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Golly traduction Anglais

798 traduction parallèle
C'est est une femme! "
"By golly... he's a woman!"
Je suis trop saoul pour lire.
By golly, I think I'm too drunk to read that letter from Anna.
C'est une bonne nouvelle pour un vieil homme.
By golly, that's good news all one time for old fella.
Ça, jamais!
No, by golly, she don't do that.
- Oh, oui, Marthy.
- Oh, by golly, yes, Marthy.
Et je serai grand-père, ma foi.
Then I'm old grandfather, by golly.
- Mais oui, Marthy.
- Oh, by golly, that's so, Marthy.
Bon sang, Larry.
Golly, Larry.
Bon sang.
Oh, by golly.
Tu resteras avec moi.
You stay with me, by golly.
On aura une maison pour nous deux. Un jours, tu rencontreras un brave gars.
By golly, we have a little house, just you and me and maybe sometime comes along a nice land fella.
Ils vont le tuer! J'en suis sûr!
Oh, he's killed, I know it, by golly!
Tu as bien raison.
By golly, I believe you do, at that.
Bon Dieu, mais si.
By golly, it is.
Je jure que c'est le même type que celui dont vous m'avez montré la photo.
I swore he was the same man you showed me the picture of in your office. And by golly he was.
J'en ai assez.
And, by golly, I won't stand for any more of it.
Mon Dieu, après tout ce qui s'est passé, je ne serais pas surpris de voir la main de ce Fu Manchu sortir de l'océan et s'en emparer.
By golly, after all that's happened, I wouldn't be surprised to see the hand of that fellow Fu Manchu get out of the ocean and grab it.
- Bonjour. ll fait froid.
Good morning. Golly, it's cold.
Elle a beau sentiment.
By golly, she's good feeling.
Ça alors, j'aimerais me souvenir de ce que je lui ai donné.
By golly, I wish I could remember what I give her.
Ça alors, Tante Myra avait raison.
By golly, Aunt Myra was right.
Bon sang!
By golly.
Bon sang, maman, tu es forte.
Golly, Ma, you were good.
J'ai l'impression d'être un sagouin.
Golly, you make me feel like a heel.
Bon sang, Maman. Tu ne dois pas parler comme ça.
Golly, Ma, that ain't no way to talk.
Tu me fais peur, maman.
- Golly, Ma, you scare me.
- Non, je suis content de te voir.
- No. Golly, I'm glad to see you.
Bon sang, j'ai conclu une grande affaire aujourd'hui!
By golly, I put over a big deal today.
- Elle aussi a tiré sur son mari.
- By golly, she shot her husband, too.
C'est ça!
By golly, I bet that's it.
Nom d'une pipe. je m'amuse.
By golly. I have good time.
Nom d'une pipe. quelle rigolade on a eue avec Lotta.
By golly. We have fun that night. You and me and Lotta.
Nom d'une pipe.
By golly. Barney.
C'est presque trop...
Golly, Mrs. Whipple, I can hardly stand it.
Bon Dieu!
Il est vraiment saoul.
By golly, he is drunk.
Bonjour, V.S. Bon sang, je suis content de te revoir.
Good morning, V.S. Golly, I'm glad to see you back.
Bon sang, qu'ils me font souffrir!
My golly, they're killing me.
- Mince, c'est vrai.
- By golly, that true.
Disko connaît la mer comme moi ma carcasse.
By golly, I think that Disko know this ocean better... as I know inside my shirt.
Cette fois, je te bats!
By golly, I beat you this time.
Sacré gamin!
By golly, that's smart kid.
Mon Petit Poisson en a pris un plus gros que lui!
By golly. My little fish catch fish bigger than he is.
Ça me fera pas mal!
By golly, I gonna have lots of money.
Ça alors.
A notre maison. Sous le soleil et sous la pluie, aussi humble soit-elle, elle est à nous pour la vie.
Here's to our house, through sunshine or showers, be it ever so humble, by golly, it's ours.
Mince alors, je suis fière de toi.
Oh, golly, I'm proud of you.
C'est chaud!
- Golly, that's hot!
- C'est pour les transporter.
- Golly, Letty.
By golly, that's right.

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