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Translate.vc / Espagnol → Anglais / Dio

Dio traduction Anglais

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Me dio una maldita fascitis plantar.
Developed this damn plantar fasciitis. - Mnh.
- Nos dio el primero gratis.
He did give us the first one for free.
Sabes que nunca se me dio bien expresarme.
You know I never was any good at expressing'myself.
¿ A quién le dio Howard ese dinero?
Who did Howard give that money to?
No se ha abierto desde que se utilizó para identificar su cuerpo, una vida que él dio por Rusia.
Hasn't been opened since it was used to identify his body, a life he gave for Russia.
Me dio un trabajo.
He gave me a job.
Me dio una dosis de algo que no había probado antes.
He gave me a shot at something I-I never tried before.
Lo que hiciste le dio una oportunidad de pelear.
What you did gave him a fighting chance.
Pero, ¿ Scottie te dio mi teléfono?
But did, uh, did Scottie give you my number?
Sí, me lo dio. ¿ Por qué?
Yes, she gave it to me. Why?
Este es el informe que me dio.
This is the report he gave me.
Le echó, no volvió a hablar con él, pero nunca se dio por vencida.
She cast him out, never talked to him again, but she never gave him up.
La tarjeta que Midas le dio a Bryan está registrada en un banco privado.
The key card that Midas gave Bryan is registered to a private bank.
¿ Fuiste tú el que dio la orden de matarme?
Was it you who gave the order to have me killed?
Ella me lo dio.
She gave it to me.
- ¿ El sirope de arce que te dio Chuck?
- The what now? - The Sticky Maple Chuck gave you?
Dio clases a Jason Blossom. ¿ Lo sabías?
She taught Jason Blossom. Did you know that?
Le dio clases, te hizo mentir sobre él, sabemos que estaba en el río, tiene una pistola.
She taught him, she made you lie about him, we know she was at the river, she has a gun.
Ella es la que se dio por vencida y se llevó a tu hermana.
She's the one who gave up on us, took your sister.
Cómo se comprometieron en secreto con la bendición de la abuela de él, que les dio el anillo familiar,
How they became secretly engaged with his grandmother's blessing and her heirloom ring,
Junto con todo lo que me quedaba de Jason, incluyendo el anillo que me dio su abuela, que guardaba él hasta que...
Along with everything I had left of Jason, including the ring his nana gave me, which he was keeping until...
El sheriff Keller básicamente no le dio importancia, en su cara.
Sheriff Keller basically blew him off, right in front of us.
Todas estas cosas... me las dio mi padre.
These things... My dad gave them to me.
Clifford me lo dio luego para que lo guardara en lugar seguro.
Clifford then gave the ring to me for safekeeping.
Kevin dice que alguien dio un soplo sobre su padre, ¿ fuiste tú?
Kevin said someone tipped off his dad, was it you?
Me lo dio mi esposa para mi ascenso.
My wife gave it to me when I made rank.
La señorita Coyle te dio un poco de autoridad, y ahora andas por la escuela como si estuvieras a cargo de todo.
Ms. Coyle gave you a little bit of authority, and now you're running around school like you're in charge of everything.
Sé que le dio a mi papá la aprobación para invertir los fondos de la escuela.
I know that you gave my dad the go-ahead on investing the school's endowment.
Veo que Burns te dio mi número.
I see Burns gave you my number.
De esta manera, nadie ve esas fotos O nunca descubre que me dio Javeed.
This way, no one ever sees those pictures or ever finds out you gave me Javeed.
Cuando cayó el rayo, ¿ me dio a mí?
When the lightning'hit, did it throw me?
Es solo que... Chick no me dio dinero por el otro coche, nada más.
Chick didn't give me any money for the other car, that's all.
Un viejo amigo, Remo, me dio tu tarjeta.
An old friend, Remo, gave me your card.
Anoche, me dio en la cabeza con un vaso de agua.
Last night, he hit me in the head with a water glass.
Sí, tío, Dios me la dio cuando entré en el seminario.
Oh, yeah, dude. God gave me this shirt when I joined the seminary.
¿ Te dio Jesús algún motivo para tener dudas?
Um, did Jesus ever give you any reason to, like, have doubts?
Nuestra conversación de ayer me dio que pensar.
After our conversation yesterday, just got me thinking.
¿ Cuál de ustedes, hijos de puta, le dio una dosis?
Which one of you bastards dosed him?
¿ Qué le dio?
What have you given him?
¿ Qué le dio?
What've you given him?
La única esperanza es que no fue LSD lo que le dio.
The only hope is, it wasn't LSD she gave him.
Alguien me lo dio.
Well, I re-gifted it.
¿ Te dio el sol?
You got sun? What?
Me dio mucho gusto verte el otro día.
It was, it was great to see you the other day. Um...
Me dio mucho gusto verte el otro día.
It was... it was great to see you the other day.
Se suponía que así fuera, pero no me dio el cuerpo.
I was supposed to, but I just... I couldn't pull it off.
Él dio su propia...
He gave his own...
Eso estaba debajo de él, Así que le dio el trabajo a la persona más baja que pudo encontrar... a mi
That was beneath him, so he gave the job to the lowest person he could find... me.
Estarán luchando por la libertad Y la persona que se las dio.
They will be fighting for freedom and the person who gave it to them.
¿ La Reina de las Espinas te dio un pinchazo final en las bolas antes de irse?
Queen of Thorns give you one last prick in the balls before saying goodbye?
El que le dio a Jason.
Which she gave to Jason.

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