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Louisa traduction Anglais

583 traduction parallèle
Louisa Windeatt viendra me manger dans la main quand je voudrai.
Not it is necessary to wish me luck Louisa Windeatt will come as a lamb to the slaughter
Je vais me remarier, Louisa.
I will marry again, Louisa
Louisa Windeatt, pénétrer dans cette maison.
Louisa Windeatt, enter to this house again
C'est d'accord, Louisa.
Oh, that will be fine, Louisa.
- Tu verras que tout y est, Louisa.
I think you'll find this all right, Louisa.
Louisa, j'ai un autre invité pour vous.
Louisa, I've another guest for you. This is Mr...
- Au revoir, Louisa!
Bye, Louisa.! Good-bye!
- Je suis Louisa Cody.
I'm Louisa Cody.
La lettre venait de mes soeurs Emily et Louisa....
The letter is from my sisters, Emily and Louisa.
Louisa, comment est-ce arrivé?
Louisa.. how did that happen? She did it. ─ Who?
Elle parlait de discipline Louisa pleurait.
Louisa used to cry all night.
Je suis contente Ma soeur Emily, ma soeur Louisa
Miss Fiske.. my sister Emily, my sister Louisa.
Je suis très heureuse d'être là
─ We're very glad to be here. Louisa.
Je me demande si sa tête remue toujours
I wonder if his head still nods. Ding-dong, ding-dong.. ─ Louisa, dear.
Mlle Fiske est catholique et très croyante
But a very devoted one. Come along Louisa, Emily.
Il faudrait l'envoyer loin, et rester seulement nous trois
Couldn't we send her away? Then it would really be just the three of us. But I keep telling you, Louisa.
Ne dis pas ça, Louisa, c'est sa maison!
It's her house. Oh no.
C'est gentil à vous, mais je ne crois pas que vous serez là cet hiver
That's sweet of you Louisa, but I don't think you'll be here through the Winter. Oh, but we shall.
Oh mais si, Ellen nous l'a dit
Ellen said so. You're mistaken, Louisa.
Tu te trompes, Louisa.
I said nothing of the kind.
- Tu l'as promis!
You promised. ─ Louisa, will you be quiet.
Emily, emmène Louisa dans sa chambre
Emily.. take Louisa upstairs. Now, stop your crying, Louisa.
Emily et Louisa avaient des difficultés
Emily and Louisa had been.. a little difficult.
Chères Louisa et Emily, que je ne vous revoie plus jamais
To dear Louisa and dear Emily. May we never meet again.
Elles bavardaient bien ensemble
They were quite chatty together. ─ Louisa. ─ Yes.
Louisa, je crois qu'Ellen est en train de changer
I think Ellen is changing.
Louisa, réponds, les soeurs ont dû oublier quelque chose
Louisa.. answer the door dear. Sister Theresa's probably forgotten something. [door knocks]
Quand nous sommes... revenues de Rochester, Louisa et moi, Mlle Fiske était partie
Louisa and I were sent off to Rochester. Then when we came back that night, Miss Fiske was gone and it was all over.
Louisa, va changer de robe Tu ne vas pas rester ainsi toute la journée
You won't want to sit around in your best all day.
Sauf Emily et Louisa Eh bien
Except Emily and Louisa.
La plus grande source d'inspiration qu'il m'ait été donné de voir.
The most amazing source of inspiration I've encountered, Miss Louisa.
Il y en a peut-être une, MIle Louisa.
Maybe there is, Miss Louisa.
- MIle Louisa?
- You mean Miss Louisa?
- Louisa!
C'est la loi de la nature, Louisa.
That's nature's way, Louisa.
Louisa, ma chérie.
Louisa, darling.
Arrête de te torturer de la sorte.
Louisa you can't go on torturing yourself like this.
Louisa, je te présente M. Somerset Maugham.
Louisa, dear, this is Mr. Somerset Maugham. How do you do, Mr. Maugham?
Je disais que ça pourrait être pire.
I was just saying, Louisa, things might be a great deal worse.
Ma pauvre Louisa, tu manques d'imagination.
My poor Louisa, you have no imagination.
Je ne te comprends pas.
That's one of the things I've never understood about you, Louisa.
Je n'ai pas grand-chose de bon à dire sur lui.
I'm afraid I haven't a very good account to give you of that young man, Louisa.
Louisa ma chère, Mr.
Louisa, my dear, Mr Hammond and I want to have a chat before lunch.
─ I don't like people to touch me.
Venez Louisa, Emily Je n'approuve pas les catholiques
Father, didn't approve of Romans.
Arrête de pleurer, Louisa Il n'y a pas de raison de pleurer
There is nothing to cry about.
J'ai dit qu'elle avait mal aux dents, Louisa
I said she had a toothache, Louisa.
Emily tu n'es pas contente?
─ Louisa, be quiet.
Non, elle était dure avec nous
Louisa, run upstairs and change your dress.
Tu faisais l'idiot avec Louisa et Emily
Well, you played the fool so much with Louisa and Emily.
Il n'y a pas de quoi en être fière.
That's nothing to be proud of, Louisa.

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