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Translate.vc / Espagnol → Russe / Sée

Sée traduction Russe

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- I'm glad to see you again.
Рад вас видеть.
As you see. ¿ Quiere usted hablarnos español?
Вы не могли бы говорить с нами на испанском?
¿ Por qué no se toma algo en la barra, y vemos si le podemos conseguir mesa.
Почему бы вам не выпить в баре, and we'll see if we can find you a table.
Lo see / él en el puerto que hay un poco.
Я видел её в порту.
Ahh, I see.
А, понятно.
Me alegra verlo.
I'm glad to see you.
Didn't I see you down in San Antone on a hot and dusty night?
Не тебя ли я видел в Сан-Антонио душной пыльной ночью?
Tráeme un anillo porque estoy deseando ser la envidia de todo el mundo
Bring me a ring for I'm longing to be The envy of all I see
Querida Yente, asegúrate que sea inteligente
Dear Yente See that he's gentle
Y patos para que los vea y los oiga todo el pueblo
And ducks for the town to see and hear
Vería a mi esposa, mi Golde
I'd see my wife, my Golde
Me la imagino aristocrática y pavoneándose como un pavo real
I'd see her putting on airs and strutting like a peacock
Que vivan para ver miles de razones por que alegrarse
May you live to see a thousand reasons to rejoice
Todo lo que veo es a una niña feliz
All I can see is a happy child
- "See-saw, Margery Daw..."
- " Вперед-назад, Маргери Дау...
See, se lo he prometido a Pumpkin.
- Я обещал Пампкин.
Si puedes, entonces lo tengo corto
♪ Oh, say can you see my eyes?
Con mi brillante toga de cabello bíblico
♪ They'II be ga-ga at the go-go When they see me in my toga
Can you see the real me, can you?
# Разглядишь ли меня, настоящего?
Can you see the real me, Doctor?
# Ого! # Разглядишь ли меня настоящего, доктор?
Can you see the real me, Doctor?
# Разглядишь ли меня настоящего, доктор?
Can you see the real me, Mother?
# Разглядишь ли меня настоящего, Мама?
Can you see, can you see the real me?
# Разглядишь ли меня?
Can you see the real me, Preacher?
# Разглядишь ли меня настоящего, священник?
Can you see? Can you see? Can you see?
# Разглядишь ли?
Can you see the real me, Doctor?
# А! # Разглядишь ли меня настоящего, доктор?
Can you see the real me
# Разглядишь ли?
And I can see that this is me And I will be
# И всё, что я вижу # что будет со мной
You'll all see I'm the one
# И все увидят, что я один #
I see a man without a problem
# Я видел человека без проблем #
But I see a face coming through the haze
# Но я вижу лицо сквозь туман
You should see me dressed up in my uniform
# Ты должен увидеть меня в униформе
~ It don't take too much high IQ to see what you're doing to me
It don't take too much high IQ to see what you're doing to me
~ Bend over Let me see you shake your tail feather
Bend over Let me see you shake your tail feather
~ Come on Let me see you shake your tail feather
Come on Let me see you shake your tail feather
~ Look there, brother, baby and see what I see
Look there, brother, baby and see what I see
"All you see is"
"All you see is"
Odio verte desfallecer de esa manera
# Hate to see you fall that way
"Yo veo las luces de neón"
I see neon lights.
- ¿ Qué?
- See for yourself.
Quizás deberías ver primero a tu ex-mujer.
Maybe you should see your ex-wife first.
Mejor ve a ver al marido.
You better see her husband.
No tengo ninguna razón para verlo.
I've no reason to see him.
Necesito ver a Anushka.
I need to see Anyuta.
- Un niño de 8 años, ¿ eh? No hablo inglés.
I don't speak English, see?
Ella te envía algo.
She sent you something. See.
Es "Kukla", ( muñeca ). Mira, cierra los ojos.
See, her eyes close.
Necesito ver a Anya.
I need to see Anyuta.
Ha dicho que no puedes ver a Anne.
He said, you can't see Anne. What?
¿ Qué? ¿ No puedo ver a mi hija?
I can't see my daughter?

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