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Tão traduction Anglais

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E a água é tão verde.
And the canal water is so green.
Oye, tão.
Hey, you.
mas foi tudo um sonho, acordei... Eu sonhei que tu estavas tão linda,
but it was a dream, I woke up... I dreamed that you were so beautiful
Mike, tão llegas al restaurante, vas comiendo, hablas un rato y asà ­ los calmas.
Mike, you go to the restaurant, you eat, talk for a while, you relax. Make them relax.
Vamos, Carlo, tão tambià © n.
Go on, Carlo, you too.
Bien, lo que tão digas.
Okay, anything you say.
Carlo, tão te has criado en Nevada.
Carlo, you grew up in Nevada.
Michael tiene mi confianza, igual que tão.
Michael has all my confidence, just as you do.
Tom, tão eres el consigliere.
Tom, you're the consigliere.
sé que tão hablas en serio y estaba bastante entusiasmado.
I know you're serious, and I'm terribly, terribly touched.
LF i quiere oà ­ r una buena idea, I iremos a una fuente mà ¡ s inteligente que tão.like una cuà ± a de queso.
If I wanna hear a good idea, I'll go to a smarter source than you like a wedge of cheese.
Pero ningún maestro es tan aburrido o tan extraño.
Acho que nem professores são tão chatos. I think that neither teachers They are so boring. Todo estranho.
Y tú te lo tomas muy en serio.
- E tudo pra você é tão sério?
Fuiste muy malo con él y patinaste muy bien.
- Não sabia que andava tão bem, cara. - I did not know who was so good, man. - You are very good.
No es que tão te entregaras en cuerpo y alma.
You didn't exactly throw yourself into it heart and soul.
Recuerdo que pensaba... que tão eras la única parte de mi vida... con la que Buddy no tenà ­ a nada que ver.
I remember thinking you were the one part of my life that Buddy didn't have a piece of.
¿ Lo regalaste?
you Tão simply emitted?
Quizás sea porque TU no sabes cuando escuchar.
He / she can then you don't make this knows when he / she listens. what does make he / she? this makes Tão frequently.
Ooh, é tão grande.
Ooh, it's a big'un.
Decà ­ a que para à © l, tão eras una persona encantadora y que esperaba... que nos reconcilià ¡ semos por vuestra amistad.
He said that you were a precious person to him and he hoped we would reconcile for your friendship
Discutisteis, tão enloqueciste y acabaste disparà ¡ ndole, verdad?
You were arguing and then go mad, so you shot him?
Es difà ­ cil de creer para cualquiera, como, por ejemplo, tão ahora...
It would probably hard for anyone to believe it, like you now
Al igual que tão, tambià © n perdià ³ a su padre.
Like you, he lost his father
Fue "Vento no Litoral", "Teatro dos Vampiros", " O Mundo Anda Tão
"Vento no Litoral", "Teatro dos Vampiros", "O Mundo Anda Tão Complicado".
"O Mundo Anda Tão Complicado".
"O Mundo Anda Tão Complicado".
Ahora, Creole, el hombre pesa 1 65 kilos mà s que tão.  ¿ Està bien?
Now, Creole, the man outweighs you by 75 pounds.
Ele era tão exageradinha.
She was such a little drama queen.
Qué generoso. ¿ Nunca te has acostado con ellas?
Tão generoso, agora diga, you did not sleep with them?
- Lo que no te gusta de à © l, tão...
- What you don't like in him, you...
Ella es mà ¡ s importante que tão.
She's more important than you.
Entiendo que tão no has estado llevà ¡ ndote bien con Alex Hopkins.
I understand that you haven't been getting along very well with Alex Hopkins.
Yo-tú sabes, tão -
I - you know, you -
Wow, eso significa, que tão eres un doctor, tão eres un doctor, Eres un doctor, eres un doctor, y Howard, tão conoces muchos doctores.
Wow, so that means you're a doctor, you're a doctor, you're a doctor, you're a doctor, and Howard, you know a lot of doctors.
Mà ¡ s que tão sà ­ tienes a montones.
Better than what you've got a buttload of.
Mira, sé en qué punto estamos, tão y yo, y sà © que serà ­ a estúpido siquiera pensar que las cosas pudieran ser como antes, pero voy a ir al baile, y me gustarí ­ a ir contigo.
Ok, look, I know where we're at, you and I, and I know it would be stupid to even think that we could go back to the way things were, but I'm going to the dance, and I'd like to go with you.
Algún dà ­ a, tão vas a ganarle, Tony.
Some day you'll beat him, Tony.
IF-IF te oye, tão,
- Yo soy mejor que tão!
Asà ­ que tão y Doug se reunieron en un sitio web de citas?
So you and Doug met on a dating web site?
Honestamente, tão actúas como ellos la gente es mejor que tão, y no lo son.
Honestly, you-you act like these people are better than you, and they're not.
Me dijeron que tão eres el mejor.
They told me you are the man.
Assface, tão y yo por atrà ¡ s.
Assface, me and you, we'll go around back.
PÃ ³ ntelo en la cabeza porque te noqueaste, tão solo.
Put it on your head, because you just got knocked out by yourself.
Lo que tão digas.
Whatever you say.
Parece que Spiderman avanzó a más grandes y mejores amenazas que tão.
It seems spiderman has moved onto Bigger and better threats than you.
Ahora, tão te lo buscaste, amigo.
Now, you're in for it, pal.
Hawkeye, tão a Doom.
Hawkeye, you're on doom.
Esteban, tão has hablado con ella, Â ¿ verdad?
You spoke to her, didn't you?
Perdona, tão eres la muer de BeÃ'at, Â ¿ verdad?
Excuse me, aren't you Befiafs wife?
Pero eso sà ³ lo significa lo que tão quieras.
But blood only means what you let it.
Y mirando hacia atrás, me parece muy estúpido,
Eu estava tão nervoso que você ia dizer que não. E olhando para trás, que parece bastante estúpido,'cause I could have proposed on a garbage dump...

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