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Paying traduction Russe

13 traduction parallèle
Do you know how much the phase cost them when they were paying for them?
¬ ы знаете сколько этот период им стоил? огда они платили за них?
" Amigo, esta noche, tu nombre es'yo pago'".
"Дружище, сегодня ты платишь раз твоя фамилия Пей" ( плати - рус. ) ( игра слов I.M. Pei - I.M. Paying )
Lo siento, no te podía atender.
I was having trouble paying attention.
Lo tengo. Yo pago.
I'm paying.
Pago por entrevistas...
Paying for interviews...
Probablemente por suministros en efectivo.
Probably paying for supplies in cash.
Está bien, tal vez no estabas prestando atención.
Okay, um, maybe you weren't paying attention.
Me acusó de no prestar atención en la Hora Sonrisa Chi.
She accused me of not paying attention at Chi Smile Hour.
Bueno, si no lo vamos a pasar bien, entonces, ¿ para qué te pagan?
Well, if we aren't gonna have any fun, then what are they paying you for?
Cuánto te pagaron para tumbarme?
How much are they paying you to take me down?
Bueno, ya que voy a pagar por el tiempo...
Well, as long as I'm paying for the time...
Ya sabes, esta cosa hija podría estar pagando dividendos.
You know, this daughter thing might be paying dividends.
- Para pagar las cuentas.
- Paying Счета. Да. - Да?

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