/ Français → Anglais / Novak
Novak traduction Anglais
700 traduction parallèle
Klara Novak, Duna Street, 42.
My name is Klara Novak, Duna Street, 42.
- Novak. C'est combien?
- How much are you selling it for?
Comment va votre femme?
- Good morning, Miss Novak. - How's your wife, Mr. Pirovitch?
Mlle Novak!
Miss Novak? Yes, Mr. Kralik?
Quand vous me dites : "Allons a la reserve ranger des sacs", vous voulez vraiment ranger des sacs.
When you say, "Miss Novak, let's go in the back to put bags on the shelf" you really want to put some bags on the shelf.
Quel changement!
- Quite a change in you, Miss Novak.
Je vous en prie.
- That's quite all right, Miss Novak.
Pouvez-vous vous passer de Mlle Novak?
Can you get along without Miss Novak tonight?
Mlle Novak du magasin?
What, Miss Novak of the shop?
Ce n'est pas le moment de parler de Mlle Novak!
This is a fine time to talk about Miss Novak. Now...
Si tu n'aimes pas Mlle Novak, tu n'aimeras pas cette fille.
If you don't like Miss Novak, I can tell you, you won't like that girl.
- C'est Mlle Novak!
- Because it is Miss Novak.
Mlle Novak peut attendre!
Why shouldn't Miss Novak wait?
Vous savez peu de choses sur moi, Mlle Novak.
There are many things you don't know about me, Miss Novak.
Et je profite de cette occasion pour vous dire que je ne suis pas du tout bancal!
And I'd like to take this opportunity, Miss Novak to inform you that I don't walk like a duck and I'm not bowlegged.
Si vous avez de belles pensees, vous les cachez bien!
Let me tell you something, Miss Novak. You may have beautiful thoughts, but you hide them.
Vous appelez de la part de Mlle Novak.
You're calling for Miss Novak.
Tout le monde est d'accord avec vous, sauf Mlle Novak.
If anyone didn't agree with you here, it was Miss Novak.
Ne la melez pas a ca!
Just leave Miss Novak out of this.
Je n'ai rien contre elle, bien au contraire!
I have nothing against Miss Novak. On the contrary, she's a nice girl.
Plus un mot sur Mlle Novak!
Not another word about Miss Novak.
Mlle Novak, bien que je fasse les frais de votre remarque, je ne peux qu'admirer la delicieuse facon dont vous vous exprimez.
Miss Novak, although I'm the victim of your remark I can't help but admire the exquisite way you have of expressing yourself.
Vous prenez un risque terrible!
Miss Novak, you're taking an awful chance.
Mlle Novak!
Klara! Miss Novak!
Mlle Novak, puis-je vous demander une faveur?
Miss Novak, may I ask a favor of you?
Je suis navre!
I'm sorry, Miss Novak.
Et je me disais sans cesse : " Que t'arrive-t-il?
I kept saying, " Klara Novak, what on earth is the matter with you.
Un certain M. Novak vous attend.
That's a Mr Novak, waiting over there.
- M. Novak.
- Mr Novak.
- Asseyez-vous.
Sit down, Mr Novak.
Pas de "monsieur" avec moi.
Don't "sir" me, Mr Novak.
Mais en vous prêtant de l'argent, la banque prendrait un risque.
Now, that involves risk for this bank, Mr Novak.
Comme je vous le disais, vous présentez très peu de garanties.
Well, as I was saying, Mr Novak, there is an element of risk involved.
Novak me paraît sûr.
Novak looked to me like a good bet.
Croyez-moi, Novak est un type bien.
I tell you, this man Novak is OK.
- Congratulations, Mr. Novak.
- Un autographe, M. Novak.
- Would you autograph my program?
Quels compositeurs vivants doit-on àdmirer?
Mr. Novak, which of the living composers do you think I ought to admire? - Yes.
Comment allez-vous, M. Novak?
How do you do, Mr. Novak?
Mon mari, Karel Novak.
My husband, Karel Novak.
Un Monsieur Novak est là.
- A Mr. Novak.
M. Novak.
Mr. Novak.
Monsieur Novak!
Oh, Mr. Novak.
Tu sais qui c'est?
Don't you know who Mr. Novak is?
M. Novak, Monsieur.
Mr. Novak, sir.
Je viens pour le violoncelle.
I've come to pick up Mr. Novak's cello.
- A propos du corsage...
- Yes, Miss Novak? - About that blouse...
Mais Novak, j'étais là!
- But Novak, I was there. - No, Mr. Czaka.
- Bonsoir, Mme Novak.
- Good night, Mrs. Novak.
- Mme Novak!
- Oh, Mrs. Novak.