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Screaming traduction Anglais

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Por los fuertes y prolongados gritos.
Might've been the loud, uninterrupted screaming.
Nadie podía oírme gritar.
No one could hear me screaming.
Eso me hizo gritar de nuevo.
That got me screaming again.
Oí gritos.
I heard screaming.
[gritando y riendo]
[screaming and laughing]
[gritos apasionados ] [ gritos orgásmicos]
[passionate yelling ] [ orgasmic screaming]
Reconozco que he vivido una mentira.
( screaming ) I reckon I've been living a lie.
No puede tomar suficiente aire y su monitor está chillando.
She can't get enough air and her monitor keeps screaming.
Ken, gritando
Ken, you screaming
Cuando comienzo a gritar
I just started screaming...
Fueron lamentos, como, gritando de dolor. Y luego se detuvo.
It was wailing, like, screaming in pain. And then it stopped.
Él estaba gritando, "tu la mataste."
He was screaming, "you killed her."
Bro, usted está gritando ahora.
Bro, you're screaming now.
Ya sabes, si él dejara de gritar cada vez que veía un pez, en realidad podría coger uno.
You know, if he'd stop screaming every time he saw a fish, we might actually catch one.
Siempre gritándome insultos, a mi madre, a cualquiera en su camino.
Always screaming insults, at me, my mother, anyone in his path.
¿ Serán unos simios buenos?
[Electricity crackles ] [ apes screaming] Are you ready to be a good ape?
¡ Dios mío, me hice encima!
[Screaming ] For [ bleep] sake, I'm shitting my pants, man!
Sin mucho drama, sin caer en el hielo, sin alguien corriendo y gritando, perseguido por los osos.
There's no drama, there's no falling through the ice, nobody's running around screaming, getting chased by bears.
.. asustando a la pitón con llamadas muy agudas.
Screaming at the python with high-pitched calls.
Sé que quieres apoyarle, pero tienes que respetar sus deseos, aunque todos tus instintos estén gritando lo contrario, o eso me han dicho.
I know you want to support him, but you gotta respect his wishes, even if all your instincts are screaming otherwise, or so I'm told.
Me imagino que tendré que tendremos que averiguar quién lo hizo.
I guess we got to find out who did. ♪ I was screaming into the canyon ♪
Sigo escuchándolo... gritar.
I keep hearing it... him screaming.
Bueno, es una bonita y pequeña historia.
SCREAMING Well, that's a nice little story you've got there.
En mi primer año, estábamos en Jewel comprando comida y este sujeto empezó a gritarnos.
My first year on the job, we were at Jewel getting food and this guy just started screaming at us.
¡ Es vuestra hija la que grita!
That is your daughter screaming!
Si os calláis, podéis oír los gritos.
If you're quiet, you can hear screaming.
¿ Cómo se corre con zapatos de elfo?
- [Screaming] - Justin : How do you wear these elf shoes?
Oíste gritos que venían de adentro.
You just heard screaming over there.
* Son las chicas gritando : "Lo Basta Boys" *
* It's the ladies screaming out "Basta Boys" *
* Son las chicas gritando : "Ya Basta Boys" *
* It's the ladies screaming out "Basta Boys" *
Brendan Dassey cuenta, repito, con detalles a veces gráficos, dice que se acerca al remolque de su tío Steve y ya antes de golpear la puerta, oye gritos.
Brendan Dassey, in again, sometimes graphic detail, will talk about approaching Uncle Steve's trailer. And before he even knocks on the door, he hears screaming.
¡ Pueden parar de gritar frente a todo el vecindario!
Would you please stop screaming in front of the entire neighborhood? !
¿ Y ahora quién grita frente a todo el vecindario?
Now look who's screaming in front of the whole neighborhood!
Mientras montan esta payasada, tengo dos aviones llenos de masones ebrios y unos mocosos gritándome en Reclamo de Equipaje.
While you're pulling this little stunt, I've got two plane-loads of drunk Shriners and crippled kids in Baggage Claim screaming at me.
¡ Así es como me relajo!
- you're screaming at the TV! - This is how I relax!
Al menos no les grito.
Well, at least I'm not screaming at it.
¡ Aquí estoy, Jimmy!
[rock song continues ] [ screaming vocalizations] I'm right here, Jimmy!
Apuesto a que los gritos lo dejaron exhausto.
Well, I bet all that screaming tuckered him out.
Lo oi gritar, asi que fui a ver. Entonces vi la cosa arrojar a Fernando por todo el cuarto.
I heard him screaming, so I went to check, and that's when the "thing" was tossing Fernando all around the room.
¿ Puedes gritarle a tu perra en otra parte?
Mind screaming at your bitch somewhere else?
Estuve despierto toda la noche, no dormí por mirar el video una y otra vez, gritándole al televisor : "¡ dime qué quieres que compre!".
I'm up all night. I can't sleep because I'm watching this video over and over and over again, screaming at the TV, "Just tell me what you want me to buy!"
Hubo explosiones y gritos.
There was explosions and screaming.
Era él quien gritaba, ¿ verdad?
That was him screaming out there, right?
Y ella gritaba.
And she is screaming.
¿ Por qué gritan?
Why are they screaming?
No gritan.
They're not screaming.
El griterío es constante y tan desolador.
The screaming is constant and so... desolate.
¡ Los amo!
[Julien screaming] I love you guys!
¡ Está ocurriendo!
( screaming )
- ¿ Stan?
( screaming )

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