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Glenn traduction Anglais

2,475 traduction parallèle
- Prenons le divorce de Glenn Child.
- Right, to Glenn Child's divorce.
Félicitations pour votre candidature contre Glenn Childs...
Congratulations on your traction against Glenn Childs...
Je connais Glenn Childs.
I know Glenn Childs.
Je connais son fils.
I know Glenn Childs Jr.
Au cours de théâtre.
- Glenn Jr? Drama camp.
Voici Glenn Childs Jr.
Meet Glenn Childs Jr.
Childs est loin derrière...
If you look at his record compared to Glenn Childs...
Glenn a rendez-vous dans 15 minutes.
Glenn has 15 minutes. Then he has a conference call.
Glenn a une conférence téléphonique.
Glenn has that conference call.
Je présente mes excuses à Wendy Scott-Carr et à Glenn Childs.
And so I apologize to Wendy Scott-Carr and to Glenn Childs.
Glenn Childs Junior dirait quelque chose... de raciste sur l'adversaire afro-américaine de son père.
We have Glenn Childs, Jr. say something... racist about his dad's African-American opponent.
Childs ne tient pas sur une boîte à savon.
Glenn Childs cannot stand on a soap box.
Une vidéo "double arc-en-ciel" avec un doublage de Glenn Jr.
A "double rainbow" video of someone faking Glenn, Jr.'s voice. Sweet.
Google "double arc-en-ciel" et "Glenn Childs, Jr."
Google "Double rainbow" and "Glenn Childs, Jr."
- Rien, je demandais juste. Il y a une vidéo en ligne qui ne vient pas de nous, se moquant du fils de Glenn Childs.
There is a tape online which we had nothing to do with, making fun of Glenn Childs's son.
{ \ pos ( 192,225 ) } Glenn Childs, { \ pos ( 192,225 ) } lors d'une révision des affaires de votre mari, { \ pos ( 192,225 ) } a fait libérer Placedo sur parole.
Glenn Childs, in a general review of your husband's cases, argued that Placedo be released with time served.
Je travaille avec Glenn Childs maintenant.
I'm working with Glenn Childs now.
- Glenn, s'il te plaît.
Glenn, come on, eyes. Oh, my bad.
- Tu l'as dit à Glenn?
You told Glenn? I did not tell...
Glenn, prends ses constantes.
Okay, Glenn, take his vitals. Yeah, yeah.
- Glenn, va chercher une minerve.
Glenn. Yeah? Help him on a C-spine, okay?
- Allume-le.
Glenn, just put them on.
Quel est son rythme cardiaque?
What's the heart rate, Glenn?
- Je suis sérieuse.
Glenn, I'm serious.
Oui, Glenn.
Yes, Glenn.
- Tu veux entendre une histoire?
Okay, Glenn, you want to hear the story?
- Glenn, où est Nancy?
Glenn, where's Nancy? I don't know.
Oui, Glenn, j'en suis un.
No, I was... Yes, Glenn, I am.
- Vous avez vu Glenn?
Have you guys seen Glenn?
Glenn a du bol.
Glenn's a lucky man.
- C'est Diana qui a du bol.
Have you seen Glenn? Diana is the lucky one.
- Si, tu as menti à Glenn.
Yeah, you are. You just lied to Glenn. I did not lie to Glenn.
- Tu as entendu les histoires de Glenn?
Did you even hear those stories Glenn was saying in there? Yeah.
Harvey Weinstein, Glenn Beck, Ashley Olsen.
Harvey Weinstein, Glenn Beck, Ashley Olsen...
- Glenn!
- Glenn!
- Enfoiré de Glenn!
- Fucking Glenn!
Glenn, espèce d'enfoiré!
Glenn, you motherfucker!
J'ai saboté ta zapette, Glenn.
I office-pranked your TV, Glenn.
Debout, Glenn. Espèce de connard!
Get up, Glenn, you asshole!
La fête a commencé, Glenn!
Time to party, Glenn!
Ton sucre va mal vieillir, Glenn.
Your sugar's gonna go bad, Glenn.
- Qu'est-ce que t'en dis?
- What do you think about that, Glenn?
Pas vrai, Glenn?
Isn't that right, Glenn?
C'est pas Glenn, ça.
Oh, that's- - That's not Glenn.
- C'est pas lui.
- That's not Glenn.
Où est cet enfoiré de Glenn?
Where the fuck is Glenn?
- Qui est Glenn?
- Who's Glenn?
- Vous foutez quoi chez lui?
- What are you doing in Glenn's house?
- Ça va.
Glenn, stop it!
- OK, Glenn.
All right, Glenn.
- Tu dois croire à l'amour.
You got to believe in love, Glenn.

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