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Calloway traduction Anglais

148 traduction parallèle
Sauf le professeur Cab Calloway
'Cept Professor Cab Calloway
Ce vieux Calloway
CHORUS : That ol'man, Calloway
Une fois ambassadeur et marié à l'affreuse mais riche, calloway, on m'a demandé si je ne le regrettais pas.
Later, when he was ambassador and had married the rich, hideous Calloway girl someone asked if I didn't regret not marrying him.
Je m'appelle Calloway.
- My name's Calloway.
Je m'appelle Calloway.
- Calloway. I'm English.
Logez Monsieur cette nuit.
- Yes, sir? Mr. Calloway said this gentleman's got to have a room for the night.
Votre billet d'avion pour demain.
- Mr. Calloway's compliments. - Here's the ticket for the plane tomorrow.
Allez voir Calloway.
Be sensible. Tell Major Calloway.
et du whisky. Inutile de m'offrir à boire.
I don't need your drinks, Calloway.
Vous n'en avez pas fourni la preuve.
Calloway, you haven't shown me one shred of evidence.
Vu Calloway?
- Have you seen Calloway?
J'ai aussi vu Calloway...
I've seen Major Calloway today.
- Vous m'en demandez trop.
Calloway, you expect too much.
Vous avez revu Calloway?
Have you been seeing Major Calloway again? Of course not.
- Calloway est au courant?
Did you tell Calloway about Harry?
Ne voyez-vous pas ce que je fais pour vous?
Anna, don't you recognize a good turn when you see one? You have seen Calloway?
Que machinez-vous avec Calloway?
What are you two doing?
Vous écrivez depuis longtemps?
Been doing it for long? - All right, Calloway.
I haven't got a sensible name, Calloway.
Il racontera peut-être son histoire avec Chris Calloway.
Maybe Shane can tell you what happened between him and Calloway.
Ne me pousse pas à bout.
Don't push it, Calloway.
C'est Chris Calloway.
Who is it? Calloway. Chris Calloway.
En route!
Do like I tell you. - Please, Mr. Calloway.
Je t'ai apporté un cadeau.
I brung you a present. Some old Doc Calloway's soothing syrup.
C'était par jeu, hein?
You didn't really mean it, now, did you? Master Calloway?
You better hurry, Mr. Calloway. You better hurry.
Elle s'est enfermée!
- Master Calloway, she done locked me out.
Les sommations adressées à Calloway nous concernent tous les trois.
Well, the demands addressed to Calloway... Cover the three of us.
Vous êtes une vedette.
You're a star, Calloway.
Payez donc, Calloway.
- You pay, Calloway.
Que faites-vous avec Calloway?
'You have seen Calloway. What are you two doing? '
Notre conférencier sera donc M. Marvin Calloway de la société Hertz. Il nous expliquera les avantages de louer une voiture.
Instead, the speaker will be Mr. Marvin Calloway of the hertz Corporation who`ll address us on the advantages of car leasing.
Et voici le Prince du Hi-D-Ho, Cab Calloway : "Minnie the Moocher".
And now, Cab Calloway, doing "Minnie the Moocher"!
Addams. Barkley, Castleman, Calloway,
Barkley, Castleman, Calloway,
Connaissez-vous le nom Burton Calloway?
Sir, are you familiar with the name Burton Calloway?
Si vous parlez de l'amiral Calloway, je le connais.
If you mean Admiral Calloway, yes, I know him.
- C'est l'enseigne Calloway?
- This is Ensign Calloway, isn't it?
L'enseigne Calloway.
Ensign Calloway.
Enseigne Calloway.
Ensign Calloway.
Le Lt Worf est dans la cabine de l'enseigne Calloway.
Lt Worf is in Ensign Calloway's quarters.
- Que dit Calloway? - Je cicatrise vite.
- What's the word from Calloway?
Excusez-moi, M. Calloway, il me faut la signature du titulaire de la carte.
I don't mean to bother you, Mr... Calloway, but I need the holder of the card to sign.
- Mon nom est Galen Calloway.
- My name's Galen Calloway.
Le 14 février 1989, Joan Calloway et sa fille, Sara, meurent dans l'incendie de leur maison.
February 14th 1989. Joan Calloway and her daughter, Sara, died in a house fire.
Galen Calloway, le père de famille, s'en tire avec des brûlures aux bras et aux mains.
Galen Calloway, the father and husband, survived with burns to his arms and hands.
Réponds, Calloway.
Come on, Calloway, come on.
Ici Frank Black.
Mr Calloway, this is Frank Black.
- Je ne comprends pas Calloway.
I don't understand Major Calloway. I...
Ne pouvez-vous rien faire pour Anna?
Calloway, can't you do something about Anna?
C'est un marchand de Danville.
Mr. Calloway's a slave dealer from Danville.
Appelez le Dr Calloway.
Go get Dr Calloway.

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