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Orion traduction Anglais

1,132 traduction parallèle
La Tierra, al borde exterior de Orión... treinta mil años luz del centro de la Via Láctea.
Earth, the outer edge of the Orion arm... thirty thousand light-years from the center of the Milky Way galaxy.
Colonia Terrestre 3 en el Sistema Orion.
Earth Colony 3 in Orion system.
Después del lavado de cerebro, Dexter será llevado fuera del sistema Orion y puesto a trabajar sirviendo a la comunidad que dañó.
Following the mindwipe, Dexter will be transported out of the Orion system and put to work serving the society harmed by his actions.
Orion, el Cisne, la Carrera de Carros.
There's Orion, the Swan, the Chariot Race.
En la gran Nebulosa de Orión discos de polvo parecen estar convirtiéndose en sistemas solares similares al nuestro.
In the great Orion Nebula discs of dust seem to be turning into solar systems just like our own.
Quiero saber como es este entrenados O ´ Ryan.
- on the brothers quotient. - Yeah. Hey, I want to know who this new Coach Orion is.
Mi nombre es entrenador O ´ Ryan
My name is Coach Orion.
Pueden llamarme entrenador o Entrenador O ´ Ryan.
You can call me " "Coach" or " "Coach Orion."
Cuantas laps?
- [Connie] Uh-oh. - How many, Coach Orion?
Para Ganar! Entrenador
To win, Coach Orion, sir!
Trabajo, Señor!
- It starts with a " "W." - To work, Coach Orion, sir!
Has escuchado de Ted O ´ Ryan?
Have you ever heard ofTed Orion?
Trabajen esas piernas!
[Orion Shouting] Work those legs, Gaffney! - Where's your energy?
Hola, como vas?
[Orion] Gather around. Let's go. Hustle up.
y eso que ha sido Capitan desde que estaban en el Distrito 5 el entrenador O ´ Ryan esta haciendo una declaracion.
He's been this team's captain since they played in District Five. I guess Coach Orion's making a statement.
LLega tu primero Conway!
[Orion] Make him make the first move, Conway!
Claro, es que el entre... Nada de entrenadores conmigo..
- Well, yeah, because Coach Orion- - - " "Because Coach Orion" nothing.
- Ya no hay Ducks O'Ryan los disolvió.
There are no Ducks. Orion split us apart.
Yo hable con O'Ryan de todo esto cuando le pedi que se hiciera cargo.
I told Orion about all this when I talked to him about taking over.
Dean Buckley, miembros de la junta.
Dean Buckley, members of the board. As counsel for Coach Orion... and the freshman hockey team,
O'Ryan esta enviando a su nueva defensa Goldberg.
- Go get'em! Orion sends out Fulton and their new defensive weapon, Goldberg.
Qué crees que el entrenador O'Ryan les este diciendo en los camarines?
- Good point, Paul. So what do you think Coach Orion's saying in the locker room?
Hay reclamos por que hay muchos de tu equipo.
- [Orion Shouting] - Bench minor. Too many men on the ice.
Orión está en bancarrota.
Orion is bankrupt.
El Orion se acoplará, ya veo!
The Orion will dock, I see!
Antes podremos ver Orion justo allí, en la vertical.
Before we could even see the Orion right there on the vertical
Y Kasiopea, justo un poco a su derecha. ¿ Has oído hablar de Orion?
And Kassiope, just a little on the right. You heard about Orion?
Kasiopea, el planeta, Orion... Olvidé todo eso.
Kassiope, the planet, Orion I forgot about all these.
Esa es Orion, ¿ ves?
That's Orion, you see?
No, es el Cinturón de Orión!
No, that's Orion's belt.
Los otros son civiles que van a la Tierra, Marte y las colonias en Próxima y Orión.
The others are civilians heading for Earth, Mars and the colonies on Proxima and Orion.
Cuando estaba dentro de mí... vi pájaros en llamas muriendo en Orión 7.
When it was inside me I saw flame birds dying on Orion 7.
Regresábamos de una reunión con unos representantes en Orión 7... cuando nos tendieron una emboscada.
We were coming back from a meeting with some officials on Orion 7... when we were ambushed.
Las colonias de Orión 7 y Próxima 3 acaban de separarse... de la Alianza Terrestre como protesta por el bombardeo de Marte.
The colonies at Orion 7 and Proxima 3 have just broken away... from the Earth Alliance in protest over the bombing of Mars.
Acabamos de saltar desde Orión 7.
We just jumped in from Orion 7.
A consecuencia de estos ataques, Orión 7 y Próxima 3... se han separado de la Alianza Terrestre y declarado la independencia.
Following these attacks, Orion 7 and Proxima 3... have broken away from the Earth Alliance and declared independence.
Ésa es Orión, el cazador.
That's Orion, the hunter.
Me enseñó dónde encontrar a Orión, Altair y la Osa Mayor.
He taught me where to find Orion's Belt, Altair, and Ursa Major.
No se acerque al Sindicato de Orión.
Believe me, you don't want to get anywhere near the Orion Syndicate.
¿ Es eso lo que está investigando el Gran Jurado?
The Orion Syndicate? Is that who the Grand Jury's investigating?
Si supiera que estabas envuelto en el Sindicato de Orión, estarias en la Defiant, rodeado de agentes de seguridad.
If I knew you were involved in the Orion Syndicate you'd be on the Defiant right now surrounded by half my deputies.
Tú eres el miembro del Sindicato de Orión.
This is all your fault. You're the one who's a member of the Orion Syndicate.
El Sindicato de Orión intentó matarme.
The Orion Syndicate tried to kill me.
¿ Nunca has sido miembro del Sindicato de Orión?
You were never a member of the Orion Syndicate?
Si la memoria no me falla, el Sindicato de Orión cobra una cuota considerable. Y la Autoridad de Comercio ferengi confiscó todos tus bienes.
Now, if I remember correctly the Orion Syndicate has a membership fee... quite a substantial one... and the Ferengi Commerce Authority did seize all your assets.
Odio este transmisor y odio esta montaña y sobre todo, odio al Sindicato de Orión por dejarnos aqui tirados.
I hate this transmitter, and I hate this mountain and most of all, I hate the Orion Syndicate for stranding us here.
No me dijiste que el Sindicato te buscaba.
But you never told me the Orion Syndicate was after you.
- Peligroso y muy lucrativo.
Isn't that dangerous? and highly profitable especially if we make a side trip to Orion on the way home from Earth. Dangerous...
- [All Shouting ] - [ Orion Yells, Blows Whistle] Freeze! Hey!
Haz tu movimiento Conway
[Orion] Make him make the first move, Conway.

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