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Tua traduction Anglais

332 traduction parallèle
Tua. "
Tua. "
C'est ici que Brand tua Wolfram. La légende commence ici.
That's where Brand killed Wolfram and the legend began.
" Mon serviteur tua la bête,
"my servant giles killed the beast, " but died of his grievous wounds.
Mais nous savons que Caïn fut un mauvais sujet, puisqu il tua son frère.
Now, one thing we know. This boy Cain was a mean rascal... on account of'cause he killed his brother.
Harriet Sedley pris une hache Et tua sa mère sans qu'elle le sache
Harriet Sedley took an ax And gave her mother 40 whacks
Et quand elle eut fini Elle prit son père et le tua aussi
And when the job was nicely done She gave her father 41
Tua sa mère sans qu'elle le sache
She gave her mother 40 whacks
Elle tua un homme... Puis, elle se tua.
She killed a man then she killed herself.
On le mit en liberté... et il tua tous les membres de l'expédition... qui avaient osé pénétrer... dans la lointaine tombe d'Ananka.
He was turned loose... and every living member of the party... who had dared set foot into that faraway tomb... died by his hands.
N'oublie pas qu'Othello tua Desdémone pour moins que ça.
A batiste handkerchief, no doubt.
Il prit d'assaut le château et tua tout le monde, sauf les amants.
He besieged and took the castle... and killed every soul except the two lovers.
- Consciemment, il avait oublié. - Il tua quand même.
His conscious mind had forgotton all about it but...
Celui qui tua mon père, au ciel?
A villain kills my father, and for that, I, his sole son do the same villain send to heaven.
L'affaire fut étouffée, mais il tua son beau-frère Dermot de sang froid.
There is something worse. It is quiet, but killed his brother in cold blood, in Dermot.
Elle était folle quand elle se tua.
She was crazy when she killed herself.
Comme il tua ma femme
As he killed my wife
Et le chinois que vous aviez secouru, qui tua la moitié de l'équipage.
Remember the time when you lost your ship By rescuing some Chinaman who turned on you And killed half the crew?
Kemmler tua sans pitié et 2,000 volts l'envoyèrent en enfer.
Kemmler killed without mercy and 2,000 volts sent him to a higher court.
Comme son illustre ancêtre, il tua avec férocité... ses 8 femmes.
Like his namesake, he killed not wisely, but too well... and did away with eight wives.
Regardez, d'où vient le visage pour ce type qui tua Lincoln?
Look, where'd you get the face for this guy that shot Lincoln?
" Caïn se jeta sur son frère Abel et le tua.
" Cain rose up against his brother Abel, and slew him.
Mejillo. ll me dédia un taureau qui le tua d'un coup de corne.
It's Rivetillo! He dedicated a bull to me just before the bull killed him.
C'est avec sa main gauche que Caïn a donné le coup qui tua son frère.
It was with this left hand that old brother Cain struck the blow that laid his brother low -
Ta voix est si belle.
La tua voca gentile
Pourquoi tu lui laisses prendre ta cravate?
Perche'gli lasci prendere la-tua cravatta?
Et puisque les deux cadavres étaient au même endroit... nous pensons que quiconque tua McDaniel tua aussi la sentinelle.
He'd been murdered at the same time as McDaniel, An hour later at the most... And since both bodies were found at the same place,
J'étais à la Mission Wanitok, dans l'archipel de Tua.
I was at the mission at Wanitok. That's in the Tua group.
Le sale petit couard Oui tua M. Howard
♪ And the dirty little coward ♪ ♪ Who shot Mr. Howard ♪
Pour survivre, il tua et tua encore.
In order to survive it killed and killed and killed again.
... sed pro tua pietate prosit mihi ad..
... sed pro tua pietate prosit mihi ad..
A toi... Je suis à toi...
Tua, only your...
"la tua sur le coup."
"killing her instantly."
Il en tua un sur une terre du gouvernement.
He killed an Indian on government land.
La "mère" devint jalouse et tua la jeune fille.
That set off the jealous mother, and Mother killed the girl.
On n'en fera jamais assez pour l'homme qui tua Liberty Valance!
Nothing's too good for the man who shot Liberty Valance.
Gennosuke Yuuki, samouraï du clan Enshu Kakegawa, tua le conseiller Kenmotsu Yamaoka puis s'enfuit vers sa province natale.
Gennosuke Yuuki, samurai of the Enshu Kakegawa clan, killed Counselor Kenmotsu Yamaoka and fled to his home province.
Au 7e siècle, lors des réformes de Taika, Naka-no-ôe tua de ses propres mains le ministre Soga-no-Iruka dans le pavillon du faîte suprême.
During the Taika Reforms, Prince Naka no Oe drew his sword and murdered Soga no Iruka in the imperial palace.
Une révolte survint, comme ici. Et son ami tua le Chambellan.
Something like what happened here happened there, and his friend killed the chamberlain.
Cet idiot tua donc son ami, croyant faire son devoir!
He killed his friend, thinking it was his duty!
"En appuyant sur la carotide, il la tua."
Within a short period, she's asphyxiated. "
"Par crainte d'être reconnu et accusé par la fille, " il la tua et se décida à la violer. "
"Fearing she would identify him, he killed her and then decided to satisfy his desires by raping her."
"Pour finir, il la tua, " puis la viola. "
After killing her, he rapes her. "
"Nous de vons un coq à Esculape", dit Socrate, puis il se tua.
"We owe Asclepius a cock", Socrates said... and then he killed himself.
Vous le défendez, lui qui tua votre cousin?
Would you speak well of him that killed your cousin?
Le maître était furieux contre son chien. Ce chien incompétent, il le tua, le fit bouillir et le mangea.
The hunter got furious at the dog, killed him, and then boiled and ate him.
Lors de sa première bataille, Tom, un simple soldat, le tua.
First battle he got into, an enlisted man named Tom shot him.
Caïn se jeta sur son frère Abel et le tua.
"that Cain rose up against his brother and... " slew him. "
Quand tu as fait condamner un innocent à ta place la tua...
When you make an innocent guilty your...
Si tu comprenais le proverbe Latin, "Mors tua vita mea" tu comprendrais pourquoi je l'ai fait.
If you understood the Latin sa ying, "Mors tua vita mea" you would understand why I did it.
Il brûla Rome et tua toute sa famille, même sa mère.
He burned Rome and killed his whole family, even his mother.
Que Ta volonté soit faite sur la terre... comme au ciel.
Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in Terra.

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