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Finally traduction Turc

68 traduction parallèle
- Finally, you get the feel of Greek culture.
İşte şimdi Yunan kültürünün havasına girmiş oldun.
- And I finally found something l've been looking for for a long, long time.
Nihayet çok çok uzun zamandır aradığım bir şeyi buldum.
Quand j'ai enfin réussi à faire marcher cette machine... elle avait beaucoup de pièces.
By the time I finally got this ol'momma to work, it had a lot of parts.
Et finalement, lorsqu'ils... ont quitté mon appartement pour aller fouiller mon bureau, à mon travail... j'ai pu conduire dans ma propre voiture.
So finally, when... they all shifted from my apartment to searching my office, actually at work... l got to drive down in my own car.
Maintenant je sais que ce dont j'ai rêvé est vrai
Finally, I knew Sonunda, anladım ki
Rip sous-titres : sebmov.
But my time is finally near
- But my time is finally near - Mais mon heure approche finalement
( Fakat sonunda benim zamanım geldi )
- But my time is finally near - Mais mon heure approche finalement
( Sonunda hayallerimin gerçekleştiğini göreceğim )
You've finally shown up!
Sonunda gelebilmişsin!
- But my time is finally near - Mais mon heure approche finalement
But my time is finally near.
* When they finally come, what ll you do to them? *
* Sonunda geldiklerinde, onlara ne yapacaksın?
I finally got out. I looked at the world to see in your eyes...
{ Dünyaya baktım, gözlerini görmek için... } { Hiç düşünmemiştim. }
- - " Tell more about that when sapesti gave'Love Buzz'on the radio and that while expecting guidavi that the mandassero and finally you have approached and you have called the station, you requested the song and you had to wait in machine that mandassero... because...?
Casey bana, nasıl onu'Love Buzz'ı çalarken duyduğunu anlattı ve geri dönüşte, sen'Love Buzz'un radyoda çıkmasını bekliyormuşsun sonunda kenara çekip Casey'i arayıp ondan şarkıyı çalmasını istemişsin ve arabada oturup, şarkının radyoda çıkmasını beklemişsin ;
Synchro : mpm, SilverArrow Adaptation : Koni, Sapotille, Finally, Poloneill et Tactactac
Çeviri :
Koni, Poloneill, Tactactac, Kenji Endô et Finally Relecture :
Çeviri :
Tactactac, Finally, Poloneill, Kenji Endô, Sapotille Relecture :
İyi seyirler.
Sapotille, Poloneill, Kenji Endô, Tactactac et Finally Relecture : Poloneill, mpm, loky
Çeviri :
Adaptation : Sapotille, Poloneill, Finally et mpm
İyi seyirler.
Fermez-vous yeux, tous les deux. On va faire un exercice de communication.
"What we had must finally end"
Kelidric, Finally, mpm Relecture / Resynchro : mpm
Koni, Sapotille, Poloneill Finally, Kenji Endô, Tactactac Relecture : Dududu, Poloneill, mpm
Çeviri :
Arrow et mpm Adaptation : Koni, Poloneill, Finally Tactactac, Sapotille et Kenji Endô
Çeviri :
Sous-titres : Allysiah, Finally, Korkoil, Tagne
Joe _ Le _ Taxi Ruthless
Dolphin888, Finally, H3AV3N, Jesshalliwell et Lucille.
- Bölüm 1 "Aşk"
Adaptation : DeX, Finally
Çeviren :
Finally et dex
Çeviren :
Pouhiou, Finally, Odonate, TacTacTac Relecture : Arrow
Bonofides b o n o f i d e s @ i n d i v x. n e t
Relecture : Finally, DuDuDu, Arrow
Alev Sezer Iyi seyirler sunar...
Relecture : Finally, DuDuDu, Arrow
Alev Sezer ( LexisOrAlv ) Skins Sezon 3 Bölüm 8 Iyi seyirler....
Collioure, dex, Sao, Arrow, mpm, Finally, Tactactac, Dududu, roomy
Bölüm Sarsıcı ve Baştan Çıkarıcı
Adaptation : mpm, Arrow, dex, Sao, roomy, raphelo2, Finally, Dududu.
Çeviri : Shagrathian İyi Seyirler
Raphelo2, Roomy, dex, Finally, Sao, nitrogenc, Dududu, Arrow, mpm
Shagrathian İyi Seyirler
Nemone, Finally, olaola, valpi,
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On fêtera peut-être l'accord dans ma bibliothèque présidentielle.
Perhaps I'll finally have a proper ceremony at my presidential library after this is all over.
J'ai attendu patiemment le moment de révéler cette information. Je retrouverai ma carrière politique, et je me rachèterai aux yeux de mon pays.
I waited patiently for the moment to divulge this intel in the hopes of resurrecting my political career and finally redeeming myself in the eyes of my country.
You see, I can be myself now finally
* En nihayet, davranabilirim kendim gibi *
And now I finally found someone
* Ve sonunda birini buldum *
Then finally someone will see how much I care
* O zaman biri görür, ne kadar önem verdiğimi sonunda *
Finally, baby
* Hayatım, en nihayetinde *
♪ Finally ♪ ♪ I can see you crystal clear ♪
* Çözdüm seni tamamıyla sonunda *
♪ And I finally have a reason why ♪
* Şimdi en nihayet ağlamak için bir sebebim var *
Sapotille, Tactactac, Finally et Poloneill Relecture :
İyi seyirler.
Koni, Poloneill, Finally, Sapotille, Kenji Endô
İyi seyirler.
Finally, Koni, mpm, Sapotille, Poloneill et Tactactac
İyi seyirler.
Sous-titres : Allysiah, Finally, Tagne
Yalanlar, içki ve hile dolu bir parti pakedi gibi.
Finally et Robot Relecture : mpm et Finally
Çeviren :
Sixe, ¤ AkaZab ¤, mpm, dapitch666, Mnk, Adaptation : dmbmh, Grenouille, Tactactac, Finally
Çeviri :
Adaptation : batto, Finally, tactactac Relecture :
Skins Sezon 3 Bölüm 6
Collioure, mpm, Arrow, Raphelo2, Koni, Sao, Roomy, Finally, Tactactac
Shagrathian İyi Seyirler
Sao, Raphelo2, Finally, Tactactac, Roomy, Arrow, dex, Collioure, mpm
Shagrathian uk22 İyi Seyirler
DeX, Finally, BrJk, mpm
Joe _ Le _ Taxi

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