular.
Porque a lo mejor si estamos cambiando posiciones constantemente, ella va a perder la noción de quién es donde.
Because maybe if we're switching positions constantly, she'll lose track of who's where.
¿ Cuál es el nombre de este campo de fútbol, ​ ​ de la que usted habla permanentemente, de nuevo?
What was the name of this camp for football, of which constantly talking about, again? Madrid like?
Usted meckerst en constante trabajo y si eres honesto, no no es una sola razón aquí para detenerte.
meckerst you're constantly on the job and if you are honest, there's no reason one does not stop here.
Nunca había vivido en el temor de nuestros perseguidores.
was constantly lived in fear of our pursuers.
Profesor de programación me pone y Martin aquí confundido constantemente.
Programming professor gets me and Martin here mixed up constantly.
¡ Es como un cronómetro y tengo que meter canasta!
It's like there's a shot clock, constantly winding down to one, and I gotta hit the last shot.
Hubiera constantemente sido víctima y abusado y atacado.
He would be constantly victimised and abused and attacked.
Cuando los niños recoger una nueva palabra, tienden a decir que constantemente.
When children pick up a new word, they tend to say it constantly.
- ¡ Has estado llamándome constantemente! - ¿ Lo hice?
You've been calling me constantly!
Es un error extremadamente com煤n : La gente cree que la imaginaci贸n del escritor siempre trabaja que inventa constantemente una infinidad de incidentes y episodios que simplemente sue帽a sus historias de la nada.
It is an extremely common mistake, people think the writer's imagination is always at work, that he's constantly inventing an endless supply of incidents and episodes, that he simply dreams up his stories out of thin air.
No lo dirías si... estuvieras obligado constantemente a estar en la silla de montar.
You wouldn't say that if you were constantly obliged to be in the saddle.
Tú eres muy callado, muy rudo y tú no dejas de hacer bromas.
You're very quiet, very tough, and then you're just constantly cracking these hilarious jokes.
Estás bajo mi vigilancia constante.
You're constantly under my surveillance.

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