/ Espagnol → Anglais / Though
Though traduction Anglais
83,497 traduction parallèle
- Sí que puedo, porque aunque Harvey claramente no te lo dijo, desde anoche soy socia. - ¿ Qué?
- Yes, I can, because even though Harvey clearly didn't tell you, as of last night, I'm a senior partner.
E insiste en que hay algo que puede hacer para compensarle.
Uh, he keeps repeating that there's something you can do, though, that would make it all up to him.
Porque a pesar de que no me gustaron tus términos, me hablaste como un igual y me trataste con respeto y con ese tipo de persona es con la que quiero hacer negocios.
Because even though I didn't like your terms, you spoke to me as an equal and you treated me with respect and that's the kind of person I want to be in business with.
Aunque no va a pasar.
It's not gonna happen, though.
- Aunque te felicito por el intento de fuga.
- Kudos on the escape attempt, though.
Un poco emocionante.
A little exciting though, too, right?
Pero es muy molesto.
So annoying, though.
Suenas como Warren, aunque él nunca tuvo que hacerse cargo de ella.
You sound like Warren, though he never had to deal with her.
Y tercero : ... cada vez que dejas de hacer lo que te hace sentir genial incluso si además te causa tristeza algo dentro de ti muere.
And three... every time you walk away from doing what makes you feel great, even though it also makes you feel sad... something inside of you dies.
- ¿ Wynonna Earp?
- Wynonna Earp, though?
Aunque también le mintieron sobre eso.
Though they lied to him about that, too.
Aunque casi esperaba poder pasar 24 horas sin matar a alguien que...
Though I was kind of hoping I could go 24 hours without killing someone I...
Pero no creo poder lograrlo.
I don't think I can make it, though.
Sí, pero no tengo jeringa.
Yeah. No needle, though.
Pero sigues siendo muy buena.
You're still pretty great, though.
Este tiene algo.
Something about this one, though.
Aunque acaban en la selva filipina.
Then they end up in the Filipino jungle, though.
Aunque, en sastrería, prefiero a Zegna.
Though, for tailoring, I do prefer Zegna.
Nos compró regalos, aunque no sabía qué nos gustaba.
She wanted to get us gifts, even though she didn't know what we liked.
Aunque todo le cause pánico, no deberíamos quejarnos.
Even though she's terrified of everything, we shouldn't complain.
Los huérfanos desean decir que lo lamentan, ¿ verdad?
Though the orphans would like to say they're sorry, wouldn't you, orphans?
¿ Quieren cerrar permanentemente el Monte Reservoir, aunque proporcione agua limpia a todo el Valle de San Gabriel?
So you want to permanently close El Monte Reservoir, even though it provides clean water for the whole San Gabriel Valley?
Testifiqué contra mi propio hermano gemelo, Randy. Aunque él no lo hizo.
I testified against my own twin brother, Randy, even though he didn't do it.
Vamos a entrar para que puede explicárselo. Aunque no pienso que haya posibilidad que lo consigan.
Let's go inside so I can explain it to you, even though there's no chance you're gonna get it.
A menos que quieras que lo cancele.
Unless you need me to cancel though.
Aunque me llevaban a los bonitos.
They'd take me to the pretty ones, though.
Pero nunca llegué a ver el final de "El Mago de Oz".
I never got to see the end of "The Wizard of Oz" though.
Aunque ahora hay una estatua en la capital de la nación con un parecido asombroso al Sr. Rory.
Though there is now a statue in the nation's capital that bears a striking resemblance to Mr. Rory.
Aunque prefiero la expresión "tomar prestado".
Though I prefer the term "borrowed."
- No, estoy llena.
- Ugh, no, I'm full. It was delicious though.
Pero lo fue.
It was, though.
Aunque tuve una madre, nunca fue amorosa, no es lo nuestro, pero a pesar de eso, ella cuidó de mí.
Though I had a mother, she wasn't warm, that's not our way, but she cared for me.
Sabe que Lillian es malvada, está haciendo lo correcto, a pesar de que todavía ama a su madre.
She knows Lillian is evil, she's doing the right thing, even though she still loves her mother.
Aunque no tú, Snapper Carr no te ha enviado aquí para sacarme algo.
Not you though, snapper carr hasn't sent you here to shake me down.
Incluso si Metallo se está debilitando, sigue siendo un ferviente seguidor de Lillian Luthor.
Even if metallo's weakening, though, he still is a fanatic follower of Lillian Luthor.
¿ Alguna vez me vas a dejar ganar?
Are you ever going to let me win though?
Aunque mxy es persistente.
Though Mxy is persistent.
Aunque sí eres una buena cita para presumir.
Though you do make good arm candy.
Aunque puedes consultarlo con Rhonda.
You can check with Rhonda though.
Mike parece buena gente.
Mike seems nice, though.
Y aunque siempre estaba en conflictos, él siempre se aseguró de que había comida en la mesa y consiguió suficiente dinero para que fuese a la universidad.
And even though he was always struggling, he always made sure there was food on the table and he got me enough money to go to college.
Y a pesar de que me has dado la espalda, sé que me quieres.
And even though you've turned your back on me, I know you love me.
Aunque hay muchas estrellas en nuestro reino celestial, solo una os llevará por el camino correcto.
Though there are many stars in our celestial kingdom, only one will lead you down the correct path.
Tenías razón en algo.
You were right about one thing though.
( tío ) Aunque la casona es antigua tiene un gran parque, una linda pileta, terreno, río, bosque.
Though the mansion is old, it has a large park, A beautiful swimming pool, grounds, river, forests...
Lo que me extraña es que no hayan ladrado los perros.
It's strange though that the dogs didn't bark
Aunque hay algo más hacerlo te cambiará.
One thing, though. Doing it will change you.
En cualquier caso, sin embargo, estaban hablando de... tirar esto abajo y arrancar aquello.
In any case, though, they were talking about knocking this down and ripping that out.
Sin embargo, estoy volviendo directamente al caballo, volviendo a salir.
I'm getting straight back on the horse, though, going right back out there.
- Aunque no te vuelvas pelado.
- Don't you go bald though.