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Months traduction Turc

13 traduction parallèle
Fuí deportado al "tren de la muerte," así llamado porque it sat for two months [... ] siendo disparado por los ingleses que no sabían quién estaba en él.
Fransız cezaevi idaresi tarafından 2 Temmuz 1944'te diğer hapishane mahkûmlarıyla S.S.'e teslim edildim.
¡ Los meses que servimos en el Livingston!
The months we served aboard the Livingston.
It'll be nice if she comes with us to America for 1-2 months and sees everything.
Bu iyi olur 1-2 aylığına bizimle Amerika'ya gelirse. Herşeyi de görür.
Y a su izquierda, está el conocido lugar donde Hugh Grant filmó la película "Nueve meses".
Sol tarafınızda Hugh Grant'in "Nine Months" filmini çektiği ünlü yer bulunuyor.
In three months, we were outgrossing monster trucks in Wichita.
üç ay içinde patlama yapmıştık, Wichita'da konser..
El sabia que amo esta vaina. It was during the 6 months or so it'd take me to polish it off Cada vez que miro este sello, veo su nombre y pienso en el.
Bunu sevdiğimi biliyordu Altıncı ayımda falan beni cilalamaya götürürdü ve her seferinde etikete bakıp ismini gördüğümde aklıma o gelirdi.
- En 2 meses, puediera ser yo en ese bote.
In ywo months, it could be me on that boat.
Han sido cerca de tres meses, Comodoro, y el Dr Surran dijo que tal vez... hey, te dijé que no quería médicos, mierda.
Been near three months, commodore, and Dr. Surran said that maybe... Doktor istemiyorum dedim ya!
* it took six months of trials * * just to put me in jail * * in seven long years * * they never offered ball * * everyone knows * * that crime pays * * and everybody does it *
# it took six months of trials # # just to put me in jail # # in seven long years # # they never offered bail # # everyone knows # # that crime pays # # and everybody does it. #
Hace unos meses descubrí que tenía una hermana gemela y entonces me pidió que la reemplazara, guardar el secreto, encontrar a nuestra madre verdadera y tratar de mantenerme con vida.
A few months ago I discovered I have a twin sister and then she asked me to take her place, keep the secret, find our real mother and try to stay alive.
Ha estado persiguiéndome por meses ¡ ahora, me está tendiendo una trampa!
He's been dogging me for months now, he's setting me up!
He estado viviendo en una cárcel móvil durante cuatro meses, así que está claro que puedo manejar el estrés.
I've been living in a movable prison for four months, so obviously I can handle stress.
Y has querido estar allí desde hace meses, pero por respeto a mis sentimientos,
And you've wanted to be there for months now, but out of respect for my feelings,

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