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Kept traduction Turc

25 traduction parallèle
Me tiraban de la nariz. ¡ De mi nariz!
They kept pulling my nose. Mine of all noses!
And I'm glad you kept the keys To your favourite front door
En sevdiğin kapının Anahtarını saklamana sevindim
Debí dejarme los pantalones puestos.
I should have kept my leathers on.
Este pobre montañés decía que a duras penas alimentaba a su familia
That poor mountaineer # They say he barely kept his family fed
" but he just kept right on
" Ama devam ediyordu
# # Tú seguiste amando # # # # Y yo empecé a ayunar # #
# You kept right on lovin', and I went on a fast ( Sen sevmeyi sürdürdün ve bense perhizdeydim ) #
Según el espectroscopio la cartulina estaba revestida con monómeros no saturados... Hodgins. ¿ Cuál es el problemón?
Now, electn dispersion spectroscopy indicates that the cardboard is coated with ethylenically unsaturated monomers, which kept it from completely deteriorating.
Es eso lo que gritabas, is that why you kept shouting, "Hey, Soy uno de los del Oceano 6!"?
O yüzden mi, "Oceanic altılısından biriyim" diye bağırıyordun?
* He kept me nice and sane. *
Beni iyi ve mantıklı kılıyordu
La plata de tu abuela la mantuviste muy limpia,
Your grandmother's silver You kept it so clean,
De Cordova must be kept on his feet, or else he will surprise the French. Debe mantener a De Córdoba en movimiento, o de lo contrario él va a sorprender a los franceses.
Kutsal Babamızın iyi tarafında kalmak için elbette benden istenilen her şeyi yapacağım.
# Train kept a-rollin'all night long
Tren dönüp durdu tüm gece boyunca.
Chuck 5x09 Chuck Versus the Kept Man
Çeviri :
Kept tenía pensamientos locos como... "¿ No sería increíble tener una vida con esa mujer?"
Bu düşüncelere sahip olmak şöyleydi böyle bir kadınla hayat mükemmel olmaz mıydı?
Pero fue la música... que se reproducía en mi cabeza la que me mantuvo vivo cuando pensaba que iba a ser disparado.
Fakat zihnimde çalan But it was the music... ve vurulacağımı düşündüğüm zamanlarda that played in my head that kept me alive beni hayatta tutan şey müzikti. when I thought I was gonna get shot.
Y fueron las melodías... que soñaba las que me mantuvieron caliente cuando estaba durmiendo en la calle.
Ve sokaklarda uyurken beni And it was the melodies that... sıcak tutan I dreamt about that kept me warm düşlediğim melodilerdi. while I was sleeping in the streets.
♪ Es hora de mantener la promesa que hiciste ♪
# All this time kept the promise you made #
Fue centrarnos en el cargo que estábamos juzgando en cuanto al evento en sí, en ese momento en particular.
Is, we kept going back to the charge that was put forth to the jury as to the actual event, that one moment in time.
Tu padre es gay. â ™ ª Ketty kept the list of times â ™ ª â ™ ª Now that she had â ™ ª So we swarmed like flies â ™ ª â ™ ª Pretending that we were terrified, too â ™ ª
Baban gey oldu. Çeviri : Lightyear @ Lightyear _ 96

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