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Legó traduction Anglais

131 traduction parallèle
al morir Gabrielle, se la legó a la reina.
Gabrielle died, bequeathing it to the queen.
- Mr. Carter le legó el periódico.
- Mr. Carter left him the paper.
El abuelo de Norbert le legó estas tierras hace años,... aunque nunca habíamos vivido en ellas.
Norbert's grandfather left him an estate years ago. But of course we never lived here.
El amor que nos legó, nos ayudará y nos sostendrá.
In the love that He bequeathed us... He will help and sustain you.
Esto nos legó para hacer.
It'll have to do.
Me apetecía cambiar de aires y un primo mío.. que murió hace poco, me legó su plantación de café.
It simply so happened that a relative of mine, first cousin actually, who died recently happened to be the owner of a coffee plantation.
Que cuando su padre le legó la Motor Merrick y todos esos millones fue una pena que no le legara también algo de amabilidad.
I was thinking, when your father left you the Merrick Motor Company millions, what a pity he couldn't also bequeath you a little common courtesy.
Le legó su nombre a su único hijo, quien, aunque siguió siendo un viajero inquieto toda su vida, se benefició de los estudios que su padre le obligó a cursar de maneras que nunca hubiese imaginado.
He bequeathed his name to his only son, who, though he remained all his life a restless traveler, He benefited from studies that his father forced him to take in ways that would never have imagined.
Pero no importa, no les legó nada.
But it doesn't matter, you didn't get anything.
Nos legó, a ti y a mí, $ 50,000 a cada uno libres de impuestos.
He bequeathed to us, to you and to me, $ 50,000 each after taxes are paid.
Recoge lo que él nos legó.
Pick it up where he left off.
La fealdad - no se puede negar - es parte de la herencia que nos legó el siglo XIX y de la que - debe decirse - nos hemos aprovechado.
Ugliness, undeniably, is part of the heritage handed down by the 19th century which we have, it must be said, made profitable.
A propósito, Frank le legó 50.000 $ a tu hermana Edith.
By the way, Frank bequeathed $ 50,000 to your sister Edith.
Entonces legó a su fin.
Then it came to an end.
Lo único que la familia materna de Nat le legó es su afición al alcohol.
The only thing Nat's mother's family had to pass on to their kids was a liking for liquor.
- Legó todo a su hija. - ¿ A Jane?
He bequeathed it all to your daughter.
Pansa me legó a ti en su testamento.
Pansa left me to you in his will.
Su Majestad, ella le legó su corona al rey de España, y su falsa afirmación a la suya.
Your majesty, she bequeathed her crown to the king of Spain and her false claim to yours.
Legó la casa ancestral a Christopher su mozo de cuadras.
He left the ancestral home of Christopher Your groom.
¿ Les legó su marido todo a Erich y a usted?
Did your husband leave all his money to Erich and you?
Su padre era mi padrino y me legó un puesto en su propiedad de Derbyshire
His father was my godfather and bequeathed me a living on his derbyshire estate so that I could earn my keep as befitted my temperament...
A Propine se le legó la torre en su quinto cumpleaños con la condición de que las rentas se ingresaran en una cuenta y la mitad de los intereses estuvieran disponibles para la sociedad de cámara de Goole y su distrito, y la otra mitad para clases de ballet.
The tower was bequeathed to Propine on her fifth birthday on the understanding that the rents were paid into an account whereby half the interest was available for the Goole and District Camera Society and the other half paid for dancing lessons.
Ella legó su colección de material cinematográfico local a su tocaya.
She bequeathed her local film material collection to her namesake.
Y con Bob Hollins tienen un candidato para el congreso... que está en contacto con la gente... un hombre que hizo crecer el negocio que le legó su abuelo.
In Bob Hollins, you have a candidate for Congress who is in touch with the people. A man who built up the business left to him by his grandfather.
Esto fue lo que nos legó :
This was his testament :
A medianoche, legó de la sección política,
Voss was then in charge of the 4 crematoria.
