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Habrã traduction Anglais

31 traduction parallèle
Algún mexicano se habrà ¡ negado a pagar.
Some Mexican must have refused to pay.
Si hubieras mantenido mi amistad, la escoria que arruinà ³ a tu hija lo habrà ­ a pagado con creces.
If you'd come in friendship, the scum that ruined your daughter would be suffering this very day.
Si quisiera liquidarte, ya lo habrà ­ a hecho.
If I wanted to kill you, you'd be dead already.
Si no hubiera encontrado el trabajo de ayudante, Buddy habrá ­ a seguido el otro camino, se habrà ­ a metido en là ­ os.
If he hadn't found the deputy's job I believe Buddy might've gone down the other path, got into serious trouble.
Que rumbo crees que habrà ­ a tomado la historia si lo hubiera conseguido?
How do you think history would have turned out if he had succeeded?
En cuanto pases a travà © s del portal... ya no habrà ¡ vuelta atrà ¡ s.
The moment you pass through the door you can never come back
El pÏ... nto es qÏ... e ese à rbol no habrà ­ a estado ahà ­... ... si tuviera Ï... n corredor bloqueà ndolo.
Point is, that tree wouldn't have been there if you had a fullback blocking for him.
En adelante no habrà agrÏ... pacià ´ n.
There is no huddle from here out.
¿ Porque no habrà ¡ n llegado?
Why aren't they here already?
Ty y yo lo habrà ­ amos perseguido rà ¡ pido.
Me and Ty would have been after that so quick.
Usted estará ¡ en la fase, con la iluminacià ³ n buena, habrà ¡ música, y usted quiere tenga que improvisar durante un minuto.
You'll be on the stage, with nice lighting, there'll be music, and you'll have to improvise for one minute.
Nos la llevaremos y no habrà ¡ problema.
We'll take her away and there'll be no trouble.
 ¡ No habrà ¡ castigo!
There'll be no punishment!
Tienes que creer HABRà  UN PROBLEMA,  ¿ verdad?
Hay perià ³ dicos en los que se habrà ­ an impreso mà ¡ s pequeà ± os. - Que eso. - Que esto.
And there are papers that would have printed them smaller than this.
à ‰ l siempre fue probablemente tà ­ mido e introvertido y solitario. O si no, no habrà ­ a pasado dà © cadas cultivando sus habilidades como artista.
He was probably always shy and introverted and reclusive or else he wouldn't have spent the decades crafting his abilities as an artist.
Y, claro, las pà ¡ ginas de los perià ³ dicos eran mà ¡ s grandes para el momento pero habrà ­ an sido mà ¡ s pequeà ± os de como los hiciera en original.
- Yes, of course the newspaper pages were bigger themselves at the time, but it would have been smaller than he did it as the original.
Puesto que à © l no iba a hacer eso, tuvo que... Tuvo que enfrentarse a la idea de que habrà ­ a gente haciendo mercancà ­ a mal hecha.
Since he wasn't going to do that, he had to confront the notion that people are going to be making their own merchandise.
Ya jamà ¡ s habrà ¡ algo como Rolling Stones. No habrà ¡ The Beatles. No habrà ¡ un Elvis Presley.
There will no longer ever be a Rolling Stones, there won't be the Beatles, there won't be an Elvis Presley, for the same reason there won't be another Calvin and Hobbes.
Creo que "Calvin" es algo que perdurará ¡. Y Dios no lo quiera, si los perià ³ dicos desaparecieran maà ± ana..... y los libros no fueran impresos habrà ¡ alguna manera de que la gente pueda encontrar su trabajo y leerlo de nuevo porque creo que es muy fuerte imperecedero y especial.
I think Calvin is something that will last and, heaven forbid, if newspapers were to disappear tomorrow and books were not to be printed, there would be some way people would want to find his work and read it again
Estoy diciendo una vez que tengamos esas mà ¡ quinas de escribir, el dinero - no habrà ¡ detenerlo.
I'm saying once we get those typewriters, the money- - there'll be no stopping it.
Pensà © que habrà ­ a una banda esta noche.
I thought there'd be a band tonight.
 ¿ Quià © n lo habrà ­ a dicho? Ganà © un trofeo con un sombrero igual.
Who would have guessed that, you know, the trophy I win has got the same hat on.
Ricky, yo nunca hará ­ a nada que pudiera lastimarte, y nunca lo habrà ­ a hecho, asà ­ que...
Ricky, I would never do anything that... I thought would hurt you, and I would never have really gone through with it. So...
Luego llovieron hasta maridos, y normalmente me habrà ­ a ido porque es peligroso. Te puede partir un rayo.
Then it starts raining horse cocks and I mean, normally I'd pack it in'cause, you know, it gets dangerous, you could get blasted with lightning.
Sin ella, no sà © quà © habrà ­ amos hecho Trin, el bebà © y yo.
Without her, I don't know what Trin and the baby and I would have done, honestly.
De estar contigo, esto no habrà ­ a pasado.
We were here the whole time. Now, if we'd been with you, this wouldn't have happened.
 ¿ Y lo habrà ­ as hecho si te lo hubiera pedido?
And you would have done that if I told you to do that?
Lo mà ¡ s probable es que te habrà ­ a golpeado en tus partes.
There's a huge chance I would have just punched you in your ding-a-ling.
Sà ­, habrà ­ a sido mejor.
I guess I kind of wish we hadn't met.

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