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Nothing traduction Turc

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Nada podría asustarme nunca más.
Nothing would ever frighten us again.
"Between grief and nothing, I will take grief."
"Between grief and nothing, I will take grief."
No es nada fácil Es algo que no conoce.
It's not really easy to like something you know nothing about.
El dice que no sabe nada.
He says he knows nothing. He's being smart.
- Nothing happened. - No ha pasado nada. Nada.
Demek boşuna tartışmışız.
Nothing doing.
Bir şey yapma.
Y ahora otra gran oferta, Nada a la vista de Edward Ladseer.
Edward Landseer'dan Nothing at Bay.
Powis Square 81, Notting Hill Gate.
81 Powis Meydanı, Nothing Hill Girişi.
Ni siquiera sabía que la bebé había muerto hasta que la policía me llevó a Notting Hill.
Polis beni Nothing Hill'e getirene kadar bebeğin öldüğünü bile bilmiyordum.
"De ia vida de un inútil", de Eichendorff, y "La educación sentimental" de Giaubert.
Eichendorff'un "Life of a Good-for-Nothing" ve Flaubert'ün "Sentimental Education" adlı kitapları.
"Life of a Good-for-Nothing" Joseph von Eichendorff.
No, ¡ no dije nada!
No, I said nothing!
A mí me parece todo demasiado bonito.
Nothing is missing. I think everything looks even too beautiful
Tengo el blues de Estambul el blues de Estambul me condenaron a 30 años ya todo lo perdí...
Got the old lstanbul blues lstanbul blues they give me 30 years ain't got nothing left to lose...
~ There ain't nothing you could ask I could answer you, but I won't
There ain't nothingyou couldask lcouldansweryou, but l won't
~ Without each other there ain't nothing either can do
Without each other there ain't nothing eithercan do
~ There ain't nothing you could ask I can answer you, but I won't
There ain't nothingyou couldask lcan answeryou, but l won't
Nothing Gold Can Stay.
İmkansızdır Altın Gibi Kalmak.
Si no puedes, entonces no vales nada para nadie.
If you can't, then you're worth nothing to nobody.
Quizás no valga nada.
Maybe I am nothing.
Nada que la caballería no pueda manejar.
Nothing the cavalry can't handle.
- Nada ha cambiado entre nosotros.
- Nothing has changed between us.
Sabes, a pesar de mis esfuerzos, mis intensos esfuerzos para no hacer nada... las cosas ocurren de todos modos.
Biliyorsun, çabalarıma rağmen, my intense efforts to do nothing... things happen anyway.
Pero no seria nada sin una mujer o una chica...
~ But it would be nothing without a woman or a girl... ~
Dentro de poco, no habrá censura.
Before long, there won't be nothing held back.
'Ireland, n-nothing there again.'
"İrlanda'ya yine birşey yok."
as if nothing were happening
Sanki hiçbir şey yokmuş gibi.
What is it, if there's nothing amiss
Yanlış bir şey olursa ne olur.
Los Goa'uld son conquistadores, nada más.
The Goa'uld are conquerors, nothing more.
Espera una hora, si no pasa nada, vete a dormir y olvida.
N if nothing happens, Bir saat bekle, hiç bir şey olmazsa uyu ve unut.
No, porque lo que iba a decir antes de este sermón sobre el mundo según Pacey, es que esto no tiene que ver con ninguna señal sino con una sola cosa.
Hayır anlamıyorsun, because what I was gonna say before this world-according-to-Pacey speech is that this has nothing to do with getting Jen in the sack. It has to do with one thing...
No eres más que un engendro blanco, la niñita del Country Club con problemas de insignificancia.
You're nothing but a white-bread goody two-shoes with a potty mouth.
A millones de km de mi mundo. El cual es aqui, Nothing Hill, mi lugar favorito de Londres.
Ben burada yaşıyorum, Notting Hill.
De repente es fin de semana, y en el descanso, cientos de butacas aparecen de la nada, llenando desde la calle Portobello hasta la entrada a Nothing Hill... y miles de personas compran antiguedades, algunas genuinas y algunas no tanto genuinas.
Ve aniden hafta sonu gelir. Ve bir anda Nothing Hill Gate'e... giden yolu dolduran yüzlerce tezgah peyda olur. Her yer binlerce antika alan yüzlerce insanla dolar.
- ¿ No? La prensa se despertó diciendo : "Anna Scott está detrás de esa puerta azul en Notting Hill".
Nothing Hill'deki mavi kapılı evde! " diye uyandı.
Yo vivo en Notting Hill.
- Ben Nothing Hill'de yaşıyorum.
Ten cuidado con eso. Si Io mezclas con algo, expIotarás.
Don't mix it with nothing else or you'll be all over the floor.
Wear next to nothing...
Üstüme bir şey giymeyeceğim...
Para los aristócratas romanos, es : "aut Caesar aut nihil" "César o nadie".
Roman'ların şu meşhur lafı, "Aut Caesar aut nihil," either a Caesar or nothing.
As they talked while they read And they never knew nothing of love It was before
dinlerken konuşan aşk hakkında hiç birşey bilmeyen öncesindeydi hepsi
- No roban ni rompen nada.
- They steel nothing.
# Nada dice que no creen
# Nothing says you don't believe
Que nada cambiara con la muerte... como ahora. ¡ Para siempre!
That nothing changes with death, just right now, forever
LT no tiene nada que ver con la justicia ya.
lt has nothing to do with justice anymore.
No es nada, ¿ eh?
It's nothing, huh?
Así que si no hay más...
So if there's nothing else...
Double or Nothing
Sezon 3 x Bölüm 18 DOUBLE OR NOTHING ( İki Katı Ya da Hiç )
"I don't see nothing."
"I don't see nothing."
A mí me parece todo demasiado bonito.
Nothing is missing.
Me alegro de que hayas venido.
# Inebriating, leave you gaping open # # nothing's safe in oakland # # it's potent, and murder is the slogan... # Geldiğine sevindim.
Su piel no emite calor Nothing.
Kürkleri ısı emmiyor.

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