Legó una pizza que ya estaba pagada
a pizza arrived already paid for.
El testamento legó un rendimiento con base en la división del capital.
The beneficiaries received an incοme based οn a share in the capital.
Tu considerado padre te legó un nabo.
Your thoughtful father bequeathed you a turnip.
El señor Sebastien Theus decide pues, donar al Hospicio de San Cosme....... los bienes materiales que Jean Myers le legó en su última voluntad y testamento incluidos sus objetos personales, sus libros, y sus instrumentos profesionales.
Monsieur Sebastian Theus hereby declares that he donates herewith to the Saint Comes Hospice....... the earthly goods which Jean Myers bequeathed to him in his last will and testament including his personal effects, his books, and his professional instruments.
Son de una antigua receta que me legó mi padre.
These are from an old recipe handed down to me by my father.
Sintetiza sus sentimientos hacia el terreno que les legó. ¿ Por qué no lo lee?
Sums up his feelings about the land he gave you. Why don't you read it? Oh.
Para quienes ignoran el último capítulo de la saga Stevens... he heredado la mitad de los $ 60000 que mi padre legó a sus hijos... la cual ha estado reposando en -
For those of you unfamiliar with the latest chapter in the Stevens saga, I've inherited half of my father's $ 60,000 bequest to his sons, which has been marking time at, uh -
Mi abuelo hizo su fortuna fabricando material quirúrgico. El me legó un capital.
My grandfather... made a fortune in the surgical appliance business... and set up a trust fund for me.
Le legó todo su patrimonio a ella.
He bequeathed his entire estate to her.
¿ Quién diablos murió y te legó la corona?
Well, who the hell died and made you king?
En su testamento, se lo legó todo a mi padre.
He left a will and left everything to my father.
Harvey nos legó su obra de modo que siguiendo sus pasos... pudiéramos descubrir muchas cosas aún desconocidas.
Harvey revealed his work to us so that treading in the same path... we might discover very many things as yet unknown to others.
¡ para que yo jamás muriese, me legó eterno tormento!
that I should never die but should be left in eternal torment!
Cuando mi padre nos legó esta extraordinaria casa a mi hermano Lars y a mí, ah no teníamos idea de la sorpresa que nos tenía reservada ni qué iba a pasar a continuación.
When my father left this extraordinary house to my brother Lars... and myself, uh, we... had no idea what surprises were in store for us or... what was going to happen next.
Se nos legó a las tres.
It was willed to all of us.
En su último testamento, Billy Shakespeare legó a su esposa, Anne Hathaway, su, y cito : "Segunda mejor cama".
Billy Shakespeare, in his last will and testament, left his wife, Anne Hathaway, his, quote, "second-best bed."
Su familia le legó el latinio, pero ahora que ha muerto, vuelve a ser de ellos.
His family bequeathed him the latinum but now that he's deceased it's theirs again.
Legó dos éxitos importantes.
Two seminal hit records was his legacy.
Son suyas porque Alberto Vasco se las legó a su madre.
They are the heirs because Alberto Vasco willed it to their mother.
Encontrar al sargento Thenardieu y hacerle todo el bien posible. Es lo único que mi padre me legó en su testamento.
To find and reward sergeant Thenardier, that was my father's wish.
Un colega científico, recientemente fue muerto en un extraño accidente y él me legó su laboratorio completo y todas sus dementes teorías acerca del viaje inter-dimensional.
A scientific comrade of mine was recently killed in a freak accident, and he bequeathed me his y 02 = 19 = 21 = 10,02 = 19 = 30 = 05, and all of his insanl inter-dimensional travel. Travel.
Se la legó Tsujimori.
His will is bequeathed by Tsujimori.
Yo creo que ella me legó esta sensación que tengo siempre que el cielo se me puede caer encima en cualquier momento.
I inherited from her the fear that the sky could fall any moment
Me los legó.
¿ Legó Edwin antes que yo?
Did Edwin come ahead of me?

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