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Catcher traduction Anglais

632 traduction parallèle
Non, Baravelli et l'employé de la fourrière.
No, Baravelli and the dog catcher.
Tu imagines, Baravelli et l'employé de la fourrière veulent nous kidnapper pour que nous ne jouions pas!
Jennings says Baravelli and the dog catcher are coming to kidnap us to keep us out of the game.
- Vous venez faire un tour?
- You rat catcher. Will you walk?
On ferait plus vite, si le repêché Jonas se mettait au chalut!
Or we might fill faster if our Jonah-catcher... would throw away his hand line and bend on a trawl for once.
Ne sois pas abject!
- Don't be a catcher.
Si je laisse échapper un oiseau, je dois en mettre un autre à sa place. Est-ce clair?
If a bird catcher lets one go, he should catch another instead, isn't that so?
Ah! La fois où elle a pourchassé un type de la fourrière!
She once chased a dog-catcher half a mile with a baseball bat.
The catcher gives the signal.
Allez, je vous donne le signal.
Make out I'm the catcher. I'm giving you the signals.
Votre affection compte beaucoup pour moi, et maintenant que l'occasion est passée et ne reviendra pas, je tiens à vous dire combien aurait signifier à mes yeux devenir maire, ou secrétaire municipal, ou assistant secrétaire, ou ramasseur d'animaux
Your affection means a great deal to me and now that I've lost the chance for ever, I want you all to know how much it would have meant to me to be Mayor, or the City Clerk or the Assistant City Clerk or the dog-catcher of this town, which is my grandfather's farm.
Il devint chasseur de papillons, lesquels abondent en Guinée.
He became a catcher of butterflies, for which the Guianas are famous.
Jouer à la balle.
There's a scout for the Brooklyns tomorrow. They're looking for a catcher.
Je travaille pour vous depuis peu, mais je connais vos feintes et je sais arrêter les balles.
I haven't worked for you long, but I know when you're pitching a curve, - and I always carry a catcher's mitt.
Un point de mire de l'exposition de Greenwich Village.
Crowd catcher at the Greenwich Village Sidewalk Show.
Même si je sais que ces parasites n'arriveront à rien, qu'ils tuent Grant à petit feu.
Even though I don't believe that gang of parasites could elect a rat catcher. Even though I know they're killing Grant. Slicing him up silver by sliver until there's nothing.
Regarde le gant de baseball que papi et mamie m'ont amené.
Look at the catcher's mitt Grandma and Grandpa brought me.
- Vous étiez receveur, hein?
- You were catcher, huh?
Voici Mme Piet, troisième base, et Mme Shea, receveur.
This is Mrs. Piet, third base, and Mrs. Shea, catcher.
C'est la première fois qu'un receveur m'embrasse.
That's the first time I ever been kissed by a catcher.
Ne discute pas avec le receveur.
Don't argue with the catcher.
Mais tu viens de perdre ton receveur.
But you've just lost yourself a catcher.
Aucun receveur ne m'avait abandonné.
Never had a catcher quit me before.
Tu n'avais jamais eu de receveur qui attendait un bébé.
You never had a catcher before who was going to have a baby.
Milliken, le receveur, va lui parler.
There's Milliken, the catcher, out to talk to him.
Tu ne seras même pas ramasseur de chiens.
You will not be even dog catcher.
Les rebelles nous offrirons 50.000 florins pour les armes. Or nous avons ici l'exécuteur royal des rebelles.
I said 50,000 gold florin from the rebels for the guns... and here, by special commission, is the King's chief rebel-catcher.
J'ai soudoyé ton assistant.
I bribed your catcher.
J'ai l'impression d'être receveur chez les Dodgers.
I feel like a catcher for the Dodgers.
Celui que votre mère portait ce matin était un ravissement pour les yeux.
The one your mother was wearing this morning was a real eye-catcher
Nishijima était très doué pour les chiens. Il les attrapait tous.
Nishijima, expert dog catcher.
Envoyer un photographe?
Am I a crime catcher? Uh-uh.
Un policier ne met pas des criminels derrière les barreaux comme on capture les chiens!
A policeman isn't a dog-catcher, putting criminals behind bars. No!
Le combattant est entre le moine et le joueur de base-ball.
You know, a kendo fighter looks like a monk in a catcher's outfit.
Je poserai ma candidature au poste de... ramasseur de chiens errants.
I'll run for something... Maybe dog catcher.
Make Theron the catcher?
Attention, l'attrape-chiens circule!
Watch out for the dog catcher
Un gant et une balle de base-ball de pro.
It's a catcher's mitt and a big league baseball.
Je ne sais pas catcher.
I don't know how to wrestle.
Il ne sait pas catcher!
He don't know how to wrestle, you get that?
Il lui faut un gant de base-ball.
Guy needs a catcher's mitt.
Ça serait plus accrocheur.
It'd be more of an eye-catcher that way.
Il avait une main de catcheur.
You should've seen my old man. He had a hand like a catcher's mitt.
Ce livre que vous m'avez demandé,
Now, that book you asked me to buy for you, The Catcher in the Rye.
J'ai eu une nouvelle raquette et un gant de base-ball.
I got a new tennis racket, a catcher and pitcher's mitt.
Des essais, au base-ball?
I thought he was a catcher.
Et appelez l'attrapeur d'enfants!
And call out the child catcher.
Un gant de base-ball.
Boy! A catcher's mitt.
Not even for dog catcher.
- Qui fait le guet?
- Who's gonna be the catcher?
"The Catcher in the rye", est-ce un bon livre?
Is that a good book?

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