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Helped traduction Turc

6 traduction parallèle
Me prendre pour Sammy m'a beaucoup aide pendant Ies batailles.
I was amazed how acting like Shaggy helped me during battle.
I must admit it helped a little bit to think of how you felt when you saw it
* İtiraf etmeliyim biraz iyi geldiğini * * Gördüğünde, düşündüm nasıl hissettiğini *
# I helped the blind to see #
# Körlerin görmesine yardım ettim #
Qui nous ont aidés, sous votre bénédiction.
Who have helped us with your blessing.
♪ Maybe the truth would ve helped up to now ♪
# Şimdi sana yardımcı olacak belki de gerçek #
Nous ont aidés.
* Helped us.

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