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Losé traduction Turc

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No, losé.
¡ Losé todo!
Her şeyi biliyorum!
- Losé.
- Biliyorum.
¡ No sabe lo que dice! Sí, losé.
Neden söz ettiğini bilmiyorsun.
Losé, losé.
- Biliyorum.
- Losé.
Bundan eminim.
Losé, pero harías una comparación entre los matrimonios.
- Bir evlilik kıyaslaması yapabilirsin.
No losé.
Ah, no losé... neuróticos.
Bilmiyorum duygusalllaştım. Gerçekten aptalca.
No losé, Carl.
Kaybetme, Carl.
- No losé, ¿ cómo voy a saberlo?
- Bilmiyorum. Nereden bileyim?
¡ Lo sé! ¡ Losé!
"Vas a perder a esa chica".
"You're going to lose that girl".
Vas a perder a esa chica.
You're going to lose that girl, yes yes, you're going to lose that girl
Vas a perder a esa chica. Si no la invitas esta noche, va a cambiar de opinión.
You're going to lose that girl, yes yes, you're going to lose that girl lf you don't take her out tonight
Vas a perder a esa chica. Si no la tratas bien, amigo mío, vas a darte cuenta que se ha ido.
You're going to lose that girl, yes yes, you're going to lose that girl lf you don't treat her right my friend
Vas a perderla. Me haré el favor de llevármela lejos de ti, si.
You're going to lose, yes yes, you're going to lose that girl l'll make a point of taking her away from you
Vas a perder a esa chica.
You're going to lose that girl You're going to lose that girl, yes yes, you're going to lose that girl
Vas a perderla, Me haré el favor de llevármela lejos de ti, si.
You're going to lose, yes yes, you're going to lose that girl l'll make a point of taking her away from you
Vas a perder a esa chica.
You're going to lose, yes yes, you're going to lose that girl
♪ You like to dance, we like to sing So let's all lose our minds ♪
# Siz seversiniz dansı, bizse şarkıları Kopalım öyleyse hep birlikte
"... what have you got to lose? "
"... what have you got to lose? "
"What have you got to lose?"
"What have you got to lose?"
"What have I got to lose?"
"What have I got to lose?"
Win or lose you've got to get your share
Kazan ya da kaybet, sana düşeni almak zorundasın.
¿ y podemos no darnos cuenta de lo que perdemos continuamente con los años?
And can we not perceive what we lose unceasingly with the years?
- Rocks don't lose their shape
- Kayalar şekillerini kaybetmezler
Tengo el blues de Estambul el blues de Estambul me condenaron a 30 años ya todo lo perdí...
Got the old lstanbul blues lstanbul blues they give me 30 years ain't got nothing left to lose...
Yo también.
# Come on, let's keep movin'Don't you lose no ground #
~ Tryin'to make people lose their mind Now, be careful you don't lose yours
Tryin'to makepeople lose theirmind Now, be carefulyou don't loseyours
- Biliyorum.
Los instrumentos de cuerda comenzaron con "Fácil de Amar" y yo comencé a tocar "Si te perdiera".
Yaylılar, Easy to Love'ın introsuna girdiler. Ama ben If I Should Lose You'yu çalmaya başladım.
Because you've got one you'll never lose
# Çünkü her zaman elinin altındaydım
Perder las armas.
Lose silahlar.
Though we never thought that we could lose There's no regret
Kaybedeceğimizi hiç düşünmediysek de hiç pişmanlık yok.
But I suddenly lose control
# Siempre la trato con respeto # Nunca la abuse # ella es tan rara # que no quiero perderla.
~ Always treat her with respect I never would abuse her ~ ~ What she's got is hard to find and I don't want to lose her ~
Ya losé.
Pensé que nunca perderíamos.
Though I never thought that we could lose
Cualquiera sea el camino escogido, al final se pierde algo.
Whichever path they choose, they lose something.
You took your hand off the van. You lose.
Elini minibüsten çektin, kaybettin.
O Win, Lose or Draw.
- Veya "Win, Lose or Draw" ı.
# # Pierdes el control # #
# You lose your grip ( Kendini kaybediyorsun ) #
# # Nosotros nunca... nunca tendremos que volver a perderlo # #
# We'll never ( Bir daha asla ) # # We'll never have to lose it again ( Bir daha asla kaybetmemeliyiz ) #
Si lose
Evet, hatırlıyorum.
Lose soy una estupida.
Biliyorum çok salağım.
Hemos Clint Eastwood en "Averyways But Lose" Meryl Streep, en "Entre Dos Amores" ; Estamos en buen camino.
"Asla Yenilme" filminde Clint Eastwood, sonra "Benim Afrikam" dilminde Meryl Streep.
- Losé, Sara.
Biliyorum Sara.

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