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Billie traduction Anglais

1,456 traduction parallèle
J'ai un café à 6 h et un dîner à 8 h, donc si Billie n'est pas là...
All I'm saying is I have coffee at 6 : 00, a dinner date at 8 : 00. So if Billie's not here...
Billie, ce sont des preuves, OK?
Hey, Billie, those are evidence, OK?
- Bien sûr que non.
- Billie, relax.
La déesse qui a créé cette ceinture avait une solution pour la retirer, mais si on ne la trouve pas, Billie mourra.
OK. I know the goddesses who made the belt came up with a way to take it off. But if we can't figure out what that was, Billie's gonna die.
Billie, tu es trop attachée à ce truc.
OK, Billie, I think you're getting a little too attached to that thing.
L'un d'eux a dû réussir à passer. Billie a dit qu'Hercule l'a tuée.
Well, one must have gotten through because Billie said Hercules killed her.
Mais Billie était déjà une sorcière, ça la rend invincible.
But Billie was a powerful witch before she put the belt on, which pretty much makes her invincible.
Super Billie la contrôle ou elle veut nous échapper.
Either super Billie's completely taken over or she just doesn't wanna be found.
Si Billie arrive et qu'on a du mal, on l'appellera.
Besides, if Billie gets here and we can't handle it, we'll call for her.
Billie porte toujours la ceinture?
I, uh, guess Billie's still wearing the belt, huh? - You think?
Non, je lui ai demandé et tant mieux, car Billie aurait pu te tuer.
I told him to, and it's a good thing I did, because Billie might have killed you.
Billie, tu m'écoutes?
Billie, are you listening to me?
Je veux sortir d'ici avant que Léo décide de ne plus former Billie.
I'm trying to get out of here before Leo changes his mind about training Billie.
Plus depuis que j'ai Billie à charge sans arrêt.
Not anymore, not with me having to deal with Billie all the time.
Non, tout va bien, mais Billie veut aller à l'école de magie.
Sorry, everything's fine, except Billie wants to go to Magic School.
- Je ne pense pas que Billie...
- Come on, Piper, I don't think Billie...
- Non, pas Billie, Mandi.
- No, not Billie, Mandi.
Billie avait raison.
Billie was right.
Je ne la trouve nulle part.
Because I cannot find Billie anywhere.
O.K. Allez, Billie.
Come on, Billie.
Billie, enfin.
Billie nous a raconté ce qui est arrivé.
So, uh, Billie told us what happened.
Quand Billie l'a combattu, il n'était pas si grand.
Billie said when she confronted him before, he wasn't nearly as big.
Comme Billie l'a vu mourir, ça n'est plus notre problème.
Now that Billie saw him die, I don't really think it's our problem anymore.
C'est Billie.
It's Billie.
That's Billie?
Phoebe, si tu restais ici avec Billie?
Phoebe, why don't you stay with Billie here? OK.
Non, mais nous savons ce qui est arrivé à Billie.
No. But we know what happened to Billie.
- Combien de temps reste-t-il à Billie?
How much time does Billie have?
Piper, il arrive quelque chose à Billie.
Piper! Something's happening to Billie!
Sans remède, Billie mourra bientôt.
If we don't find a cure, and soon, Billie will die.
- Comment va Billie?
How's Billie? Not good.
Il faut trouver le patient X, le convaincre de donner son sang pour faire un antidote. Nous sauver et sauver Billie.
We got to find this patient X, convince him to give us some of his blood so that we can make an antidote, fix us, and then fix Billie.
Laissons-la nous infecter. Quoi?
- Let's get Billie to infect us.
Ouais, va dire ça à Billie.
Yeah. Tell that to Billie.
Billie, réveille-toi.
Billie. Wake up.
Billie, debout.
Billie, wake up.
- Oubliez, parce qu'à l'heure qu'il est, Billie est en danger.
- It doesn't matter, because I'm pretty sure Billie is in trouble again.
Oui, mais on a Billie pour nous soulager.
I know, but, you know, we've got Billie to pick up the slack.
- Ce n'est pas de la rigolade.
- This isn't funny, Billie. This is serious.
- Billie.
- Billie.
- Eh bien, Billie, il semblerait qu'on ait un petit problème.
- Well, Billie, it seems as if we have a bit of a problem here.
- Tu es en danger, Billie,
- You are in way over your head, Billie.
- Grâce à Billie.
- Billie.
- Qui est Billie?
- Billie? Who is Billie?
Billie ne pourrait pas lui parler?
But why can't Billie talk to Murphy?
Non, c'est Billie.
No, Piper.
Vous vous souvenez?
Do you remember Billie?

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