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Everest traduction Anglais

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Vous verrez non seulement ceux-là, mais avant la moitié de la nuit... Vous vous appuierez contre la Tour de Pise... vous grimperez sur l'Everest.
You'll not only see those, but before the evening's half through... you'lI be leaning against the Leaning Tower of Pisa... you'll mount Mount Everest.
Pour moi, il y a deux types d'hommes. Ceux qui étudient Bach et Haendel pour pouvoir jouer "I Kiss Your Little Hand Madame"
It seems to me, Sergeant, there are two kinds of men - one who learns to play Bach and Handel... only to play "I Kiss Your Little Hand, Madame"... and the man who learns to walk step by step... so that one day he might climb Mount Everest.
Les sommets voisins sont presque aussi hauts que l'Everest.
The peaks on the range opposite are nearly as high as Everest.
Everest T. Walker.
The voters know where to place their confidence, and that's in everest t.
J'ai escaladé Le Mont Everest.
I climbed Mount Everest.
Va t'on devoir plier le genou aux pieds du Roi Eric I, l'homme qui a gravi l'Everest?
So they can beat their heads on the ground for King Eric the First? The man who climbed Mount Everest?
Vu ta vertu, c'était de l'argent facile pour moi.
Easy money, as I know your virtue is as intractable as Mount Everest.
Tu t'attendais à pouvoir escalader l'Everest?
What do you expect, to climb Mount Everest?
L'homme a escaladé le mont Everest... exploré les fonds de l'océan... envoyé des fusées dans la lune, désintégré l'atome... et réalisé des miracles... dans tous les domaines où excelle l'effort humain à part le crime!
Man has climbed Mount Everest gone to the bottom of the ocean. He has fired rockets to the moon, split the atom. Achieved miracles in every field of human endeavor except crime!
Voyons si on arrive à tirer de ces mensonges des faits réels.
All right, let's try again. Let's back up and see if you can turn that Mount Everest of manure into a few facts.
Dis-moi, l'ami, si je suis sur l'Everest ou en enfer?
"Tell me, friend, if I'm" on the Everest or in the hell?
Ils constituent le Mont Everest de l'espace.
They're the mount everest of space.
Quel est le prochain Mont Everest?
Where is the next mount everest, doctor?
On peut l'appeler le Mont Everest de Stansfield.
You may call it stansfield's mount everest.
L'expédition Mont Everest de Stansfield.
It's expedition called stansfield's mount everest.
En voilà un gros comme l'Everest.
There's one coming that looks like Mt. Everest.
Voici l'Everest, monsieur.
Here is the Everest, sir.
Nous attaquerons l'Everest la semaine prochaine.
We'll climb Everest next week. Now then, gentlemen...
C'est l'Everest!
It's Mount Everest!
Tu dois escalader l'Everest pour atteindre la Vallée des Poupées.
You've got to climb Mount Everest to reach the Valley of the Dolls.
Everest, je suppose?
- Everest, I presume?
Je dois être revenu sur l'Everest avant l'aube.
I want to get back to Mount Everest before sunrise.
Le mont Everest.
Mount Everest.
Le sommet de l'Everest.
The top of Mount Everest.
Depuis, leur aventure en voiture électrique en a fait les égaux du navigateur du Kon-Tiki et du vainqueur de l'Everest.
Of 37 gledhill gardens, parsons green? And yet, their epic journey in ebw 343 has set them
Ils disaient que l'Everest, c'était fou, non?
Le mont Everest.
Mount everest- -
Ce fut un succès fantastique. Vous vous attaquez à l'Everest?
It was a tremendous success.
Le mont Everest... menaçant, lointain, terrifiant.
Mount everest- - forbidding, aloof, terrifying.
Donnez-lui un cognac.
Everest? Get him a cognac.
J'ai quitté tous ceux qui m'étaient chers, surtout ma nurse, Mme Everest.
And I left behind me all who were dear to me especially my nurse, Mrs. Everest...
- Où est Everest?
Where's Everest?
Quel brave garçon vous êtes, rendre visite à votre vieille Everest.
What a good boy you are to come and see your old Everest.
La reine des maisons hantées.
It's the Mount Everest of haunted houses.
Il y a un docteur célèbre qui a été un des premiers à gravir l'Everest.
There was a famous doctor who was one of the first to climb Mt. Everest.
Et tandis qu'il descendait, il a regardé la montagne, et il a dit : "Je monterai au sommet de l'Everest."
And as he was coming down from the mountain, he looked at it... and said, "I'll climb Mt. Everest."
Imaginons une très haute montagne... plus haute que l'Everest, le point culminant... elle serait écrasée par sa propre masse.
If you were to make a mountain very high higher than Everest, the biggest mountain on Earth it would be crushed by its own weight.
Mars abrite un volcan aussi large que l'Arizona... et trois fois plus élevé que l'Everest.
On Mars, there is a volcano as wide as Arizona and almost three times the height of Mount Everest.
Mon mari me disait : être avec toi, c'est grimper à 7 000 m sans oxygène!
My husband said : " You're like climbing the Everest
Le Mont Everest.
Ces marches sont comme l'Everest.
These steps seem like Mount Everest.
Ce qui me gêne, c'est que tu sembles en conclure qu'on ne peut "ressusciter" les gens qu'en leur offrant un baptême en Pologne ou un happening au sommet de l'Éverest.
- I mean - I mean, uh, isn't it a little upsetting... to come to the conclusion that there's no way to wake people up anymore... except to involve them in some kind of a strange, uh, christening in Poland... or some kind of a strange experience on top of Mount Everest?
Pas facile! S'il faut monter au sommet de l'Éverest, tout le monde n'y arrivera pas!
I mean, uh, because, uh, you know that the awful thing is... if you really say that it's-it's necessary... to, uh, take everybody to, uh, Everest... it's really tough, because everybody can't be taken to Everest.
Des époques où on leur offrait des émotions sans les forcer à gravir l'Éverest!
I mean, there must have been periods when in order to give people... a strong or meaningful experience... you wouldn't actually have to take them to Everest.
Faut-il aller en haut de l'Éverest pour voir la réalité?
I mean, really, tell me, why do we require a trip to Mount Everest... in order to be able to perceive one moment of reality?
Le Mont Éverest est-il plus réel que New York?
I mean - I mean, is Mount Everest more real than New York?
Il y a autant de réalité chez ce marchand de tabac qu'en haut de l'Éverest!
- I mean, isn't there just as much reality to be perceived... in a cigar store as there is on Mount Everest?
Non seulement le Mont Éverest n'a pas plus de réalité mais il est à peine différent, parce que la réalité est uniforme.
I mean, what do you think? I think that not only is there nothing more real about Mount Everest... I think there's nothing that different, in a certain way.
Faites une halte "Chez Ricky".
Challenging everest? Why not drop in at ricky pule's- -
Comme le sherpa Tenzing et Sir Edmund Hillary ( 1ers vainqueurs de l'Everest ) soyez les 1ers au sommet en étant au sommet de la mode!
Like sherpa tenzing and sir edmund hillary

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