/ Espagnol → Anglais / Iã
Iã traduction Anglais
14 traduction parallèle
ià ‰ se es tu marido!
That's your husband, that's your husband!
- La maison là!
- La maison IÃ!
Todos los domingos, nos vamos de picnic a la isla de Sainte Hélène.
Every Sunday, we take the bus to picnic on ÃŽle Sainte-HÃ © IÃ ¨ ne.
- Roland soy Elaine.
G.R., it's HÃ © IÃ ¨ ne.
Ahora necesito saber de qÏ... ià ¨ n està s hablando.
Now, I need to know who you talking about.
 ¿ QÏ... ià © n en sus cabales se ofreceria para algo...?
Who in their right mind would volunteer for something...?
Debemos volvernos creativos sobre...... a qÏ... ià © n bÏ... scamos, dà ² nde los bÏ... scamos... ... y cà ³ mo los buscamos.
We gotta get creative about who we're going after, where we're going after them and how we're going after them.
Êl corre hacia adentro,  ¿ y qÏ... ià ¨ n està en el ala exterior?
He runs to the inside, and who's on the outsider wing?
 ¿ QÏ... ià © n mà s?
Who else?
 ¿ QÏ... ià © n la hace con qÏ... ien podamos hablar?
Well, who runs it that we can talk to?
Se han demostrado a sà mismos exactamente qÏ... ià ¨ nes son, aquà adentro.
You have shown yourselves just exactly who you are in here.
El Dr. King - que tendrà a que Ià ¡ grimas en los ojos de eso.
Dr. King - - he would have tears in his eyes from that.
Siempre mirar hacia fuera para la IÃ nea de fondo.
Always watching out for the bottom line.
Es su IÃ o ahora.
It's his mess now.