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Already traduction Turc

45 traduction parallèle
Ya es el padrino de la mitad de los niños de Sevilla.
Already, he's godfather \ ~ to half the infants in Sevilla..
Ya le he dicho que me casé y me fui con mi esposo a Saratov.
I told you already that I had got married and gone to live with my husband in Saratov.
Lo siento, ya nos es tarde.
Sorry, we're already late.
"... thinking that he's already made her. "
"... thinking that he's already made her. "
Él tiene un par de dólares ya en esto.
He has a couple of C's riding on this already.
Veo que se reunió already entrenador.
Koç ile tanıştığını görüyorum.
* Ya estoy levantado *
* I'm already up and gone *
Ya me siento mejor.
I feel better already.
- They've already started gossiping.
- Zaten çoktan dedikoduya başladılar.
I'm already jealous... Me pongo celoso de todos los hombres que entran en tu campo de visión, que han notado el olor de tu pelo y se han apretado contra ti.
Ben zaten seni Görüş alanının icinde olan ve sacının nasıl koktugunu bilen her erkekten..
La química estaba ahí, pero fue uno de esos momentos que la fortaleció
The chemistry was already there, you know but this was just one of those things that cemented it, you know.
Ya se han hecho realidad
"Have already come true"
Pensé que ya estaba hecho.
I thought he was already in.
Ya le hemos explicado nuestro proyecto al Sr. Giles. ¿ Nigel?
We've already laid out our project for Mr Giles. Nigel?
Para los que no lo tenemos.
For those of us who don't already have it.
Estás aprendiendo... relajate
öğreniyorsun. Just smell some fucking roses already.
We already broke up * * *
Biz çoktan ayrılmışız.
- No, gracias, ya tomé.
No, thanks, I had some already.
Ya termina con eso.
Wrap it up already.
The Walking Dead S02E07 "Pretty Much Dead Already"
Çeviri : Shagrathian The Walking Dead 2.
Tenemos que saltarnos algunos pasos...
We have already climbed many ste...
Ya lo dije.
I already said.
Estresantes. ¿ De verdad tengo que tomármelos en serio?
Restudying is already stressful enough, do I still have to study seriously?
Centrarnos en las grandes canciones, como "Already gone" o "Last stand", ya sabes.
Büyük şarkılara yoğunlaşsak, mesela "Already Gone" ya da "Last Chance" gibi.
Ya estamos en el sistema.
We're already in the system.
Demasiado tarde, ya estoy maldita.
Too late, already damned.
¿ Cómo sabes esto?
I sat him already.
Judge Irving, my client has already been held for ten days without charge.
Yargıç Irving, müvekkilim zaten 10 gündür alıkonuluyor hem de hiçbir suçlama olmadan.
Oh, look out, the stripper's here already.
Ah şuna bakın, striptizcimiz de gelmiş.
¿ Nuestras vidas tienen un destino?
* Are our lives already fated?
¿ Los dioses ya decidieron nuestro destino?
* Have the gods already decided our destiny?
Porque si mi estimado colega hubiera verificado la fecha de la violación se hubiera dado cuenta que ella no podía estar en la corte el viernes pasado porque ya estaba en la carcel esperando la audiencia de esta fianza.
Because if my esteemed colleague had actually checked the date of her violation, he would have noticed that she couldn't appear in court last Friday because she was already in jail awaiting this bail hearing.
Enough already.
Bu kadar yeter.
- Rafael ya es una mala influencia para ti.
- Rafael is already a bad influence on you.
Exacto, ya sabemos que te lo mandará.
- Nic haklı because we'd already know that you're getting it.
Lo que hago es una válvula de escape para algo que ya existe.
JADE : I think that what I do is an outlet for something that's already there.
Me di cuenta que ya saturaste la remera "A" y la remera "B", así que te traje esto.
I figured you already saturated "A" shirt and "B" shirt, so I brought you this.
Tengo planes con alguien este fin de semana.
I'm already hanging out with someone else on the weekend.
♪ You already kahora what it is, man ♪
Neden bahsettiğimi biliyorsun, dostum...
Quizás ya lo habíamos hecho.
Perhaps we already had.
Además ya tenemos que tipo de muertos a los derechos, por lo...
Plus we already got you kind of dead to rights, so...
- ¡ Cierto!
These dudes are copping major Z's already. - Tamam!
Ya lo hice.
I already did.
Çeviri A.T.A.

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