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Pourquoi faire un procés? Il ny a quà les lyncher.
Why do we even have a trial, why don't we lynch'em?
Je ne veux pas que se joue de lui une adolescente qui ne pense bêtement quà se marier.
I did not want him to be made a fool of by a teenager with nothing in her silly head but to get married.
Sinon, t'as quà me réveiller.
If there are, wake me up.
Voilà quà peine arrivé notre Carlos... est déjà dans de beaux draps.
Our Carlos has been here five minutes and he's in trouble already.
Il a annoncé quà 5h, on avait été attaqués.
That "s when he announced that at 5am, they" d attacked us.
Staline disait que la République lui avait confié ces enfants... et quil ne les remettrait quà la République.
Stalin said that the children were handed to him by the Republic... and that he would only return them to the Republic.
Vous pensez plus au violeur quà sa victime.
How can you care more about the rapist than his victim?
- Pareil quà vous.
The same thing that's going to happen to the two of you.
Il va oublier la police scientifique. Mais le pire, cest quà Miami...
He'll forget about us, about forensics, and the most important thing about Miami.
- Cest pas un sujet passionnant, mais je ne pense quà ça en ce moment
- Mmm. It's a boring thing to talk about, but that's what's on my mind.
- Jai quà retourner la dame?
- All I got to do is turn the queen? - That's all you got to do.
- Vous avez quà appeler American Express
- You can call up American Express.
T'aurais pu tomber plus mal quà White Bird.
You can do a lot worse than White Bird.
Le temps passa, et comme par chance, les cinq prochaines épouses Wilhern ne donnèrent naissance quà des fils... qui n'eurent que des fils...
Time passed, and as luck would have it the next five Wilhern brides gave birth to all sons... who fathered all sons...
Croyez-vous que je n'ai quà me baisser pour ramasser l'argent?
Do you reckon I can just go out, and pick up money off the pavement?
J'ai remarqué que tu as tendance à freiner dans les virages... juste au moment où les chiens ne demandent quà courir.
I notice you tend to brake on the turns just when those dogs really want to run.
Tu ne plus penser quà cela.
It's all you can think about.
Il semble que la couture ne soit quà travers les lèvres.
It looks like the stitching is strictly through the lips.
Oui, tas quà me donner 20
Yes, just give me the 20.
Tas quà juste me donner ce que tas
You just hand me all you've got.

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