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Translate.vc / Espagnol → Anglais / Cuântos

Cuântos traduction Anglais

25 traduction parallèle
¿ Cuântos destructores cuentas?
How many destroyers do you count, soundman?
- ¿ Cuântos asesinatos toleramos?
- How many killings do we stand for?
¿ Cuântos años tienes?
How old are you?
¿ Cuântos?
How many?
¿ Cuântos metros?
How many yards?
¿ Cuântos hombres has sepultado con ella?
How many men have you put in the ground with that thing?
¿ Cuântos más morirán?
And how many more of you will die?
¿ Cuântos Shaolines hay en Honan?
How many Shaolin are there in the Honan Temple?
- ¿ Cuântos?
- How many?
¿ Cuântos niños se necesitan para enroscar una bombilla?
How many babies does it take to screw in a light bulb?
¿ Cuântos años tenía?
How old was he?
¿ Cuântos eran?
How many of them were there?
- ¿ Cuântos entrenadores negros hay?
- How many black coaches do you have?
Entonces pregunté, "¿ Cuântos años tiene tu hijo?"
I'm trying to make conversation with the guy and I said, "How old is your son?"
- ¿ Cuântos rufianes Io acompañan?
- How many goons does he have with him?
¿ Cuântos me están apuntando?
Seriously, how many guns are pointed at me right now?
Pensé, "¿ Cuântos de los grandes siguen aún con vida y están cuerdos?"
I thought, " How many of the greats are still around and still viable? Still doing it?
¿ Cuântos dedos ves?
How many fingers am I holding up?
¿ Cuântos son familiares?
How many people are actually in this family?
¿ Cuântos años tienes, Rusty?
How old are you, Rusty?
¿ Cuântos años debo esperar?
Now, how many damn years I gotta wait?
? Cuântos trabajos tienes, Bo?
So how many jobs you got now, Bo?
? Cuântos tienes tu?
How many you got?
? Cuântos descansos necesitas por día?
How many breaks do you need a day?

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