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Lindy traduction Anglais

341 traduction parallèle
Buck et Wing, Lindy Hop
Buck and Wing, Lindy Hop
J'avais appris que la place était vacante et je me suis présentée.
Indeed? I'd heard Miss Lindy was leaving you, and I applied for the position.
Mais tu es de l'autre côté de la rue de Lindy
But you're right across the street from Lindy's
Après cela, nous irons chez Lindy prendre une bouchée... et ensuite, je connais un endroit super sur la 52e rue.
We'll go to Lindy's for a late bite... and then I know a swell spot on 52nd Street.
" Allons chez Lindy's, chez Luchow
- Let's go to my place - " Let's go to Lindy's, go to Luchow's
Pas de Lindy's, ni de Madison Square Garden.
No Lindy's. No Madison Square Garden.
Lindbergh le Chanceux a réussi!
Lucky Lindy makes it!
Lou, obtenez les partitions pour "Lucky Lindy".
Lou, be sure to get the arrangements for "Lucky Lindy."
" Lindy a regagné son hôtel assez tôt,
" Lindy returned to his hotel room early this evening,
Si, j'ai un truc pas mal.
- A songwriter at Lindy's did a good one.
J'étais près de lui, au restaurant, hier. Je l'ai entendu l'acheter à quelqu'un.
I had dinner at Lindy's last night, and he was sitting in the next booth, and I heard him buy it from a man.
On se croirait au restaurant du coin.
Sounds like some guy in Lindy's ordering a hot pastrami sandwich.
Au Lindy?
- How about Lindy's?
On peut aller au Lindy pour manger des palourdes?
Can we go to Lindy's now so I can get some clams on the half shell?
J'ai l'impression d'être ce vieux Lindy!
I feel like old Lindy!
Lindy, où est mon argent?
Lindy, where's my money?
Quel effet ça te fait d'être là-dedans, Lindy?
What's it feel like in there, Lindy?
Merci. Lindy, tu as éclairci tes cheveux.
Oh, thank you- - Lindy, you lightened your hair.
Ecoute, Lindy, j'ai enfin trouvé comment je veux me faire refaire le nez.
Listen, Lindy, I finally figured out how I wanna have my nose done.
James Spinks... et Lindy, Antonio Vargas.
James Spinks. Lindy : Antonio Fargas.
Y avait un type qui faisait le plus dingue des plongeons le triplé chinois.
There was a guy, did the most amazing dive... called the Triple Lindy.
Un tremplin supplémentaire va être installé... pour le plongeon de Melon... le triplé chinois.
There will be an additional springboard installed... for Melon's dive, the Triple Lindy.
Cette danse s'appelle le lindy.
This is a Lindy.
Voici notre pasteur Michael, sa femme Lindy et leurs fils, Aidan et Reagan, avec leur nouvelle petite sœur :
Our pastor Michael and his wife Lindy stand before you today with their two boys, Aidan and Reagan, with their new little daughter and baby sister
J'ignore vos noms. Voici ma femme, Lindy.
I don't know your names, but this is my wife Lindy.
Les parents, tous deux Adventistes du 7e Jour, se disent résignés à la volonté de Dieu.
The parents, Michael and Lindy Chamberlain, Seventh Day Adventists, say they've accepted the baby's death as the will of God.
Après la mystérieuse disparition d'Azaria, le pasteur adventiste et sa femme sont attendus à Mt Isa tard ce soir.
After the mysterious disappearance of their daughter, Mount Isa's Seventh Day Adventist pastor Michael Chamberlain and his wife Lindy are expected to arrive home late today.
C'est du sang?
Lindy, is this blood?
Celle de Michael et Lindy Chamberlain. Pour leur bel exemple de résistance à l'injustice.
That of Pastor Michael and Lindy Chamberlain, for the fine example they set when the world harshly judged them and their church.
On ne parle plus que de vous depuis six mois...
Lindy, Michael, you've become household names in the past six months.
On ne parle plus que de vous depuis six mois...
Lindy, Michael, you've become household names in the last six months.
Lindy Chamberlain est accusée du meurtre de sa fille Azaria, 10 semaines.
Lindy Chamberlain was committed for trial today, charged with the murder of her ten-week-old daughter Azaria.
Merci pour votre offre hospitalière, Pasteur.
Lindy and I are most grateful for your offering to put us up, Pastor.
Lindy porte une robe rose et blanche...
Lindy was wearing a pink and white frock with white accessories.
Voici les ciseaux de l'accusée.
These are Lindy Chamberlain's scissors.
Elle n'a montré aucune émotion...
- Lindy Chamberlain showed no emotion.
On tient bon, Lindy?
How are you bearing up, Lindy?
Il qualifie le gilet d'invention de la Défense.
He also claimed the matinee jacket was a fabrication by Lindy Chamberlain.
Lindy a été jugée coupable du meurtre de sa fille Azaria et condamnée à la réclusion perpétuelle.
Alice Lynne Chamberlain was today found guilty of the murder of her daughter Azaria, and sentenced to life imprisonment with hard labour.
Le Territoire du Nord a refusé que Lindy garde son bébé avec elle à la prison de Berrimah où elle purge sa peine pour infanticide.
The government has again refused Lindy Chamberlain's appeal to keep her baby with her after the birth in Berrimah prison where she is serving a life sentence for the murder of her daughter Azaria.
Les Chamberlain ont perdu en appel par 3 voix contre 2, ce qui met un terme à 2 ans de controverses.
Lindy and Michael Chamberlain lost their high court appeal today on a vote of three to two, ending over two years of legal and political battles.
J'affirme que Lindy et moi sommes innocents. Nous nous battrons jusqu'à ce que nous l'ayons prouvé.
I'd like to affirm that Lindy and I are innocent people, and that we will not stop fighting until our names are clear.
Dans le pays : 5 ans 1 / 2 après la disparition d'Azaria... la Police croit avoir trouvé le gilet du bébé au pied d'Ayers Rock.
Five and a half years after the disappearance of Azaria Chamberlain, - police have found what is believed... - Lindy, come and look.
Azaria portait le soir de sa mort, il y a 5 ans.
Lindy claimed Azaria was wearing on the night of her death over five years ago.
Le gilet disparu a eu un rôle crucial au procès.
The absence of the matinee jacket was crucial in Lindy's conviction.
Nous partageons la joie des siens au retour de Lindy.
Today we can rejoice with the family as we welcome Lindy home.
Radio, radio, radio, radio
♪ Radio, radio, radio ♪ ♪ [Lindy] Will you close the door, Hippo? Oh, okay.
Le triplé chinois.
The Triple Lindy.
Et vous, Lindy?
- What are your plans, Lindy?
Emu pour Lindy, oui.
- If it was for Lindy.
Vous n'allez pas en rester là, à présent? Lindy est libre. Pourquoi vous battre encore?
Michael, now that Lindy's out of jail, why are you still fighting?

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