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While traduction Turc

129 traduction parallèle
Alexander Woollcott también contó la leyenda en su libro While Rome Burns.
Bu kesinlikle Alexander Woollcott'un "Roma Yanarken" adlı kitabı ile yakından ilgiliydi.
Le dije que no le saldría barato, pero creo que esto le merecerá la pena.
Sana söylemiştim ucuz değilim diye, but I think you'll find it's worth your while.
Tomen este dinero.
Take this money. It's enough to live on for a while.
Mientras exhale este fugaz aliento
# While I draw this fleeting breath
Alguien con quien sonreír De vez en cuando
# # I have you two # # Someone to smile once in a while with
Mientras volteo una y otra vez
# # While I'm turning around and around
♪ Is all right for a while ♪
# Olsun, şimdilik sorun yok
Mientras nos reunimos alrededor de la bandera una vez más
- ¶ While we rally'round the flag, boys ¶ - ¶ Rally once again ¶
"... and imagine frothing dragons while you sit and wreck your lungs? "'
"... and imagine frothing dragons while you sit and wreck your lungs? " " And I must be permissive... "
"Excuse me while I kiss the sky."
"Purple haze all around."
Mientras la banda toque una canción de vaqueros...
# While the band plays a cowboy tune
# And I've been doin'it for a while, yeah
* Ve bunu yapıyorum bebeğim, uzunca bir süre *
# For a while
* Bir süre daha *
# While he's plowin'to the country blues
* Dalmışken kendi country havasına *
# While he's plowing up his daddy's land
* Sürerken babasının toprağını *
# While up in Denver
* Denver'da ise *
# Deseo volver ahí # # con las cosas ahora conozco. #
# You know that feelin'only lasts a little while # # You just stick with us #
Glad you came back While I'm still in my prime
Döndüğüne sevindim Gençliğim geçmeden
Disfrute de sus bebidas while estoy bajo el cuchillo.
Ben bıçak altındayken içkilerinizin tadını çıkarın.
Dije que le llamo estúpido wouIdn't while estamos siendo íntima.
İlişkiye girerken salak demeyeceğimi söylemiştim.
would usted like un poco de café while esperamos?
Beklerken kahve içmek ister misin?
Estaremos rockeando mientras todos duermen.
We gonna be rockin'rockin', while he sleeps.
For a while
Bir süre için.
* I ain't gonna do you wrong While you're gone... *
* Sen yokken Yapmam sana karşı bir hata... *
Tenemos de todo en la UHF
# Kick off your sneakers Stick around for a while
A unos velar, a otros dormir es dado
For some must watch while some must sleep
But while she's there waitin'
# Fakat o bi köşede beklerken
Aplasta el show mientras las tortugas esten diciendo
"Devastate the show" " while the turtles are sayin'"
Dr. McCurdy, usted testificó que en su opinión... el Sr. Marsh sufrió su fatal paro cardíaco..
Dr. McCurdy, you testified that in your opinion... Bay Marsh suffered his fatal heart attack... while he was restrained.
Johnson no llegó hasta después del anochecer, hace poco.
Johnson didn't arrive till after dark, just a while ago.
Sugiero que permanezcamos aquí, mientras el resto del ejército ataca los otros flancos.
I suggest we hold here while the rest of the army attacks the other flank.
Así, mientras que Meade reflexiona sobre su propia posición, por temor a que estará flanqueado Lee lo atacará aquí, donde menos lo sospecha.
So while Meade ponders his own position, for fear he'll be flanked Lee will actually attack him here, where he least suspects it.
Extraña es que después de interpretar a este pobre tonto campesino por un tiempo, no puedo dejar de sentir pena por él porque a nadie le importa.
Strange thing is after playing this poor fool farmer for a while, I can't help but feel sorry for him because no one cares.
# # And While We Spoke Of # #
# # Ve bir çok şey hakkında # #
Hemos de extraer el simbionte mientras aún haya tiempo.
We've got to remove the symbiont while there's still time.
# Se ilumina la entrada en cuanto # apareze mi nariz
~ Shine up the runway while I powder my nose ~
# Let's enjoy it while we can
# Let's enjoy it while we can
Hace un tiempo que está así.
He ´ s been at it for a while now.
Quédate aquí y volverá tu alegría
You stick around / I'll make it worth your while [Takıl buralarda değsin zamanına di mi]
Mejor conseguir mientras conseguir sea bueno!
As they talked while they read And they never knew nothing of love It was before
dinlerken konuşan aşk hakkında hiç birşey bilmeyen öncesindeydi hepsi
Me temo que estaremos parados aquí un rato.
Korkarım ki bir süre burada kapana kısıldık. stuck here for a while.
Yo estoy aquí sola con los niños durante tres días mientras tú andas por allí sin tu alianza de bodas hablando con chicas en aeropuertos.
I am stuck here alone with the kids for three days while you're out there without your wedding ring at airports talking to girls!
" to listen for a while
" Bir süre dinledim
El episodio de esta noche : "Discúlpame mientras mato al cielo".
"Excuse me while I kill the sky."
Me tomo un tiempo, pero ya llegue
Took me a while, but I'm finally here
Justo ahí llegó la cigüeña
Stork dropped in While she was on the floor
"Lately things don't seem the same."
"Excuse me while I kiss the sky."
~ These three words while you're gettin'busy Whoomp, there it is, hit me ~
While she was busy Mientras ella estaba ocupada bein'free siendo libre
Atla haydi.
llevan tiempo tras de ti.
They've been onto you for quite a while.Sana bir süreligine zaman tanıdılar.

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