/ Espagnol → Anglais / Tã
Tã traduction Anglais
370 traduction parallèle
Ve a verlo tú mismo.
Go see for yourself.
Tú eres un recià © n llegado, jovencito... y no conoces al mayor Jackson.
You're new around here, young man... and you don't know Major Jackson.
Sigue tú.
You take over.
Tú tambià © n.
You too.
 ¿ Y tú dà ³ nde estabas cuando ocurrià ³?
And where were you, when it happened?
 ¿ Fuiste capaz de eliminar a todos esos miserables tú solo?
You were able to kill all those bastards by yourself?
Tú habrá as hecho lo mismo encontrà ¡ ndote en mi lugar.
You would have done it too, in my place.
Tú se la habrá as entregado a ese miserable norteamericano.
You would have given her to that American bastard.
-  ¿ Y tú quà ©?
- What about you?
Pero tú debes irte.
But you must go now.
Y si un hombre honesto como tú tiene enemigos, son enemigos mà os.
And if an honest man like you should make enemies, they'd be my enemies.
Tú vigà late a ti mismo,  ¿ de acuerdo?
You watch yourself, all right?
 ¿ Quià © n eres tú?
Who are you?
La tà a mà ¡ s sexy que he tenido y he tenido muchas en todo el mundo.
She's the greatest piece of ass I've had and I've had them all over the world.
-  ¿ Y tú quà © quieres por Navidad?
- What do you want for Christmas?
Sà ³ lo tú y à © l.
- No. Go ahead.
Y tú sabà as que era lo que habà a que hacer.
And you knew it was the right thing to do.
Tú tendrà ¡ s que hacerle comprender.
So you have to talk sense into him.
Tú convence a Sonny.
You just talk to Sonny.
- Soy para à © l como tú o Mike.
- I'm as much a son as you or Mike.
Vale, ahora tú.
Okay, you take over.
- Tú no le dices que se calle.
- Don't you ever tell her to shut up.
Tú no te metas.
Don't interfere.
Tú no eres como à © l.
But you're not like him.
Me las sabà a todas cuando tú eras un mocoso.
I made my bones when you were out with cheerleaders.
Pero nunca pensà © que fueras tú.
But I never wanted this for you.
Tú, corre.
Run in there.
Y si no son liberados.
And if you fra tã are not released.
Tú, no se ©.
You, I don't know about.
Pero à © l dijo : "No, tienes que ir a la gran ciudad de Chicago......a encontrar a mi hijo." Eres tú.
But he said, "No, you have to go to the big city of Chicago to find my son." That's you.
Bueno, EH, tà © cnicamente, es una caà ± a.
Well, uh, technically, it's a cane.
Bueno, EH, tà © cnicamente, eres un idiota.
Well, uh, technically, you're a jerk.
- Tà ³ malo o dà © jalo.
Take it or leave it.
TÃ ³ mame y hacer conmigo, como se puede.
Take me and do with me as you will.
Tú me llevabas.
You took me in.
- ¿ Y tú, qué?
Y tú que?
 ¿ Y tú a à © l?
Are you going to tell him?
 ¿ Tú lo crees?
Do you believe that?
Volvà porque tú estabas aquà .
I came back'cause you were here.
Porque tú fuiste a un colegio catà ³ lico y llevabas uniforme.
Just'cause you went to Catholic school and wore a uniform.
 ¿ Tú comprará as esto?
Would you buy this?
Ya.  ¿ Y tú està ¡ s en?
Right, and you're in?
No fuiste sà ³ lo tú, Bunny.
It wasn't just you, Bunny.
TÃ o Al.
Uncle Al.
TÃ pico.
Asà que salià ³ a ver si podà a alcanzaros... y tú estabas aquà esa noche,  ¿ verdad'O'?
So he stepped out to see if he could catch up and you were here that night weren't you, "O"?
Tú decides, Sam.
It's your call, Sam.
- Tú no, te matará ¡ n.
They're shooting.
Tú viste el archivo del caso Vladivostok de hace 24 aà ± os, no?
You saw the record on the Vladivostok case 24 years ago, right?
Tú sà que te portas bien.
You're the good boy.
 ¿ Y tú?
What about you?