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Zing traduction Anglais

284 traduction parallèle
Et zing, zing Les égoutiers sont de bons enfants
"Sewer workers are good men."
Et zing, zing Personne ne peut les mettre dedans
"No one can refute that."
Vous êtes d'une élégance!
My zing, Miss Julie, you all dressed up for a hog killing? I hoped you'd like it.
On n'éduque pas les femmes dans le Nord?
My zing, don't they educate women up North? She's just plain ignorant.
Tin, tin, tin les cordes de mon cœur, quand nous sommes partis à la foire.
♪ Zing, zing, zing went my heart strings ♪ ♪ As we started for Huntington Dell. ♪
Zing, zing, zing, les cordes de mon cœur.
♪ Zing, zing, zing went my heartstrings ♪
- Quel souvenir!
- That old zing. - Of course it's still there, you big ape.
Quand tu l'embrasses... est-ce un souvenir inoubliable?
Just tell me one thing. When you kiss him, do you get that old zing?
Tu penses seulement au plaisir d'autrefois.
You're thinking about the old zing.
Tu n'as pas oublié?
- It's still there, huh? - What? - The old zing!
Deux minutes plus tard et zing!
Whose is it?
Il tue sa vivacité, la rend trop respectable.
Takes all the zing out of her. And that's respectability.
S'ils n'ont plus d'entrain s'ils perdent Ia cadence
If they lose that zing and they just won't swing
Pour parler franchement, il n'y avait pas le petit frisson.
To be perfectly frank, the old zing wasn't there.
- Frisson?
- Zing?
Higitus, figitus, zumba ka zing!
Higitus figitus zumbakazing.
Mais je n'arrive pas à avoir mon tonus habituel
But I don't seem to be able to have the same old zing as usual.
Et il se pourrait que toi qui as tant piloté... toi qui poserais ton zing sur un mouchoir de poche... il se pourrait que tu ne sois plus bon que pour la casse... et que Dorfmann sache construire des appareils... qui feraient ton boulot et mieux que toi!
Maybe Frank Towns, who's flown every crate they've built who could fly in and out of a tennis court if he had to maybe that great trailblazer's nothing more than a back number now. And maybe men like Dorfmann can build machines that can do Frank Towns'job for him. And do it better.
Avec plus d'entrain.
- Now, put a little more zing into it.
Pressez le bouton et... zing!
Pick your target, press that button and...
Cette voiture pète le feu!
A lot of pep and zing in this baby.
C'est un mot qui fait "tilt".
I must say, that has a real zing to it.
"Polo la prévisible", ça fait "tilt".
"Predictable Polo," it has a certain zing.
Je n'aime pas les insectes, les grenouilles, les araignées... Ça mord quand on ne fait pas attention.
I don't like bugs and frogs and spiders and creepy, crawly things that zing out at you and bite you when you're not looking.
On appuie et, vlan!
Press a button and zing!
Quelqu'un pour remettre de l'entrain dans ma vie.
Someone to put the old zing back in my life.
C'est ce vieil entrain, Frank.
It's that old zing, Frank.
Tu es l'entrain de ma vie... et je suis le meilleur parti que tu aies probablement jamais eu.
You're the zing in my life, and I'm the best score you probably ever made.
Zing, zing, zing faisait mon coeur alors qu'on partait pour Huntington Dell
Zing, zing, zing went my heartstrings as we started for Huntington Dell
Quelle idée!
You filthy zing.
Dégoûtant! Tourne-toi!
You filthy zing.
Bing, boom, tralala
Zing, boom, tararrel
Zing, zing, zing firent mes cordes sensibles
Zing, zing, zing went my heartstrings
Il ajoute des zestes de citron à la fin.
He uses a freshly grated lemon peel to give it that extra zing.
Tu fais des bêtises et zing!
You do silly things and zing!
Puis un autre chauffeur monte.
Then other driver gets in the car, counts ten, floors it, pop, zing, boom!
Chet avait ça de particulier qu'il ne s'intéressait pas tant aux riffs be-bop qui étaient à la mode qu'à des airs sentimentaux comme Zing Go the Strings to Your Heart,
And one of the things about Chet, at the time, was that he wasn't so interested in playing the be-bop riffs, that were popular at the time, as he was playing pretty tunes like Zing Goes the Strings to your Heart,
- Bien fait.
- Way to zing there, Officer.
Ha-ha! Taïaut! Bigredieu et bougradèle!
Ah, tally-ho, yippety-dip, and zing zang spillip.
Vous avez été nombreux à me demander des idées pour égayer vos amuse-gueule.
Many of you have written, asking how to zing up party appetizers.
Je pense à la forme au naturel.
I'm thinking natural zing.
C'est plus accrocheur.
Aah, this has more zing.
Il y a plus de vitalité.
Gives it a zing.
Avec vos Jeep, vos bonnes du Nicaragua et vos clubs de golf. Vous avez tout! A quoi servez-vous?
With your Jeep Grand Cherokees and your Nicaraguan maids and your Ping Zing golf clubs... every goddamn thing in the world handed to you.
Ne me dites pas que vous l'avez amenée du Maryland sans coup de jus.
Don't tell me you got her here from Maryland without a zing or two.
Les crapauds font les choses avec plus d'éclat... et plus d'entrain.
Us Toads do things with a bit more dash. A bit more zing.
Un instant, tu as deux bras, et le suivant - zing... doof!
One minute, you got two arms, and the next - zing... doof!
Ils font...
They go "waa-aa-aah zing."
Zing off!
"Zing, zing, zing went my heart strings- -" [Grunts] Thank you!

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