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Major traduction Anglais

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Eso nos hará un jugador importante en el mercado de la energía renovable.
That will make us a major player on the renewable energy market.
Saif al-Wasem es uno de los actores financieros con más peso en el mundo.
Saif al-Wasem is one of the major financial players in the Arab world.
Discúlpame... por haber estado a punto de resolver un crimen mayor.
- I'm sorry. I'm sorry I was solving a major crime.
así podemos explicarle. el gobierno dio un importante apoyo a los parques de aerogeneradores.
- What is this about? - Sit down, so we can explain. When DanStrøm took over the North Sea Park the government gave major support to the wind turbine parks.
Bueno, lo repasé con el comandante Adeane e intentamos quitar todo lo posible, aunque quedan las reuniones del Consejo Privado, por supuesto, algunas investiduras y pasar revista a las tropas.
Well, I went through it with Major Adeane and we tried to throw out as much as we could but there will still be the usual Privy Council meetings of course, some investitures and military inspections.
Los líderes de los principales partidos recibieron amenazas de muerte diciendo que si nuestra gira pasa por Gibraltar, no podrán garantizar nuestra seguridad.
Death threats were sent to all the leaders of the major political parties, telling them that, if our tour were to go to Gibraltar, our safety can't be guaranteed.
- El Mayor André...
- Major André...
No esperaba menos del comandante de inteligencia.
I'd expect nothing less from the intelligence major.
¿ Está solo, Mayor Tallmadge?
So are you alone, Major Tallmadge?
¿ Hay algo que desee decir, Mayor?
Is there something that you wish to say, Major?
Si no se siente cómodo en mi hogar, Mayor, puede marcharse en cualquier momento.
If you are uncomfortable in my home, Major, then you can leave at any time.
Ahora bien, Culper Jr., recientemente ha escrito una carta a nuestro valiente granjero relativa a un Mayor André y a la joven que recientemente se le ha metido en la cabeza.
Now then, Culper Jr., you recently penned a letter to our plucky farmer here concerning a Major John André and the young woman who recently turned his head.
Un gran éxito profesional te aguarda.
A major professional success may await you.
Tengo que preguntar : ¿ por qué Crímenes Mayores necesitará un consultor para repasar todo esto?
I got to ask : why does Major Crimes need a consultant to go over all this?
El apuñalamiento atrajo una enorme presencia policial a la zona, en una búsqueda masiva por tierra y aire... buscando a otras dos niñas.
The stabbing brought a huge police presence to the area, a major search by ground and air looking for two other girls.
Una de las heridas del cuchillo falló a una arteria principal... cerca de su corazón, por sólo un milímetro.
One of the knife wounds missed a major artery near her heart by just a millimeter.
Es una cirugía mayor, y requiere un tiempo de recuperación significativo.
It's a major surgery, and there is significant recovery time on that.
Our Ministry is facing major challenges, so we need you, Elisabet.
Mientras, he oído que una gran fuerza Talibán viene en nuestra dirección.
In the meantime, I get word a major Taliban force is headed in our direction.
Es el gobernador de un estado importante.
He's the governor of a major state.
Mi cliente pretendía donar los da Silva a una institución más importante.
My client was intending to donate the da Silvas to a major institution.
Pero si tiene recelos propios, Mayor, mi puerta siempre está abierta.
But if you have any qualms of your own, Major, my door is always open.
- Mayor Tallmadge.
- Major Tallmadge.
El Mayor André me ha informado sobre un espía operando fuera de Long Island, llamado Samuel Culper.
Major André has informed me of a spy operating out of Long Island, a man named Samuel Culper.
Mayor John André al suyo.
Major John André at yours.
Estoy de pie en frente del hotel boutique de Miami a cargo de la rakish Rafael Solano y su glamorosa ex esposa Petra porque este mismo hotel ahora se cree que está asociado a dos jugadores importantes en el tráfico de drogas de Miami.
I'm standing in front of the boutique Miami hotel run by the rakish Rafael Solano and his glamorous ex-wife Petra because this very hotel is now believed to be associated with two major players in the Miami drug trade.
" Ateroma severo en las tres arterias coronarias mayores.
" Severe atheroma of all three major coronary arteries.
Fundé una gran institución... La Organización Nacional de Animadores Responsables.
I founded a major organization - - the National Association of Responsible Cheerleaders.
Toby, Toby... tenemos un problema importante.
Toby, Toby... we have a major issue.
El Mayor André me ha informado sobre un espía operando fuera de Long Island.
Major Andre's informed me of a spy operating out of Long Island.
Estoy haciendo todo lo que puedo para romper una tregua entre Abraham y el Mayor Hewlett.
I'm doing everything I can to broker a truce between Abraham and Major Hewlett.
El Mayor me está usando como daño colateral contra mi marido.
The major is using me as collateral against my husband.
Señor, el Mayor Edward Burn ha llegado.
Sir, Major Edward Burd has arrived.
Pero pase lo que pase, sólo he venido a decirte que no tienes que preocuparte por el Mayor.
But... whatever happens, I've just come here to tell you that you don't have to worry about the major.
Dígame, Mayor ¿ Qué hizo su grupo con el tonto de Shanks?
Tell me, Major, what did your lot do with that fool Shanks?
Ahora, creo que el Mayor Burd tiene algo que le gustaría... ¿ Neddy?
Now, I believe that Major Burd has something that he would like to... Neddy?
- ¿ Mayor Rogers?
- Major Rogers?
Temo que ya no reciben órdenes de usted, Mayor.
I'm afraid they don't take orders from you anymore, Major.
Si el Mayor Rogers logra matarme, les ordeno que lo dejen ir ileso.
If Major Rogers manages to kill me, I order you to let him leave unharmed.
Tú, camino a reunirte con el Mayor André.
You're on your way to meet Major André.
Aunque cuando el Mayor termine contigo espero que me deje verte desvanecer.
Though after the major gets done with you, I expect he'll have me see you vanished.
Me dijeron que el capitán de Crímenes Mayores necesitaba verme.
I was told the captain of Major Crimes needed to see me.
No me he escrito con Ed con el Mayor Hewlett desde que lo dejé en el altar.
I haven't exchanged a word with Ed... with Major Hewlett since I left him at the altar.
- Mayor Rogers.
- Major Rogers.
Tengo entendido, de buena fuente que andas con el mayor otra vez.
Now, I have it on very good authority that you have taken up with the major again.
O me ayudas a que el mayor reciba un justo castigo o tú lo vas a recibir.
Either you're going to help me to give the major his comeuppance or you're going to get it.
Quiero saber las idas y venidas del mayor pero como a mí se me busca bueno, hay lugares a donde no puedo ir.
I aim to know the major's comings and goings, but seeing as I am a wanted man, well, there are places I cannot go.
Mayor Hewlett, hay una joven que tiene un pase con su firma.
Major Hewlett, there's a young lady who bears a pass with your signature.
El tipo era como un dictador.
The guy was a major Wang.
Aguarde, Mayor.
Now, hold on right there, Major.

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