/ Espagnol → Anglais / Sabìa
Sabìa traduction Anglais
25 traduction parallèle
¡ Sabìa que pasarìa!
I knew it would happen!
Ese, Sr. McCarthy tenìa un caràcter, que diablos, usted sabe usted sabe, si sabìa que otra persona le habìa disparado a sus aves se hubiese puesto realmente furioso.
That, Mr. McCarthy, he has a temper that one, you know. You know, if he thought another gun had poached his bird out shooting, he'd let fly in a real fury.
No, no, no precisamente sabía que iba a estar unos pocos dias de vacaciones pero no sabìa exactamente la fecha nuestro coche local, me llevò hasta la granja desde el pueblo.
No, no, not exactly. He knew I was due for a few days holiday, but not the exact date. Our local carrier took me up to the farm from the village.
Sabìa que no podrìa volver hasta que hubiese hecho algo de mi mismo quizas fué muy tonto de mi el pensar que ella me miraría tiernamente luego de todos esos años pero yo estaba ridiculamente envalentonado, por el hecho de que ella no estaba casada y ahora, mi estupidez la há empujado a ella a los brazos de su asesino...
I knew I could never come back until I'd made something of myself. Perhaps it was foolish of me to think that she would look kindly on me after all these years, but I was ridiculously encouraged by the fact that she was not married. And now, my stupidity has driven her into the arms of a murderer.
Sabìa que dábamos una fiesta.
He knew that we were throwing a party.
No sabìa que habìa tantas claustrofobia, aracnofobia, cleptofobia, falofobia.
I had no idea there were so many : Claustrophobia, arachnophobia, kleptophobia, phallus-phobia.
Yo sabìa que venir a un lugar llamado Peñòn del Vampiro era una mala idea.
I knew coming to a place called Vampire Rock was a bad idea.
Sabìa que el Peñòn del Vampiro era grande, pero no tanto.
I knew Vampire Rock was big, but not this big.
Sabìa que ella tenìa una relaciòn, pero Vanessa lo tenìa en secreto.
I thought she had something going on, but she was being secretive.
Yo no sabìa què habia pasado.
I had no information.
Me preguntò si yo sabìa algo sobre la muerte de ella.
Asked what I knew about her getting killed.
No sabìa que ella estaba muerta.
I didn't know she was dead.
Yo sabìa que podìa terminar, de acuerdo?
I knew I could end it. All right?
Sabìa que un día pasaría por este camino
I know that one day I would pass this way
Sabìa que no iba a funcionar.
I knew that wouldn't work.
y como que me quedè choqueado porque no sabìa nada de un ìdolo de imunidad escondido. Asi que haremos todo lo posible para encontrarlo hoy.
Which I was kind of shocked because I didn't know about any hidden immunity idol, so we're going to do everything we can to find that idol today.
Sabìa que estarías.
I knew you would be.
Es que no sabìa que yo era otro problema.
[Laughs] Just didn't know I was another problem.
Sì, màs felíz que cuando no lo sabìa.
Yeah, happier than when I didn't know.
sì, pero no sabìa que ya habías decidido.
Yeah, I just didn't know you'd decided.
No sabìa que estarías aquí, Chloe.
I didn't know you were going to be here, Chloe.
Sòlo puse dinero aquì por Nick. porque sabìa cuánto significaba para èl.
Nick's the only reason I put money in this place, because I knew how much it meant to him.
No sabìa a quien iban a elegir.
"I honestly have no idea who they're gonna pick."
Sabìa que había sentido olor a atún!
- I thought I smelled out of tuna fishes.
Inicialmente, tengo que admitir, el director de la CIA, creo, para ser honesto contigo, que el estaba, um, de alguna manera estaba picando en mi cerebro para averiguar que sabìa yo, en lugar de realmente no saber.
Initially, I have to admit, the CIA Director, I thought, to be honest with you, that he was, um, sort of picking my brain to find out what I knew, as opposed to really not knowing.