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Incendia traduction Anglais

36 traduction parallèle
Mais leur mépris de la vérité sera puni. Je demanderai leur inculpation pour parjure, me fondant sur la même preuve qui établira la culpabilité des accusés, tous des meneurs dans cette foule qui attaqua et incendia la prison, et lyncha Joseph Wilson!
And that their contempt of truth shall not go unpunished I shall ask their indictment for perjury on the same evidence that in one minute will prove the identity of these defendants with that of 22 active members of the mob that stormed and burned the jail and lynched Joseph Wilson!
"et incendia Ilion, la ville sans tours?"
"... and burned the towerless tops of Ilium?
" Néron, un dieu, incendia Rome car il était aussi puissant que Jupiter
Nero, a god, burned Rome because he was as powerful as Jupiter.
Son frère, Éclair, brandit une lance incandescente qui incendia la terre et fit bouillir la mer.
His brother, Lightning, wielded a flashing spear of white fire which scorched the earth and boiled the sea.
- Et bien, clairement, la force innée de Duncan et sa résilience ont grandi depuis sa naissance, mais son habitude de lutte ou de fuite a créé un etat d'hyper-stimulation qui se manifeste par une respiration enflammée.
Well, obviously, Duncan's innate strength and resilience have been growing steadily since birth, but his natural fight-or-flight response created a hyper-stimulated state, which manifested itself as incendia respiro.
- C'est ce qu'on appelle un
- incendia respiro incident at school and... - That's what we call a "your problem."
Alors dans sa manière typique de se venger, elle incendia sa maison... Non!
Then, in her typical revenge-y way, she torched his house... ( Crying ) No!
Phesmatos, incendia.
Phesmatos, incendia.
C'est "incendia"?
It's "incendia," right?
Phesmatos incendia.
Phesmatos incendia.
Le gang de White incendia des camions de rhum.
White's gang set fire to rum trucks.
Phesmatos incendia movet, phesmatos incendia moventur.
Phesmatos incendia movet, phesmatos incendia moventur.
Phesmatos incendia entrare.
Phesmatos incendia entrare.
Phesmatos incendia movet phesmatos incendia moventur.
Phesmatos incendia movet phesmatos incendia moventur.
... phesmatos incendia moventur.
... phesmatos incendia moventur.
Phesmatos incendia entrare!
Phesmatos incendia entrare!
Phesmatos incendia movet, phesmatos incendia moventur!
Phesmatos incendia movet, phesmatos incendia moventur!
Phesmatos incendia...
Phesmatos incendia...
On est dans la même équipe.
Incendia. We're on the same team.

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