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Tate traduction Anglais

2,328 traduction parallèle
- La del presidente Tate.
President Tate's.
- Tate.
Tú y Tate.
You and Tate.
El presidente Tate ha ordenado cerrar el recinto. de la cerca perimetral.
President Tate has ordered the lockdown enclosure of the perimeter fence.
Intentará deshacerse de Tate y de tu madre.
He'll try and get rid of Tate and your mum.
Richard Tate ha ignorado la misión y no muestra ninguna ambición más allá de unos vagos ideales utópicos.
Richard Tate has violated his mission and has no ambition beyond some vague Utopian ideals.
Ahora, quiero saber que estás conmigo contra Tate y su gente, todo los PAS.
Now, I want to know that you're right beside me, against Tate and his people, the whole of PAS.
- ¿ Ordenes de Tate?
- Tate's orders?
¿ Tate te sigue poniendo en el gobierno, no?
Tate's really got you to toe the party line, hasn't he?
Quería hablarte sobre Tate.
I wanted to talk to you about Tate.
- ¿ Has visto a Tate?
- Have you seen Tate?
- Tate quiere que lo liberemos.
- Tate wants us to release him.
Tate tiene que tratarte con el respeto que mereces.
Tate needs to treat you with the respect you deserve.
No te preocupes por Tate.
Don't worry about Tate.
- Fue la idea de Tate.
- It was Tate's idea.
Tate quiere que lo liberemos.
Tate wants us to release him.
Estoy a punto de revelar el contenido del fichero Omega, lo que finalmente volverá a la población contra Tate.
I am about to reveal the contents of the Omega file, which will finally turn the population against Tate.
¿ La reacción a lo que Tate estaba hablando allí?
Reaction to what Tate was talking about back there?
- Tendrás que preguntárselo a Tate.
You'll have to ask Tate.
¿ De verdad, tú y Tate nunca lo hablasteis?
Really, you and Tate never discussed it?
Tate es de los que lo guardan todo.
Tate is quite the one for recording things.
Enviaré a Tate.
I will send Tate.
Enviaré a Tate.
I'll send Tate.
Te estoy diciendo que Tate volvió a encubrirla.
I'm telling you that Tate covered for her again.
Primero empezamos con una moción de censura contra Tate, que te aseguro que perderá.
First we'll start with a censure motion against Tate, which I'm sure he'll lose.
Mira, Tate estará aquí pronto.
Look, Tate'll be here soon.
¿ Crees que no sé por qué Tate te eligió a ti y no a mi?
You think I don't know why Tate chose me over you?
- Tate. ¿ Qué es eso?
Who else knows? Tate. What is it?
Tate me salvó.
Tate saved me.
Un final para la utopía fallida que Tate ha creado.
An end to the slack, failed Utopia Tate has created.
Tate es un mentiroso.
Tate is a liar.
Porque todo el mundo sabe que Tate lo hizo como estrategia.
Because everyone knows Tate did that as a strategy.
Sra. Holden, invitados de honor y amigos, soldados y civiles de Fort Marshall, es un privilegio para mí continuar el trabajo del Coronel Tate.
( Voice amplified ) Mrs. holden, honored guests and friends, soldiers, and army civilians of Fort Marshall, it is my privilege to continue the work of Colonel Tate.
"Tate and Jeff" estaban hablando de eso esta mañana.
"Tate and Jeff" were talking about that this morning.
Y le roban todo a "Tate y Jeff".
And they stole everything they got from "Tate and Jeff".
Sólo había una retrospectiva en la Tate Modern ( galería de arte moderno más importante en el Reino Unido )
Just had a retrospective at the Tate Modern.
Quà ­ tate la ropa.
Take your clothes off.
Gerald Tate está aquí.
Gerald Tate's here.
Jessica, yo podría haber llevado a Gerald Tate.
Jessica, I could have handled Gerald Tate.
Gerald Tate despidió a la firma.
Gerald Tate fired the firm.
Pero rellenandolo, Adrianna Tate-Duncan.
But, uh, filling in, Adrianna Tate-Duncan.
¡ Adrianna Tate-Duncan!
Adrianna Tate-Duncan!
Me pregunto cuanto pagaria TMZ para ver a Adrianna Tate-Duncan
I wonder how much TMZ would pay to see Adrianna Tate-Duncan
Así que, Tate, estas fantasias empezaron hace dos años, tres años, ¿ cuándo?
So, Tate, these fantasies started two years ago, three years ago, when?
La sensibilidad a la luz no es un efecto secundario del Lexapro, Tate.
Light sensitivity isn't a side effect of Lexapro, Tate.
Todo el mundo se puede recuperar, Tate.
Everybody can get better, Tate.
Tienes que irte, Tate.
You need to leave, Tate.
Estamos muy agradecidos contigo, Tate, por cómo ayudaste a mi familia.
We're very grateful to you, Tate, for how you helped my family.
¿ Es Tate tu novio?
Is Tate your boyfriend?
Espera. ¿ Conoces a Tate?
Wait. You know Tate?

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