/ Espagnol → Anglais / Medía
Medía traduction Anglais
531 traduction parallèle
El oso medía 2 metros descalzo y llevaba unos zapatos...
This bear was 6'7 " in his stocking feet and had shoes on...
Diría que medía 1,80, ¿ no te parece?
I should say he stood about 5'11 ", wouldn't you, Doc?
Medía 1, 70 m, tenía el pelo moreno, llevaba gafas y tenía una sonrisa encantadora.
Well, he was about 5'10 "... has dark hair and glasses... and, uh, and a very pleasant smile. Yes.
¿ Se refiere a cuánto... medía?
You mean how tall?
Dijeron que medía menos de dos centímetros y medio y cogieron toda la plata como si fuera nada.
- They said it was less than an inch. And took all that silver as if it were nothing!
Típico de mujer de clase medía.
That's female and middleclass.
- Bueno, seis y medía.
- Six and a half.
Medía uno noventa y era pelirrojo.
He was seven feet high and covered with red hair.
Cada cumpleaños, os medía, en esta pared. A los 4 años, a los 7, a los 8.
Every birthday, we measured you on this wall.
Fui criado por Charlie Bell desde que medía medio metro.
I was raised by Charlie Bell, ever since I was about 2-and-a-half feet high.
Uno de ellos medía como 2 metros y medio.
Two of'em. One of'em was about eight foot tall.
El individuo medía 2,50 metros y caminaba con piernas rígidas... y el otro individuo con esto aquí.
When I told you about the fellow that was eight-foot tall, and walking like this with the stiff legs, and then the other fellow with this here.
Medía 1,75 metro. Era rubio.
Oh, 5'10 ", light hair, about 35.
Medía cuántas guirnaldas necesito.
I'm measuring how much garland I'll need for the decorating.
Medía 2,10 metros todo el rato.
I was eight feet tall all the time.
Aplicar la fórmula de Pearson para este fémur... indicaría que medía un metro sesenta.
The application of Pearson's Formula to this thighbone would indicate she was about 65 inches tall.
- El primero medía casi un metro.
- First place was two feet high.
El grande medía casi cinco metros y tenía alas como una mosca.
The big one was about 15 feet long and had wings like a fly.
Medía 1,85 m.
About six-foot-two.
Cuando os vi en el vestíbulo del hospital a ti y a Richie sentí que medía 3 metros.
When I came down into the hospital, and saw you and Richie again, I felt ten feet tall.
Medía dos metros y medio... y tenía una cara fea, como la de un tigre.
He was about eight feet high... and had a mean face like a tiger.
Mi celda apenas medía tres metros por dos.
My cell was hardly nine feet by six feet.
¿ Recuerda cuánto medía, más o menos, el primer hombre?
Can you remember how tall he was, approximately, the number one man?
Ese chico medía 1, 65 m.
The boy was five feet seven inches tall.
- Medía 1.80 m con todo y medias.
- 5'10 " in her stockinged feet.
Creíamos que medía 20 metros.
We once believed it was 20 yards higher.
Decía que solo medía 1, 77 metros y que pesaba 72 kilos.
She said you were only 5'10 ", 160.
La víctima medía 1,65 m y pesaba 53 kilos.
He was 1-65 metres tall and weighed 53 kilos.
¿ Sabía que mi esposa medía 1,50 m?
Did you know my wife was four feet 11 inches?
La locomotora medía 21 metros.
The length of the locomotive is 21 meters long.
El ya medía 1'92.
He was already 6'2 ".
La cuerda de pieles de castor medía casi dos kilómetros.
that line of beaver pelts.
Medía como 1,60 y era un poco gordo.
He was about 5'11 ", on the heavy side.
El árbol de la sala medía 6 metros.
The tree in the rec hall was a good 20 feet high.
Me dijeron que medía 6 metros.
They told me it was 20 feet.
Medía 52 cm.
Height : 55 cm.
Pero estoy seguro de que medía 3 metros y venía con un pingüino... que resultó ser su abuelo.
All I'm sure of is he was nine feet tall and had a penguin with him... that turned out to be his grandfather.
- Pues, medía unos 2.7 0 metros.
- Well, he was about nine feet tall.
Medía unos 2.7 0 ó 3 metros, tenía piel verde, ojos rojos y brazos largos.
Well, he was about nine or 10 feet tall, with green skin, uh, red eyes and long arms.
Era barbudo y medía más de 6 pies de altura.
He was bearded, and over six feet tall.
El más grande medía más de 3 metros.
My biggest one was 10 and a half feet long.
Bueno, medía como 2.7 5 metros, tenía la cabeza plana... y le salían unas cosas del cuello.
Well, he's about nine feet tall, and his head was flat. He had these things sticking out of his neck.
Lo asesinaron desde corta distancia con un cuchillo utilizado por una mujer que conocía que medía más de 1,80 metros de alto.
Cuando se unió a KAOS, solo medía 1,75 metros.
When he first joined KAOS, he was only 5'9 ".
Medía como 1.85 metros, pesaba como 80 kilos.
He was well over 6 feet, about 180 pounds.
Su vida no se medía por los solsticios.
His life was not measured by the solstices.
Diría que medía entre 10 y 60 metros cúbicos.
I'd say it measured from 10 to 60 cubic metres, sir.
El que ha disparado medía 1,75, más o menos, pelo blanco.
The one who fired, about 5 foot 10. White hair.
¿ Medía 1,75?
Was he about 5 foot 10?
Tampoco era grande, jefe. No medía más que un metro.
Well, she certainly wasn't a big girl, Chief.
El padre Brosnan no medía más de veinte palmos.
Sure Father Brosnan was over 20 hands high. Shut your mouth!