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Arrét traduction Anglais

203 traduction parallèle
Les positions changent sans arrét.
But they're swapping places all the time.
L'arrét au stand ne fera de mal ni à Rose, ni à Brannan.
This pit stop won't hurt either Mauri Rose or Brannan.
On aura les temps d'arrét officiels dans quelques minutes.
I'll give you official time for those pit stops in a few minutes.
A partir de ce moment-là, nous avons protesté sans arrét et revindiqué l'investiture du vice-président.
From then on, we protested incessantly. for the inauguration of the Vice-President.
C'était dans'Causing a Commotion', dans'Open Your Heart'... dans'Keep lt Together', dans'Where's The Party', et dans'Vogue'... Ie son se coupait sans arrét dans mon casque.
It was in'Causing a Commotion'and'Open Your Heart'... and'Keep It Together'and'Where's The Party'and'Vogue'... my sound kept coming out on my headset.
Faites'l'arrét de bus'!
Do the bus stop!
On travaille sans arrét.
It's all work.
Je vais presser'arrét'.
I'm going to press power.
Ils tournent sans arrét!
Round and round.
- Tu le dorlotes sans arret.
- Oh, you're always coddling'em.
Allez-y, le taxi est la. Et pas d'arret en chemin!
- Don't stop for anything.
J'ai transmis sans arret.
I've beamed and beamed.
Des circuits se mettent en marche. Sans arret.
And they never rest.
Tu répètes ça sans arret.
You've been saying that for days.
- Un arret.
- A stop.
Je me demande combien de temps je pourrai supporter ça. De vous voir vous déchirer sans arret.
I'm wondering how much longer i can go on... watching you two tearing the insides out of each other.
Darling, maybe we should have some people in.
He always seemed to enjoy himself here.
Une camionnette de fleuriste qui tourne sans arret autour de l'immeuble.
A florist's van's driving around the building constantly.
Nous nous dirigeons vers la planète de Karla Five, Arret.
We are proceeding to Karla Five's planet, Arret.
Capitaine, nous approchons d'Arret.
Captain, we are approaching Arret.
Cela correspond exactement avec Arret.
It corresponds exactly with Arret.
On reçoit un message d'Arret, capitaine.
Message coming in from Arret, Captain.
Vous parliez sans arret d'une mallette. Moi?
I don't know, you mentioned a briefcase.
Il parle sans arret à un papillon qu'il croit pose sur son epaule.
He won't stop talking to a butterfly which he imagines on his shoulder.
Non, tu le chopes à l'arret.
- No, you get the parked train, and you just-- -
Ici, il a plu sans arret.
It's been raining in Paris for days.
Dieu vous accorde ARRÊT joie, de santé et de paix.
God grant you joy, health and peace STOP.
Il dessine sans arret.
He draws and draws.
On peut faire un arret non prévu?
Never fail you. You guys mind if we make an unscheduled stop? I got something I gotta do.
Connaissant l'arret, l'executerez-vous? Oui.
You want my decree.
Il est etendu a l'arret de bus, au coin de Walbrzyska et Pulawska.
Lying by the bus-stop. At the intersection Walbrzyska and Pulawska Street.
L'arret dans la direction du centre.
The downtown bus-stop. - Drunk?
Un plombier, ça lime sans arret. Lui pouvait pas bander!
A man lays pipe for a living, can't get it up at home.
Il y a un arret la-bas aussi.
You'll find a stop there too.
Ou est l'arret de bus?
Where's the coach stop?
- Hey, faut attendre à l'arret du bus!
All right
- Conduis moi à un arret, et j'attendrais. - Oh, d'accord.
Well, tell me What'd I say, yeah
Je n'ai que toi, et tu me contraries sans arret.
You're all I have and you're so infuriating!
Qu'y a-t-il? Un type appelle sans arret, il vous reclame 800 000.
A man called several times, saying you owed him $ 800.000.
[Grunting, Screaming]
Jusgu ´ á l ´ arret des combats, gue notre terre souffre.
May our land be troubled until the battle ceases.
Sans arret, tu me soules!
You're always in my fucking ear.
I get beat every week. It'll just mean some extra days off.
Puis un jour, il tombe sous le charme d'une mysterieuse Anglaise. Une harpie. Qui le bat sans arret...
And then one day, he falls under the spell of a mysterious English woman a harpy, who beats him and hits him.
Il me parle sans arret d'Anna Karenine.
He keeps talking about Anna Karenina now.
Elle bouge, elle change sans arret de tunnel.
It keeps moving around and changing tunnels.
Je reçois sans arret des tetes
No, no, I keep getting hit with heads!

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