/ Espagnol → Anglais / Estâs
Estâs traduction Anglais
236 traduction parallèle
Estâs excitado.
Why, you're excited.
Estâs temblando.
You're trembling.
- ¿ Estâs loca?
- Are you crazy?
Estâs temeroso de ti mismo porque sabes que me amas.
You're afraid of yourself because you know you love me.
¿ Estâs bien, Red?
Are you all right, Red?
Estâs empezando a hablar como una antipática.
Say, you're getting to talk like a pansy.
- Estâs perdiendo tu tiempo.
- You're wasting your time.
Gypo. ¿ Estâs loco?
Gypo. Are you mad?
¿ Estâs buscando pelea?
It's a fight you're looking for, are you?
¿ Estâs buscando pelea?
It's a fight you're looking for?
Estâs borracho y tonto, eso es.
You're drunk and bedazzled, that's what you are.
Estâs tan borracho como un perro.
You're as drunk as a fiddler's dog.
Estâs en Io de Tía Betty, el bar ilegal más fino y tu pequeña Katie está adentro.
Listen, you're in front of Aunt Betty's, the finest shebeen in town and your little Katie is inside.
- ¿ Estâs seguro de la hora?
- You're sure about the time?
¿ Estâs bien?
Let us know when you're ready. You all right?
- Estâs enervada. - Y sin resuello.
I'm pooped too.
? Estâs bien?
You all right?
Estâs bien?
You okay, Connor?
Estâs bien? -?
You all right?
-? Estâs seguro?
- Oh, Dexter, are you sure?
Estâs Iastimado?
You're hurt.
Estâs seguro que miraste para todos lados?
Are you sure you looked everywhere?
¿ Estâs esperândome, amor mío?
Are you waiting for me, my love?
¿ Estâs amenazândome?
Are you threatening me?
- Estâs conmigo, amor mío
- You are with me, my love
- Estâs expulsado.
- Take a play. Get out of the game.
? Estâs bien?
You okay?
Estâs molesta.
Now, you're upset.
Estâs seguro, ¿ eh?
You're sure of that, huh?
Estâs vivo.
You're alive.
¿ Estâs bien?
Are you all right?
Estâs llevando a nuestra niña.
That's our baby girl you're carrying.
¿ Estâs bien?
You all right?
¿ Estâs bien, anciano?
You are well, old man?
Estâs aquí para ver y aprender.
You're here to watch and to learn.
- ¿ Estâs segura? - Sí.
- Are you certain?
Estâs temblando.
You are trembling.
¿ Estâs asustado?
You scared?
Estâs muy quieto.
You sit very still.
Estâs con él, seguramente hiciste algo malo.
You're with him, you likely done something wrong.
- ¿ Estâs allí?
- Are you there?
Estâs ante las puertas de un templo Shaolin.
You are before the gates of a Shaolin temple.
Estâs envenenado, Shen Ung.
You have been poisoned, Shen Ung.
Estâs a salvo.
You are safe.
Estâs vivo.
You are alive.
¿ Estâs preparado para luchar conmigo, Caine?
Are you prepared to fight me, Caine?
¿ Estâs diciendo que mi reto no es honorable?
And you're saying that my challenge is not honorable?
Estâs bajo arresto.
You're under arrest.
Estâs obligado.
You are bound.
Estâs loco.
You're nuts.
- ¿ Estâs seguro?
- Certain as the name on this watch I took off him. - Are you certain?